5 Reasons You Might Need a Paternity Test

Thanks to salacious television talk shows, the phrase “Who’s your daddy?” has become something of a joke. But for many people, determining paternity is a serious matter. While many people get a paternity test for peace of mind, there are several other reasons why someone might seek out this type of testing.

Here are five reasons that might cause you to require a paternity test.


Paternity tests play an important part in child custody cases, especially when the father wants to obtain the right to see the child. This usually happens when the mother believes the man is not the father of her child and she does not want to allow him to have visitation with the child.

If you recall, model Anna Nicole Smith was forced to submit to a DNA test by a former boyfriend, Larry Birkhead, to determine the paternity of her daughter even though she registered another man’s name as the child’s father on the birth certificate. The daughter turned out to be Birkhead’s child. He was ultimately granted full custody of the child due to Smith’s sudden death in 2007.

Child Support

A U.S. Census report estimates that just 43.5 percent of custodial parents get the full amount of support they’re entitled to. And more than 30 percent don’t receive anything at all. In many cases, it is because the male denies he is the biological father of the child or children that are to be supported.

A paternity test can ordered by a judge to hold these fathers accountable for the financial well-being of their children. It can also be used to help men avoid paying child support for children that turn out NOT to be their biological offspring.

Inheritance Rights

After someone dies and it is time to settle the estate, a paternity test can help determine the true and legal heirs. DNA testing can be useful in estate disputes involving estranged family members, such as when a wealthy individual dies without a will and an alleged child comes along to claim the inheritance. There have been many famous cases where the inheritance rights were in dispute, including soul singer James Brown, and even Elvis Presley, who was rumored to have fathered at least seven illegitimate children who required DNA testing to disprove their claims to his $250 million estate.

Benefits Rights

Like inheritance rights, sometimes heirs are entitled to other benefits such as social security or life insurance payouts. Occasionally, heirs will need to provide proof of paternity to be considered a legal beneficiary.

Citizenship Eligibility

When birth certificates or other forms of documentation are not available, DNA paternity testing can help prove a familial relationship in immigration cases. This is helpful when a child is born outside of the United States to an American citizen and a foreign national. If the child is proven to be related to the American, they would be eligible for citizenship.

Paternity Test Process

In many of these cases, you will need test results that will hold up in court. Any Lab Test Now® offers several types of paternity tests, including one that is eligible for use in legal disputes. Home tests and tests labeled “informational” will not be admissible in court.

Testing is simple. One of our highly skilled lab technicians will collect skin cell samples via a soft swab rubbed on the inside cheeks of the mouth to obtain DNA from the child and the alleged father. A sample from the mother is not required but can be useful. Test results are typically available within three to five business days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you perform a paternity test if the alleged father is deceased?

Yes, depending on the type of specimen available, or members of the family within the paternal line that are willing to participate in a DNA test.

Can you get a paternity test before the baby is born?

Yes. ANY LAB TEST NOW® offers a prenatal paternity test with no risk to the baby. It involves a simple blood draw from both the mother and alleged father.

The alleged father lives in a different state than the mother/child. Can you do the test even if he doesn’t live here?

Yes. We have over 220 locations nationwide and are able to easily facilitate specimen collections in other parts of the country.

Still have questions? Click here for more Q&A.

Be at Ease

Any Lab Test Now wants you to be at ease when it comes to seeking out any type of lab work, including determining paternity. Your privacy is our priority. We ensure that all tests are conducted in a secure and private environment. You will own your results and can use or share them at your discretion.

Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.

Specialty Tests

When you think about getting lab testing done, most people think about blood draws for screening or diagnosis of certain health conditions. However, there are a number of specialty tests we supply at Any Lab Test Now® that not only provide solutions that can improve your health but also tests that provide answers to other life situations. They involve examining deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA.

What is DNA?

