There is always something to talk about and share within the communities served by ANY LAB TEST NOW®.   This is why corporate-driven public relations are a proactive part of our  marketing support program.

When health-related issues arise, it is important to communicate how our retail lab testing services may be a part of a solution.  In turn, it fulfills our purpose of helping people know there  are potential answers that they have access to on their own.  Consumer empowerment is many times key to  financial, emotional and physical health; therefore, sharing our expertise is an important part of that process



Recent news stories include:

And, our marketing team doesn’t just leave you to wing the interview.  We are connected to former journalists within our PR agency that not only pitch the stories to local news stations, they also coach you on talk points, branding and how to engage on camera.

Are your ready for your appearance?  Start the franchise process with us!