Cut back on stress and anxiety this year by opting to celebrate your life and make health a top priority.

The first week of January marks Celebrate Your Life Week, which started as a special day to pay tribute to children; but has evolved into a celebration for people of all ages. Many people honor this special week by making New Year’s resolutions and setting goals. January is typically the time when people plan to eat less, work out more and hopefully live a healthier life. For an increasing number of Americans, tackling anxiety is being added to their list of resolutions. Anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety. Approximately 40 million adults, or 18.1 percent of the U.S. population, are diagnosed with anxiety disorders every year. Two of the top causes of anxiety are our finances and our health, WebMD reported.

ANY LAB TEST NOW can help you reduce anxiety this year by offering low-cost medical testing to ease your health concerns without putting a dent in your finances. Visit any of the more than 180 ANY LAB TEST NOW locations to get an Annual Check-Up Panel this month to start the year off right and fend off worries about your health.

The Annual Check-Up Panel

The Annual Check-Up Panel at ANY LAB TEST NOW consists of five tests that are typically ordered by a physician during your yearly physical exam.

Blood count. Measures red and white blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets to ensure they are in the healthy range. This test can detect a wide array of problems, including anemia, infection and leukemia, MayoClinic reports.

Kidney function. The kidney filters blood, removes waste and balances electrolytes. Monitoring kidney function can prevent kidney stones and other more serious problems.

Liver function. Damage to your largest organ can be easily reversed if you catch it in time.

Electrolytes. Electrolytes keep the body hydrated. Proper hydration ensures the body’s internal organs function at an optimum level, according to MedlinePlus, a service of the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library.

Total cholesterol. High cholesterol is one of the leading causes of coronary heart disease. Knowing your levels can help you take steps to ensure heart health.

Thyroid function. Thyroid imbalances are particularly common in women and can be the source of fatigue and weight gain. Your doctor can prescribe a simple pill to get your thyroid back on track.

Health Anxiety on the Rise

Health anxiety, or hypochondria, can put a damper on your quality of life. Worries you may be sick can impact your work, family and mental health. More than two-thirds of Americans are anxious about their health, according to a poll released last year by the American Psychiatric Association. Online searches of health concerns are also helping fuel anxiety. Taking proactive steps to improve your health can ease fears and put an end to niggling feelings of worry about a particular ache or pain. Knowing the results of your tests allows you to work with your physician to make educated decisions on your health.

You do not need an appointment to take advantage of ANY LAB TEST NOW’s affordable lab testing. Patients can walk into any ANY LAB TEST NOW location for testing and have test results mailed or faxed to them. The results, which can also be picked up at their testing location, are in an easy‐to‐read format that clearly states if the test is within the normal range. ANY LAB TEST NOW encourages patients to share any abnormal results with their doctor.

Make Changes to Reduce Anxiety

Getting an Annual Check-Up Panel at ANY LAB TEST NOW is not the only step you can take to kick your anxiety to the curb. Luckily, your New Year’s resolutions to eat well and exercise will go a long way to helping reduce anxiety, ADDA reports. In addition to exercise and a diet of whole foods, there are other steps people can take to calm concerns.

  • Practice relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga.
  • Go to bed earlier. Getting enough sleep can reduce anxiety.
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol can aggravate anxiety and put people on edge.
  • Find a hobby. Finding a special activity you enjoy gives you a break from everyday activities that cause stress.
  • Take a hike. Spending time outdoors in nature helps relieve stress and restore energy. It’s great for cardiovascular health, too.
  • Talk to a therapist. Learning cognitive behavioral techniques from a therapist can help mitigate anxiety.


If questions about your health are keeping you up at night, start the new year off right by visiting your local Any Lab Test Now location to calm your fears.