It’s November, so it’s Diabetes Awareness Month!

Diabetes has a real effect on daily life for those who have it and most people don’t understand how much of an impact it really has. According to the American Diabetes Association diabetes causes more deaths a year than breast cancer and AIDS combined.  That’s mind-blowing and heart breaking. Becoming aware of what this disease entails is the first step in understanding what you can do to help. Check out some other myths & facts like this one that the ADA has compiled to educate you and your family about how diabetes seems, and how it really is here.

As of 2013, $245 billion is spent on diagnosed diabetes in the United States. $176 billion is spent for direct medical costs and $69 billion in reduced productivity. That’s A LOT of money! ANY LAB TEST NOW® can help trim those costs down by offering an alternative to expensive doctor’s visits for monitoring diabetes. Our Diabetes Maintenance Panel will help you and your physician monitor your glucose levels and/or adjust your diabetic medications accordingly. Glucose (Serum), Hemoglobin A1c, Microalbumin, and Lipid Panel tests are some of the ways we can help you. Take Control of Your Health® and visit an ANY LAB TEST NOW® near you!

November 14th is National Diabetes Awareness Day.

Challenge: Take some time to sit with your family on that day (over a healthy meal, perhaps) and talk diabetes.