The Cleveland Clinic says DNA is the genetic material found in every cell, serving as the body’s instruction manual. This manual is written in a code composed of four chemical bases. These bases combine in specific sequences to form “words” in the manual. DNA consistently duplicates itself using these sequences. Of the estimated 3 billion bases in a human body, approximately 99% are identical across individuals, while the unique 1% differentiates each person. It’s that 1% that is studied to reveal important information, essentially your operating manual as described by the National Institutes of Health’s Human Genome Project.

Infidelity Testing

It’s that same 1% that we look at to better examine your specific make-up. Here’s where the science is utilized. At Any Lab Test Now®, we provide a number of specialty tests involving DNA that can answer questions or concerns you may have about a myriad of issues, including whether or not your partner is cheating on you, an issue that many people face within a relationship. In fact, based on recent data, statistics show that men continue to cheat in monogamous relationships more than women. Information from the General Social Survey reveals that 20% of married men and 13% of married women confess to infidelity. While women’s infidelity rates have surged by 40% over the past two decades, among married adults aged 18 to 29, women slightly surpass men in infidelity. However, for those 30 and older, men remain more prone to cheating.

If you suspect your spouse or significant other has been cheating on you, the DNA DETECTION test can be used to determine infidelity. Although the test results are not admissible in court, the Infidelity DNA Test answers any questions or concerns you may have about a possible cheating spouse or significant other. You will know the truth, allowing you to make an educated next-step decision in your relationship.

Another available test to you is the SEMEN DETECTION analysis performed on an item submitted when it is suspected the item may contain seminal fluid and/or sperm. Perhaps the most well-known instance of suspected infidelity involved former U.S. President Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky. In this case, according to the Washington Post, FBI DNA tests concluded that the genetic markers of a semen stain found on Monica Lewinsky’s navy blue dress matched President Clinton’s DNA. Much like the dress in question, the DNA analysis done at Any Lab Test Now® identifies the presence of semen or sperm from a stain or biological material on specific items, such as linens, undergarments, tissues, sanitary pads, and other types of clothing.

Specialty Tests for Your Health

In another instance, the testing we provide can offer some health solutions. Let’s say you’re trying to manage your weight, but certain diet plans are just not working, and the scale isn’t budging. Using an Any Lab Test Now® specialty test like the HEALTHY WEIGHT DNA TEST, your DNA will reveal your best nutrition and fitness plan so your weight management goals can be achieved. This is a science-backed weight-management program tailored to your unique genetic composition. After taking the test, you’ll receive customized nutrition and fitness advice within weeks. Instead of a generic approach, our lab assesses your DNA, focusing on genetic markers linked to weight, metabolism, and body type. Your personalized report, derived from your DNA results, offers specific guidance to craft a weight-management regimen for optimal outcomes, ensuring a more tailored solution than traditional diet books or meal plans. This strategy, rooted in your genetics, paves the way for tangible results.

Providing Answers About Medications

Pharmacogenomics, orPGx, studies how your genetic makeup, inherited from your parents, impacts your response to various medications, both prescription and over-the-counter. These genes are the body’s foundational units, instructing the creation of proteins that determine physical traits, such as hair and eye color, while others code for RNA with varied functions. Inherited from both parents, one gene from each, they replicate until they sufficiently populate your genetic instruction manual. The human body contains an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 genes.

Depending on your genetics, medications might vary in effectiveness and side effects. Such insights enable personalized medication choices for current and future needs. We’ve got a couple of tests providing this insightful information. The PAIN PGX PANEL allows us to determine how you might respond to certain pain medications based on your genetic makeup. It analyzes different genes associated with specific medications that are commonly prescribed in pain management. This pharmacogenetic testing is most useful before beginning a medication, if it seems ineffective, or if you’re experiencing side effects. This non-invasive and efficient test reduces the likelihood of adverse drug reactions, which, per the CDC, account for over 1 million emergency visits annually. The risk of these reactions rises with multiple medications. By enhancing medication adherence and informing healthcare providers, pharmacogenetic testing ultimately elevates patient outcomes.

