Time to Test: Rapid, Reliable Results

It’s time to have the conversation. As uncomfortable as it may be, it’s important to be aware of what the CDC is reporting as a rising trend of STDs, or sexually transmitted diseases, in the United States, with 2.5 million new reported cases. STDs affect many more millions of people worldwide, and yet, many individuals are unaware of their status. Knowing your status is essential for maintaining your health and preventing the spread of these infections.

Common Symptoms

In some cases, you may not even know you’ve been infected. You may be asymptomatic, or symptoms may go unnoticed until there are health complications or you get the news that a sexual partner has been diagnosed. The Mayo Clinic  says to look out for these symptoms that could indicate you have been infected through sexual transmission:

  • Sores or bumps on the genitals or in the oral or rectal area
  • Painful or burning urination
  • Discharge from the penis
  • Unusual or odorous vaginal discharge
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding
  • Pain during sex
  • Sore, swollen lymph nodes, particularly in the groin but sometimes more widespread
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Rash over the trunk, hands, or feet

The difficulty in knowing whether or not you are infected is that symptoms may never appear, may appear years later, or a few days after exposure. The concern about STDs is that they can have serious health consequences if left untreated. Some STDs can cause infertility, chronic pain, and other long-term health problems. In addition, many STDs can be easily passed on to sexual partners, even when the infected person is not experiencing any symptoms. This means that people who have multiple sexual partners or who engage in unprotected sex are at an increased risk of contracting and spreading STDs.

Increasing Infections in the Senior Community

Another growing public health concern is the rising number of infections seen in the senior community. As we experience the largest population of older Americans, the baby boomers — officials are seeing a rising number of STIs in Americans aged 55+. In just under 10 years, officials have seen:

  • A 164% increase in gonorrhea
  • A 120% increase in syphilis
  • An 86% increase in chlamydia

Source: Everyday Health (2019).

Get Tested at Any Lab Test Now®

If you are sexually active, you should get tested regularly. Any Lab Test Now offers private, affordable, and convenient STD testing options for anyone looking to take control of their health. We understand that this can be a sensitive subject for many but we respect your privacy and take the utmost discretion. We follow all HIPAA regulations, which provides you with the peace of mind that you will receive a high standard of care with complete confidentiality.

We offer several testing options including: The Basic STD Panel, Comprehensive STD Plus, Comprehensive STD Platinum Female Panel, & Comprehensive STD Platinum Male Panel.

Need Same-Day Results?

We now offer two innovative tests that give you the answers you need in as little as 30 minutes!

Take Control of Your Health

Remember, at Any Lab Test Now®, the lab tests we provide are confidential, affordable, and convenient. You own the results, and you choose how to proceed with them, whether that means consulting with your provider for further information or sharing with a trusted advisor.

Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.

Colorectal Cancer Awareness

We all know someone whose life has been touched by cancer. It’s a scary diagnosis that is generally followed up with treatment plans, support groups, and a journey of making peace with all the potential outcomes. By definition, cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. Unfortunately, there are many types of cancer, and they can attack anywhere inside the body, which only adds to the terror surrounding the diagnosis. Many people, understandably, don’t want to talk about cancer. Much less, specific cancers like colorectal cancer. 

Colorectal cancer is a disease where the cells in the colon or rectum grow out of control. Before a person is even aware, it can move from one stage to the next, causing treatments to become more intense and high-risk. Our greatest ally in fighting this cancer is early testing. At Any Lab Test Now®, we have a variety of screening options.

According to the CDC, risk factors include:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
  • A personal or family history of colorectal cancer or colorectal polyps.
  • A genetic syndrome such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).

And lifestyle factors like:

  • Lack of regular physical activity
  • A diet low in fruit and vegetables
  • Poor diet with higher amounts of fats
  • Overweight
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Tobacco use

Colorectal cancer typically occurs in people ages 45 and older, but in recent years, the disease has begun to affect younger people as well. Every year, about 150,000 Americans are diagnosed with this disease, with an estimated 50,000 deaths. Often known as the silent killer, colorectal cancer may develop without symptoms.

According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is one the most common types of cancer in men and women. It is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Routine testing can help prevent or find cancer at an earlier stage when it might be easier to treat. If found early, the five-year survival rate increases by more than 90 percent, meaning many lives could be saved by the awareness that comes with increased testing. 

Testing that Works For You

Remember, at Any Lab Test Now®, we make testing easy for you. You do not need a doctor’s note to get lab testing done. We invite you to walk in for same-day testing during work-friendly hours.

