Is Franchise Ownership Right for You? 

A few words on what makes an ideal candidate for the entrepreneurial life!


Pop question – do you know how many people quit their jobs last year? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the final number was just shy of 70 million employees. More than half of these employees chose to quit voluntarily and were not terminated for cause. Guess there’s a reason they dubbed it the Great Resignation.

What’s really at work here is that two years of living under pandemic conditions led to millions of Americans reassessing their lives. And quite the fair share of them decided to go the entrepreneurial route and follow through on their dreams of owning a business of their own. Essentially, there are three ways to go into business for yourself. You can buy an existing business, start completely from scratch, or choose to franchise – which has proven advantages over the first two choices.

If you’ve ever wondered if franchise ownership is right for you, let’s look at a few factors that make an ideal candidate for taking this entrepreneurial path.

An Entrepreneurial Mindset

First and foremost, franchise candidates must have an entrepreneurial mindset. Some have always wanted to own a business of their own, eventually. Others choose this path because they’ve been downsized one too many times in Corporate America. Great franchise ownership candidates are go-getters, people that recognize opportunities and know how to effect change and make things happen.

Rules Oriented

If you’re big into rules and regulations, franchising will feel like a comfortable fit. Because franchise brands rely on following a proven business model, good candidates will know how to stick to the script. Franchising is a fit for many people – but it’s not for rebels or mavericks looking to do things their own way. Franchising is a team sport all the way.

Passionate, Yet Coachable

Good franchise ownership candidates bring passion to their work. Many of our current Any Lab Test Now franchise owners have a real passion and concern for helping others – which is what makes our retail lab testing offering so satisfying for them. At the same time, these candidates and owners are always coachable – willing to listen to constructive criticism, dust themselves off, and continue becoming better business owners.

If you see any or all of the traits listed above, perhaps you should consider franchising with Any Lab Test Now. Retail lab testing is becoming a booming business opportunity – thanks in part to the sharp rise in healthcare consumerism. Healthcare consumerism is a trending topic in the industry, as it empowers customers to take charge of their own healthcare decisions – of which lab testing plays a big part. For further convincing, take a look at any of our client journey testimonials such as Michelle Schlotter, franchise owner in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Any Lab Test Now franchises are an essential business opportunity. With our business model focused on the customer experience, our brand is leading the market for retail-based lab testing with over 200 nationwide locations. If you think franchise ownership is right for you and you’d like to partner with the nation’s No. 1 retail lab testing franchise, reach out to the Any Lab Test Now franchise development team to review our business model. Simply fill out this brief form and our reps will be in touch shortly.