The same concepts apply to our ADDICTION PGX PANEL. This panel analyzes genes associated with specific medications that are commonly prescribed to treat disorders related to addiction.

Any Lab Test Now® is Your Partner in Health

Keep in mind that we understand that tests we describe involving DNA reveal highly personal information. We provide the utmost care and discretion with these matters; we adhere to strict HIPAA regulations and maintain a judgment-free zone. We provide the lab testing; you own the results and can use them as you choose. You can also set up testing anonymously because we understand the sensitive nature of these issues.

Our service is about providing answers. Any Lab Test Now®is a lab testing center providing tangible results. Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.

Learn About Your Ancestry

If you’ve ever wanted to dig deeper into your family tree or ancestry, no doubt you’ve heard about companies that do genetic testing. The data obtained by these tests can provide information about ancestral roots. According to a recent publication by the National Institutes of Health, estimates indicate that about 26 million people throughout the world have utilized those testing kits to learn more about their geographic origins.  

Privacy Breach 

Problem is that the results from these direct-to-consumer kits may not be private or protected. In fact, in recent years, news agencies have reported on concerns regarding these ancestry companies selling or sharing the data they collected with law enforcement or third parties. Yahoo! News even reports that several years ago the U.S. Defense Department warned members of the military not to participate in the DNA testing kits for fear of operational risk to service members.  

A Safer Option 

You don’t have to worry about a breach of your privacy at Any Lab Test Now®. We adhere to strict HIPAA regulations and compliance, so any testing you have done with us remains private; and is therefore a more secure way to have your ancestry tested, knowing only you receive the results and can choose how to use them. 

So, what exactly do these tests tell you? When we do a cheek swab on you, our lab looks at DNA variants. At Any Lab Test Now®, we look at ancestral relationships by analyzing genetic code tied to particular regions of the world. When you receive results, it will show that your ancestors came from a certain part of the world.  

DNA Ancestry Testing 

Specifically, the GPS ORIGINS ANCESTRY TEST (Geographic Population Structure) will test for your story of human migration, your genetic origin percentages and history, and your ancestral migration routes and stories, all in digital form. We analyze more than 800,000 autosomal markers from your DNA to pinpoint your origins. It identifies when and where your DNA formed by matching the populations that came together to create a genetic line that eventually leads to you. 

The GPS Origins™ test then traces the migration route of your DNA back to where it originated and dates the age of your DNA signature. It does that for both your maternal and paternal lineages, indicating where your DNA began. Your results are detailed in a report that reveals your ancestral origins. 

This is a very popular test as many people are trying to determine the accuracy of what is written in their family history. You might want to have this test done for informational purposes to share with your family members as a conversation piece or at a family reunion. 

Any Lab Test Now® Provides the Answers You’re Looking For 

Whether testing for informational purposes like our ancestry test or you want a screening or diagnostic test done, Any Lab Test Now® empowers you — allowing you to be in control of your health and decisions about your health. You do not have to visit your provider before coming to Any Lab Test Now®, our doctors can order the tests for you. Plus, you don’t need insurance to take advantage of our affordable lab testing. Best of all, the results belong to you. When it comes to matters involving your health, we strongly encourage you to have a conversation with your provider about the results. If you do not have a primary care physician, Any Lab Test Now® has partnered with DialCare. This service helps you find a provider licensed in your state to discuss results and any further testing or changes you may need to make to achieve your health goals.  

Any Lab Test Now® is Your Resource  

Any Lab Test Now® provides thousands of tests available to you as our commitment to being your partner in health. We are here to help you and your family achieve your health and wellness goals or get answers to matters involving your ancestry. Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you during our convenient hours. 

Relationship DNA Tests

A trend that’s been gaining popularity is DNA testing for genetic purposes. In fact, it’s so prevalent that, according to Statista, this is a $340 million industry. DNA testing gives you the ability to get genetic analysis for any number of reasons, including ancestry, ethnic heritage, or family relationships.