The lab tests we provide are confidential, affordable, and convenient. You own the results, and you choose how to proceed with them. But we do encourage you to consult with a provider for further details to make the best decisions about your health. If you do not have a primary care physician, Any Lab Test Now® has partnered with Dial Care, a service that helps you find a provider licensed in your state.


How to Maintain Health & Wellness

The National Institutes of Health reminds us that maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle is important for several reasons:

  • Reducing the risk of chronic diseases: Being overweight or obese is associated with an increased risk of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain cancers. By maintaining a healthy weight, individuals can reduce their risk of developing these conditions.
  • Improving overall health and quality of life: Being at a healthy weight can help individuals feel better physically and mentally and can improve their overall quality of life. Maintaining a healthy weight can help improve energy levels, reduce fatigue, improve sleep, and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.
  • Boosting immune function: Maintaining a healthy weight can help boost immune function, making it easier for the body to fight off infections and illnesses.
  • Increasing lifespan: Studies have shown that maintaining a healthy weight can increase lifespan and reduce the risk of premature death.
  • Get active: Aim for at least 1-3 hours of physical activity each week. This could include activities like walking, running, swimming, biking, dancing, or playing sports.
  • Eat a balanced diet: Nourish your body with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support overall health.
  • Get enough sleep: Most adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Adequate sleep is essential for physical and mental recovery, as well as mood regulation and cognitive function.

Having trouble sleeping and not sure why? Check out our Sleep Balance Kit.

  • Manage stress: Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your health. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as yoga, meditation, spending time in nature, or spending time with loved ones.
  • Make it a lifestyle: The key to maintaining good health and fitness is to make it a sustainable part of your life. Find activities you enjoy and that fit into your schedule. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you.

Additional tips:

  • Set realistic goals: Don’t try to change everything at once. Start with small, achievable goals and gradually build on them.
  • Find a buddy: Having someone to exercise with can help you stay motivated and accountable.
  • Track your progress: Keep track of your workouts and eating habits to see how you’re doing. This can help you stay on track and motivated.
  • Reward yourself: Celebrate your successes along the way! This will help you stay positive and motivated.

Weight Loss Goals Made Easier

If you are looking for some assistance on your weight loss or weight maintenance journey, Any Lab Test Now® is your partner to support you with your health and wellness goals. There are a few effective tests we supply that are designed to provide customizable information to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight and exercise level.

  • First is our HEALTHY WEIGHT DNA TEST. Through a simple cheek swab, DNA cells are collected and examined. This scientifically based weight-management test identifies your unique genetic makeup and provides diet and exercise strategies specifically tailored to your genotype. This means it is not a one-size-fits-all test. The lab looks at your DNA and analyzes various genetic markers that are known to be associated with your weight, metabolism, and body type.
    • Within a few weeks of taking the test, you will receive personalized nutrition and fitness recommendations that work best for your body. This is custom-made and designed just for you.
    • Unlike diet books and pre-packaged meal plans, the fitness program created by the results of DNA testing can offer personalized solutions to help you realize a healthy weight since it’s based on your unique genetic information. That includes the best foods to eat, nutrients, supplements, and the most ideal workouts to maximize your healthy weight.
  • Next is our WEIGHT MANAGEMENT HORMONE TEST PANEL. This is another significant test that helps you determine whether a hormone imbalance may be the culprit of you not losing weight or struggling to maintain a healthy weight.
    • For a little background information, hormones are messengers that send signals to various parts of the body, consequently affecting the way our organs work, and regulating many different body processes. Hormones follow a natural cycle, and hormone testing looks at where your hormones are in that cycle. When there is an imbalance, it may be difficult to maintain your weight. The results of this test can help you and your healthcare provider get a handle on underlying hormone imbalances that could be affecting keeping you at a healthy weight.
    • Specifically, this panel looks at various hormones and other factors that play different roles in your body’s ability to maintain weight. For example, cortisol is a stress hormone that affects your metabolism and the way your body uses sugar — so if you frequently feel stressed, your body will use sugar differently than if you were relaxed. Thyroid hormones also affect your metabolism, which can, in turn, affect your weight. Your sex hormones affect the way that your body deposits fat.
    • This test requires you to fast and give a blood sample.

Manage Your Health

What we do at Any Lab Test Now® is empower you to take control of your health by providing tests like these for weight management. The test results belong to you. However, we strongly encourage you to have a conversation with your provider about the results. If you do not have a primary care physician, Any Lab Test Now® has partnered with DialCare. This service helps you find a provider licensed in your state to discuss results and any further testing or changes you may need to make to achieve your health goals.