Buyer Beware

You may have heard of private companies like 23andMe or AncestryDNA that do genetic screenings to determine what part of the world your family is from by utilizing a customer’s voluntary collection. However, these tests are under scrutiny because participation with them may pose privacy risks.

Your Privacy Matters

Having genetic testing done at a private testing facility like Any Lab Test Now® ensures confidentiality and discreetness with medical professionals. We do not share your information; we know these are personal matters. You own the test results and may proceed with them according to your needs. Plus, having testing done at Any Lab Test Now® allows you to use your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

How Testing is Done

A DNA test at Any Lab Test Now® is a swab test done comparing samples to determine relationships. The lab can use algorithms to discover the possibility or probability of how people may be related at a certain level. There are any number of reasons that people get this testing done, but typically it’s for legal purposes, for example:

  • Immigration — in cases where documentation is limited, if there is any doubt, go with the DNA.
  • Custody agreements
  • Paternity for child support
  • Relationship proof for military benefits
  • Determining true tax dependents
  • Inheritance eligibility
  • Genetic origins

There are a number of reliable tests provided at Any Lab Test Now®. It’s important to note that we offer both “informational” tests and “legal” tests for the probability of a relationship. The difference between the two types of tests is that if you need to use the results for legal purposes, the “legal” test ensures that results will stand up in a court of law.

Relationship DNA Testing at Any Lab Test Now®.

First are our maternity and paternity tests. These are tests used when a person is attempting to seek or deny child support, child custody, or visitation; seek medical, social security, or military benefits; add or remove a name from the child’s birth certificate and/or Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity; immigration; and adoption.

  1. MATERNITY LEGAL this test compares the DNA of a child to the DNA of an Alleged Mother to determine the probability of maternity. This Chain of Custody DNA Maternity Test is legally admissible. It gives you an accurate determination (with an average probability of maternity of 99.9%) of who the child’s biological mother is.
  2. MATERNITY INFORMATIONAL A Maternity DNA Test compares the DNA of a child to the DNA of an Alleged Mother to determine the probability of maternity. This is not a legally formal test but informational only.
  3. PATERNITY LEGAL This test compares the DNA of a child to the DNA of an Alleged Father, and preferably the child’s mother, to determine the probability of paternity. It is legally admissible. The Chain of Custody DNA Paternity Test gives you an accurate determination (with an average probability of paternity of 99.9%) of who the child’s biological father is.
  4. PATERNITY INFORMATIONAL (NON-LEGAL) A Paternity DNA Test compares the DNA between an Alleged Father and one child. We prefer the child’s mother’s participation in the Paternity DNA Test since she contributed 50% of her DNA to the child. Informational Paternity Test results cannot be used for any type of legal purpose, such as adding or removing a father’s name from the child’s birth certificate, child support, visitation, or other types of verified situations. Instead, it may provide the answers you were seeking.
  5. GRANDPARENTAGE LEGAL A Grandpaternity DNA Test, also called a Grandparentage Test, compares the DNA from a child to his or her biological mother, as well as at least one biological paternal grandparent.  Since the alleged father inherited 1/2 of his DNA from his mother (grandmother) and 1/2 of his DNA from his father (grandfather), it is always preferable to include both biological grandparents in this type of DNA family relationship test. This is also legally admissible. With a DNA Grandpaternity Test, also known as a Grandparentage or Missing Parent Test, you can determine if a child is your biological grandchild or not. This test is an indirect way to determine a family relationship and is very useful when an alleged father is not available or unwilling to participate in a paternity test.
  6. GRANDPARENTAGE INFORMATIONAL (NON-LEGAL) A Grandpaternity DNA Test, also called a Grandparentage Test, is conducted in the same manner and is an indirect way to determine a family relationship. It is very useful when an alleged father is not available or unwilling to participate in a paternity test.
  1. GPS ORIGINS ANCESTRY TEST GPS (Geographic Population Structure) Origins will test for your story of human migration, your genetic origin percentages and history, and your ancestral migration routes and stories, all in digital form.

Any Lab Test Now® is Your Resource for Improved Health

We have innovative testing designed to make your life easier. Whether you are interested in DNA testing for information or legal purposes, you can count on Any Lab Test Now® to provide a safe, confidential process to serve your needs. Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.

DNA Testing Benefits at Any Lab Test Now

Scientific research is an amazing thing. The intricacies and complexities of a research lab can translate to improved medicine for all of us. One such example is the Human Genome Project. This is most likely a term you’ve heard — but you may not know how it affects you.

The project started in 1990 and was completed in 2003. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an international group of researchers was able to look at DNA and map out a human blueprint. The results? Our doctors now have a better understanding of certain diseases and how they can best be treated.

Cutting-Edge Pharmacogenetics Testing

This project has led to what the CDC calls precision medicine or pharmacogenetics — the study of how a person’s genes affect their response to certain medications. The goal of pharmacogenetics is to make your life better. Through pharmacogenetics testing, results show your provider which drugs and doses will be best suited to treat you for a myriad of conditions.

Drugs work with the body in several ways depending on how they are taken and where they act in your body. Think about something as simple as an over-the-counter pain reliever due to a headache, for example. Once you ingest the tablets, the body breaks them down with enzymes and then remarkably knows how to send that drug to your head to clear up the headache. It’s your DNA that affects the process and your body’s response.

Real Results to Improve Your Health

DNA testing can be a valuable tool to determine how you respond to drugs. If you think about the possibilities, genetic testing for medications can determine whether you may have a bad reaction to a drug or if a specific drug won’t be effective for you. This is a vital and helpful tool to know if a certain drug will be safe or beneficial to your wellness. It helps your provider prescribe medications tailored to work best based on your genetic makeup.

Advanced Testing at Any Lab Test Now®

That’s where Any Lab Test Now® comes in. We provide innovative ways to manage your health through comprehensive testing. We have a complete pharmacogenetic analysis at your disposal. The COMPREHENSIVE PGX PANEL tests for 50 different variations on 14 different genes and reports the effects an individual’s genotype may have on the response to over 200 commonly prescribed medications. This test uses the DNA collected from the buccal swabs to test a wide variety of genes that have been identified as having a significant clinical impact. Results are typically available within 5-7 days.

How This Helps Mental Health

So why take this test? Remember, results will help your provider know what meds work best for you and the dosing amounts. Think about how significant this is for anyone who is prescribed anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medications. Rather than providers taking a shot in the dark making you, the patient, go through weeks and months of trial and error — pharmacogenetics analysis eliminates the guessing game, as your provider will have advance knowledge of which prescription helps your condition with little or no side effects. Start feeling better, faster.

Prescribing Customized Anti-Depressants

The same is true when determining what prescription pain medication will be safest and most effective for you. The National Institutes of Health released a study on Genetic Testing for Opioid Pain Management. Chronic pain is one of the top issues patients discuss with their physicians. CYP2D6 is responsible for the metabolism of most of the commonly prescribed opiate medications like codeine, tramadol, hydrocodone, and oxycodone. Patients are classified by their genetic ability to metabolize a medication.

Cardiac Care Without Second Guessing

Pharmacogenetics testing can also advise physicians about the best medication per specific patient when it comes to cardiovascular disease. The NIH studied the use of DNA testing with medications involving blood thinners, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

Testing that Works for You

Any Lab Test Now® is your partner as you try to maintain health and wellness for you and your family. Whether it’s DNA testing or any of the thousands of tests we provide, remember, you can walk in for same-day testing during work-friendly hours.

How to Handle Your Test Results

The lab tests we provide are confidential, affordable, and convenient. You own the results, and you choose how to proceed with them. However, we encourage you to consult with a provider for further details to make the best decisions about your health. If you do not have a primary care physician, Any Lab Test Now® has partnered with Dial Care. This service can help you find a provider licensed in your state.