Any Lab Test Now® is Your Resource for Improved Health

Any Lab Test Now® provides thousands of tests available to you as our commitment to being your partner in health. We are here to help you and your family achieve your health and wellness goals. You can walk in for same-day testing during convenient work-friendly hours or call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.

Download an illustrated copy of this guide below.

Screenings to Start the New Year

Early in the new year, it’s the perfect time to start fresh with new goals and make some changes, especially when it comes to self-care and your health. If you resolved to make you and your family’s wellness a priority this year, Any Lab Test Now® is excited to partner with you to get on track and stay on track all year.

The key to sticking to your health resolutions is figuring out what you’re working with — what’s your baseline? This begins with having some testing done to get a snapshot of your overall health. This will give you an idea of how things are working, and if anything may require further testing.

The tests we provide at Any Lab Test Now® are quick, easy, and accessible while serving as a screening and often a diagnostic tool to help you manage your health.

Your Starting Point

To start the new year off right, there’s no better glimpse of your overall health than our Annual Check-Up Panel. The panel consists of five tests typically ordered by a physician during an annual physical examination. Those tests include:

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  2. Cholesterol Lipid with Ratio (Lipids Panel)
  3. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
  4. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
  5. Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1C)

This is a baseline screening test. Your baseline consists of all the numeric test results (levels), including your blood counts, kidney function, liver function, electrolytes, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, and thyroid function values. Empowering you with the knowledge of these numbers gives you a sense of whether or not changes need to be made or if further testing is needed.

Another Significant Test to Consider

You’ll notice that in the Annual Check-Up Panel, one of the items examined is the TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone, because it’s vital to your body functioning properly.

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the front of your throat. Endocrine experts say the thyroid releases hormones that control your body’s metabolism; the way your body uses energy and keeps all the other systems in your body working correctly. When the thyroid doesn’t function properly, it can set off a chain of issues like breathing, heart rate, weight, body temperature, etc. When numbers indicate that levels are too low or too high it can cause hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid.

Any Lab Test Now® provides a Comprehensive Thyroid Panel, which includes five tests that determine how well the thyroid is functioning by looking at specific hormones. This is an important panel of tests to determine if there is an imbalance in your body. Thyroid disorders are more common in women, and they often occur with changes in other hormone levels, such as with pregnancy or with older age.

You Are What You Eat

Pardon the pun, but the Basic Nutritional Panel we offer is like the charcuterie board of testing in that it looks at a little bit of everything when it comes to your nutritional health. Perhaps you are trying to lose weight or feel like you may have a vitamin deficiency — this is an effective screening test that will provide the answers you’re looking for.

Especially at a time when your health and the strength of your immune system is top of mind, knowing if your body is receiving proper nutrition is beneficial knowledge to have, not just for your health but for your wallet as well. This panel from Any Lab Test Now® gives you a look at 11 different components that will tell you if your body is getting the nutrition it needs to operate efficiently.

Start the New Year off Right

Test results belong to you. However, we strongly encourage you to have a conversation with your provider about the results. If you do not have a primary care physician, Any Lab Test Now® has partnered with Dial Care. This service helps you find a provider licensed in your state to discuss results and any further testing or changes you may need to make to achieve your health goals.

There is no better way to kick off the new year than being dedicated to your health and wellness. Any Lab Test Now® is your partner in health, providing tests to help keep you and your family healthy all year long. Ready to get started with your resolution? Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.

Navigating Unregulated Fitness Supplements

Navigating the fitness landscape can be challenging, especially with the allure of quick fixes in the form of dietary and fitness supplements. You might have heard about the potential benefits of using fitness supplements to enhance your workouts and even increase energy. However, you should be aware of the potential dangers linked to unregulated fitness supplements.

Safety Concerns

Many fitness supplements on the market today don’t undergo stringent testing or regulation. The concerning trend is that a significant number of fitness supplements available for purchase have not been evaluated by health authorities, leaving room for harmful ingredients to creep into the mix. So, while you might believe you’re consuming a supplement to boost your protein levels, for example, you might also be ingesting harmful or banned substances unknowingly.

Hidden Dangers

In a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, although competitive athletes are closely monitored for substances, they, as well as others who are trying to stay in top physical shape, often “turn to supplements hoping to find herbs, vitamins or minerals that provide the desired competitive edge.” The American Medical Association (AMA) contends that these supplements can be confusing for consumers because they lack transparency as these supplements are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for safety and efficacy.