Any Lab Test Now® is Your Partner in Health

Great innovations in medicine, like pharmacogenetics testing, give you options in healthcare. This testing is available at Any Lab Test Now®. We are here to provide the tests you need to get answers to your health concerns and foster optimum wellness. Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.

The Need to Know on DNA Testing

Thanks to a surge in the sales of pregnancy tests, couples could soon be asking an important question. Who’s the father? An estimated 300,000 paternity tests are performed in the United States every year. Thanks to improved testing and technology, men and women no longer need to leave the paternity of a child in question. DNA tests provide simplified answers to the fatherhood question.

Check out the facts:

  • Three percent of all fathers in the U.S. have no idea that a child they believe is their own is not their biological child. 
  • About one in three men who take a paternity test will discover they are not the biological father.
  • DNA tests, like those offered at Any Lab Test Now®, are 99.999 percent accurate.

Legally Admissible DNA Paternity Test

There are two kinds of paternity tests. The first is the legal forensic test, ordered by courts for child support and custody cases. One reason a court might order a DNA test is to rule out paternity fraud. This is when a woman intentionally leads a man into thinking that he is the father of her child, when in fact, she knows that he is not. Any Lab Test Now offers a Legally Admissible DNA Paternity Test. This test is required when a person attempts to seek or deny child support, child custody, or visitation; seek medical, social security. Or even receive military benefits; add or remove a name from the child’s birth certificate and/or voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, immigration, and adoption.

Informational Paternity

The second type of paternity testing is considered informational and cannot be used for a legal purpose. The Informational Paternity Test is discretionary and used for peace of mind. 


How Paternity Testing Works

The process is very simple and easy. For a Legally-Admissible Paternity Test, the father and child must come to the testing site in person. An Any Lab Test Now technician collects skin cells from the child and the alleged father from the inside of the mouth using a soft swab. The DNA of the potential father is analyzed to determine the probability that his genetic markers are found in the child. Test results are available in an average of three to five business days after specimens are collected from all tested parties.

For an Informational Paternity Test, participants have the option of in-person sampling or a home collection kit that can either be picked up at the lab location or purchased online. Once the kit arrives at your home, you can collect the samples yourself and ship them back to Any Lab Test Now for testing. 

Did You Know?

If the alleged father is deceased, Any Lab Test Now may still be able to help determine paternity. It will depend on the type of sample available or members of the alleged father’s bloodline who are willing to participate. This avenue is a blood sample that may have been collected by a medical examiner if an autopsy was performed. If no such samples are available, a specimen from a family member close to the alleged father, such as a biological brother, would also work.

Any Lab Test Now even offers an option for grandparents to help determine paternity with its Grandparentage test. This test is an indirect way to determine a family relationship and is very useful when an alleged father is unavailable or unwilling to participate in a paternity test.

Check out our FAQ page for answers to many frequently asked paternity questions.

DNA Testing is Easy 

Don’t let questions of genetic relationships remain unanswered. With Any Lab Test Now, you can rest easy knowing you’ve taken the proper paternity test for your needs. Your confidential results will be shared with you in a timely manner. 

Any Lab Test Now provides you with a safe and clean alternative location for lab work, including paternity testing. Each of our 190+ stores is sanitized several times a day, in accordance with the CDC’s protocols. Book an appointment online, or walk into an Any Lab Test Now location near you to find the answers to your paternity questions and ensure your child has a healthy future.


DNA Testing Explodes In Popularity

Ancestry DNA testing was a huge seller this past Christmas, with more and more people buying into figuring out their most basic life question: who am I? Any Lab Test Now is happy to offer a wide range of DNA testing services, including ancestry, but we take it a step further… providing more information and more detail than any other consumer DNA test available.

Any Lab Test Now offers the GPS Origins Ancestry Test. The GPS Origins test is more than just percentages. It offers a deeper dive into your unique human history. The GPS Origins Ancestry Test will test for your story of human migration, your genetic origin percentages and history, and your ancestral migration routes — all in convenient digital form.