Ingredients Are Not Clear

Problem is there can be as many as 50,000 to 80,000 supplements in the market that aren’t being examined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA does look at some dietary supplements, but they are regulated as food, not drugs. The FDA says, “Many dietary supplements contain ingredients that have strong biological effects, which may conflict with a medicine you are taking or a medical condition you may have. Products containing hidden drugs are also sometimes falsely marketed as dietary supplements, putting consumers at even greater risk.” It’s best to seek the advice of a healthcare provider before using any fitness or dietary supplements.

The bottom line is these unregulated supplements could cause adverse health effects and put you in jeopardy if you’re using banned substances or performance -enhancing drugs unknowingly.

Effective Alternatives to Consider

There are other safe and effective alternatives to consider, like enjoying natural nutrition and focusing on getting your nutrients from whole foods. Foods like lean meats, fish, dairy, legumes, fruits, and vegetables provide a plethora of nutrients, including proteins, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals. Unlike many supplements, they’re free from harmful additives and are a foundational aspect of a healthy diet.

We can help guide you on your path to good nutrition and better health at Any Lab Test Now.® We are a lab testing resource at your disposal designed to help with your health and wellness goals.

For example, we offer lab tests like our HEALTHY WEIGHT DNA TEST, which is a scientifically-based weight-management test and program that identifies your unique genetic makeup and provides diet and exercise strategies specifically tailored to your genotype. 

Within a few weeks of taking the test, you receive personalized nutrition and fitness recommendations that work best for your body.  This test will not be a “one-size fits all” type of test; instead, our lab examines your DNA and analyzes various genetic markers that are known to be associated with your weight, metabolism, and body type.

Using this information, you can receive a personalized report with specific recommendations based on the results of your genetic test. This report provides the essential information you need from your DNA to tailor a weight-loss program that can achieve real results. Unlike diet books and pre-packaged meal plans, the fitness program created by the results of DNA testing can offer customized solutions to help you realize a healthy weight since it’s based on your unique genetic information.

Your results will provide personalized recommendations for:

  • Foods to eat — the best foods to meet your caloric needs.
  • Nutrients — Optimal nutrient needs and most effective supplements.
  • Best exercises — Ideal workouts to achieve and maintain your healthiest weight.

You may also want to consider our WEIGHT MANAGEMENT KIT, which that looks at possible undetected hormone imbalances that might be the missing link as to why achieving and maintaining your optimal weight has been unsuccessful, despite your best efforts with diet and exercise.

The Weight Management kit is ideal for women and men who are struggling with weight issues, menopause or andropause, and anyone wanting to get to the root of general health concerns.

The Weight Management Take Home Hormone Kit consists of a dried blood spot test and a saliva test. The test measures bioavailable hormone levels for those with unexplained weight gain, obesity, abdominal fat, high BMI, and low metabolism.

This kit is available in-store or for purchase online.

Any Lab Test Now® is Your Partner in Health

We want to help you achieve your optimal health and fitness goals, which is why Any Lab Test Now® provides several tests to help meet your goals. We provide the lab testing; you own the results and can use them as you choose.

Our service is about providing answers and alternatives. Any Lab Test Now®is a lab testing center providing tangible results. Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.

Common Substances Found in Recreational Drugs

Significant risks and dangers are involved with recreational drug use, and it is important to understand how these drugs work and why using them can be a hazard to your health.

The trends surrounding the use of cannabis edibles or nicotine vaping are more menacing than you may think, especially as alarming information continues to surface about these drugs being laced with uncontrolled levels of fentanyl.

Here are some common substances found in the most highly used recreational drugs:

Cannabis: Cannabis, also known as marijuana, contains the psychoactive compound delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It has relaxing and euphoric effects. It is approved for recreational use in 22 states and Washington D.C., however, there are no safety standards in place by the FDA. Those in the market to purchase forms of cannabis will often go to dispensaries for purchase. But with no regulation in place, ingestion of products can be dangerous and even deadly. Recent news stories report that what appear to be alleged credible retailers of cannabis may unknowingly sell products laced with fentanyl, which can be dangerous and deadly. The United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) says fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is up to 100 times stronger than morphine. It carries a high risk of overdose and can be lethal at the 2-milligram range.

Cocaine: Cocaine and other stimulants are resurfacing as popular drug choices. They produce short-lived intense euphoria and increased energy levels. Cocaine is illegal due to its highly addictive nature and potential for harmful health effects. Fentanyl is also commonly found concealed in cocaine.

Adderall: This is a commonly misused prescription drug. When prescribed by a physician, it is safe and effective. It’s typically prescribed for children and adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). When used non-medically and illegally, it can be dangerous. The DEA has categorized Adderall as a Schedule II controlled substance, which means it carries a high potential for abuse and addiction. Amphetamines like Adderall are a class of stimulant drugs that include substances like amphetamine and methamphetamine. They can increase alertness, focus, and energy levels.