How it all works

For something that provides such complex and detailed information, taking the GPS Origins Ancestry Test is rather simple; all you do is swab your cheek to collect your DNA, return it to us, and we’ll do the rest of the work! You don’t have to fast, and you can rest easy knowing that your information (and your privacy!) will remain confidential, unless you want to share it!

The hunt for your heritage

The science behind the GPS Origins Ancestry Test is what makes it different from other consumer ancestry tests. It’s simply the most advanced autosomal test, and it is so targeted it may even indicate down to the town or village where groups of your ancestors met, building a vibrant picture of the migration journeys that formed your genealogical heritage. Any Lab Test Now uses your DNA sample to test more than 80,000 unique genetic markers. We then cross check that information across dozens of gene pools and more than a thousand reference populations to create a detailed report about where your family originated and how it migrated around the world to where YOU are today.

Your journey of self-discovery

You’ll receive maternal and paternal migration routes and more specific information rather than just broad estimates of ethnicity. GPS Origins even provides detailed stories that might help explain DNA mixture events, such as wars, famines, and migrations. The GPS Origins Ancestry Test can be a great beginning to understanding your family history or help you fill in gaps in existing history.

Get to know your family’s ancestral origins with the GPS Origins Ancestry Test, available at Any Lab Test Now. You don’t have to make an appointment — you can walk in to any one of our convenient locations and ask for the test. A quick visit to your local Any Lab Test Now is your first step in your journey of self-discovery.

Know Your Origins

Are you especially curious about your family history? Do you find yourself eager to learn more about the origins of your family beyond faded photos and inspiring stories told by relatives? Want a key to the past, unlocking the dust-covered history and creating a deeper connection to your lineage? If so, the GPS Origins™ test offered at Any Lab Test Now locations is the perfect solution for all your ancestry questions.


GPS (Geographic Population Structure) Origins testing takes ancestral mapping to the next level, providing insightful information that dates back 1,000 years. The GPS Origins test provides precise information regarding your human migration pattern as well as your genetic origin percentages. Perhaps your gene pool is heavily populated in Basque country or southern France. Or you may discover significant ties to western Siberia or Fenno-Scandinavia.

The GPS Origins test shows particular geographic regions where your autosomal markers occur most frequently, shedding light on the migration routes of your ancestors. From Latvia to Denmark, and all the way to the tiny fishing village in Ireland, the GPS Origins test showcases the likely pattern your ancestors took over time.

The GPS Origins test is conducted with a quick and simple mouth swab of the inner cheek. By analyzing over 800,000 genetic markers in your DNA, the test is able to pinpoint your family origins, matching the populations that joined to create your genetic line. The test then traces the migration routes of your DNA, for both maternal and paternal lineages, painting a picture of your ancestors’ footsteps.

Your results are revealed in a convenient digital report that is easy to understand and great to share with the whole family. If you, like many others, are at all curious about your ancestral history, the GPS Origins test will help uncover your past. You may already have some written record of distant ancestors who originated from Scotland or France, but most family history prior to the late 1800s was not recorded in written form. The GPS Origins test offers deeper insight, revealing information that connects you to generations past.

Learning your own family history is a crucial element in understanding exactly who you are. It helps you shape your future, establishes a greater sense of identity, and invokes an appreciation for your cultural heritage. Confirm something you’ve always wondered or discover something you never knew. Want to know if your great-grandmother was right about distant Native American ancestors? The GPS Origins test helps answer these questions and more!

Deeper connection and understanding of your family and all its history, visit an Any Lab Test Now location to receive a GPS Origins test. It makes a great conversation piece and an even better gift.





Give the Gift of Family History with a DNA Test

Every holiday season, there’s always that one person who is nearly impossible to find a gift for. Instead of gifting a frivolous trinket, give the gift of family history. At Any Lab Test Now, you can have access to a variety of DNA tests that will give you and your loved one a deeper insight into your family tree.

Geographic Population Structure (GPS) Origins Test

The GPS Origins test is a very popular DNA test and a great gift for the holidays. Tracing back the family tree and learning more about your family’s history has become a popular pastime for many history buffs, and the GPS origins test is a great way to learn more about your roots.

The GPS Origins Test carefully analyzes over 800,000 autosomal markers from your DNA in order to pinpoint your family’s origins. From the results, you can learn more about your genetic origin percentages and history. You can also see how your DNA matches various populations that ultimately came together to form you.

Next, the GPS Origins Test traces your migration route back to where it originated and dates the age of your DNA signature on both your maternal and paternal sides. Your results will be delivered in an easy-to-understand, detailed report.

The test is simple, painless and can be collected from an oral sample. This holiday season, let the GPS Origins Test help bring light to you family’s history.

DNA Lineage Tests

Another insightful test is the DNA Lineage Test. There are a few variations when it comes to this specific test: Y-STR (Y Chromosome) DNA Lineage Test, Mitochondrial (MtDNA) DNA Lineage Test and Dual DNA Lineage Test for Men. Each variation analyzes a different aspect of the DNA.

The Y-STR (Y Chromosome) DNA Lineage test is only available to men, as it requires the analysis a Y chromosome, which is only found in males. This test looks into the paternal lineage by examining the DNA found in the Y chromosome. That information, passed down from father to child, remains relatively unchanged for generations. That data can provide unique insight into. what family members are related through a common paternal ancestor.

If you prefer to take a deep dive into the maternal lineage, the Mitochondrial (MtDNA) DNA Lineage Test may be the DNA test for you. This test delves into the mitochondria, which is passed down from mother to child and remains relatively unchanged through several generations. Through this test, you can find out which individuals are related to you through a common maternal ancestor

The final test DNA test option is the Dual DNA lineage Test for Men. This combines the Y-STR and MtDNA tests and provides a more comprehensive insight to both parental lineages. By analyzing both parents, you’ll get a more thorough understanding of which family members you share a maternal or paternal ancestor with.

To understand who you are today, many find it’s important to understand where they came from. For that history-loving, unmaterialistic friend or family member, consider giving the gift of their family tree. For more information on these DNA tests, visit AnyLabTestNow.com.

Wonder Where You Came From? Any Lab Test Now Can Help You Learn!

Knowing your family’s history is empowering and now Any Lab Test Now has an exciting test designed to give you an in-depth look into your family’s journey over time. The Geographic Population Structure (GPS) Origins™ Test is specifically designed to tell for your migration story. You’ll learn all about your ancestors and how you came to be. If you have a passion for history or just want to learn more about your origins, this is the test for you.

How does it work?

The GPS Origins Test determines your genetic origin by analyzing more than 800,000 autosomal markers found in your DNA. The test sorts through the autosomal markers and identifies when and where your DNA was formed through comparison of different populations’ genetic lines. After the comparison, the GPS Origins test traces the migration route of your specific DNA back to its birthplace and from there is able to date your genes. The GPS Origins Test does a thorough analysis of your DNA by taking history on both the maternal and paternal sides of your family into account. Your results will be presented in a detailed report that reveal your unique ancestral origins.

What makes the GPS Origins Test different from other DNA tests?

The GPS Origins test is unique in that it is often able to narrow your ancestors’ geographic location down to specific a specific town or village. Most DNA tests are only able to give you generalized results with very few specific details on your family’s history. The average genetic testing procedure offers sweeping results at the continental level, unable to provide even the country from which your ancestors originated.

What would I gain by taking the GPS Origins Test?

The GPS Origins test is so much more than just knowing where you started; it’s learning about your ancestors’ journeys over the past 1,000 years and how those relate to your personal history. It’s a thorough and comprehensive analysis of your genetic line that’s perfect for anyone interested in learning more about their genealogy.

Whether you’re seeking a unique gift for the history buff in your life, or you simply want to better understand your own roots, the GPS Origins Test can help. Unravel your history at Any Lab Test Now today!