Opioids: Opioids include substances like heroin, morphine, and prescription painkillers such as oxycodone and fentanyl. These drugs either come from the opium poppy or are synthetically produced. Opioids create a sense of euphoria and pain relief. Opioids have a high potential for addiction and can be dangerous if misused. One of the biggest concerns these days is fentanyl, which can come in liquid and powder form. According to the CDC, even the tiniest dose can be deadly. More than 150 people die every day from overdoses related to synthetic opioids like fentanyl.

At Any Lab Test Now®, we offer lab testing that includes a number of drug screenings.

The 10 PANEL DRUG TEST (URINE) or 10 PANEL DRUG TEST INCLUDING EXPANDED OPIATES (URINE) will identify the presence or absence of 10 different classes of commonly abused or misused drugs or their metabolites. This lab test is a routine screen for each drug class, as well as any necessary confirmation testing. On average, most drugs are detectable in urine for approximately three days after the most recent use or exposure. A confirmed positive result for a drug or drug metabolite is considered evidence of use or exposure in that time period. Collection takes place at one of our lab testing centers.  

The Concern about E-Cigarettes Usage

Another rising trend, especially for kids, teens, and young adults is vape use. Recent data from the CDC reveals 2.5 million young people in the U.S. are vaping. After investigating e-cigarettes, the CDC found that 99% of e-cigarettes sold in assessed venues in the U.S. contain nicotine—a highly addictive substance.

Vaping can pose potential health risks, like respiratory problems, lung damage, and cardiovascular issues. The e-cigarette industry is relatively new, and regulations on manufacturing, labeling, and quality control vary across jurisdictions.

If you are concerned that your child is vaping, you can bring them to your nearest Any Lab Test Now® for a  COTININE DRUG TEST (NICOTINE METABOLITE) (URINE). This urine test will determine the presence of cotinine/nicotine in the system.

Cotinine is the metabolite or what is left after nicotine consumption and is the test of choice to evaluate active tobacco use or exposure to tobacco in many forms. Cotinine is more stable and has a longer life in the body than nicotine.


We understand that being tested yourself or testing your child for the presence of drugs is a sensitive issue. We provide the utmost care and discretion with these matters and adhere to strict HIPAA regulations.

Any Lab Test Now® is Your Partner in Health

For parents reading this or if you are an adult with a recreational drug issue, know that Any Lab Test Now® is here to provide answers through lab testing. Call now to schedule an appointment at a testing center near you.

*If you are looking for help with substance abuse for yourself or a loved one, You can call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

A Must-Read for All Parents

“I had no idea that ‘I love you’ were the last words my beautiful daughter would say to me, but I thank God those were the words.” Through sobs and tears, Cathy Hoskins shares the tragic story of her only child, Lindsey Nicole Rose, a talented, smart, and loving young woman who died too soon — after a five-year battle with drug addiction.

“If I don’t tell her story, how can I help save someone else’s child? I need people to listen. This isn’t a story about a drug addict,” Cathy says emphatically. “It’s a story about my sweet baby girl. Everyone says, ‘It can never happen to me.’ But it did happen to me. If another mom or dad takes away anything from my story, let it be that you need to communicate with your kids.”

Words of wisdom from a mom who knows firsthand the dangers of substance abuse, a problem plaguing many American homes. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that among people aged 12 or older in 2021, 61.2 million people used illicit drugs in the past year.

But there are people behind these statistics, and Cathy’s daughter Lindsey was one of them.

Lindsey was an outgoing, smart, happy teenager. She was a state champion gymnast in Virginia. She sang, played piano and flute, and was the light of her mom’s life.

But the happy times came to a screeching halt, and everything changed following a life-altering incident that caused Lindsey to question her self-worth. “We experienced firsthand the start of her downward spiral,” explains Cathy. “We noticed that her behavior changed, her appearance changed, and she began surrounding herself with people who were a bad influence on her.”

Cathy says things started looking up when Lindsey met Dave, a Marine who was back home after being honorably discharged from serving in Iraq. The two fell in love and got married. However, less than two weeks after their wedding, Lindsey found Dave dead from a drug overdose.  Dave became addicted to pain medications following an injury during his overseas tour.  

Lindsey’s grief was profound. Drugs quieted her heartbreak. After several years of trying to get Lindsey help, Cathy and her husband Stewart were relieved when Lindsey was approved to participate in Drug Court, a place to divert substance abusers from being jailed and to be part of a supervised, accountable treatment program instead.

“For one year, while Lindsey was in Drug Court, we had her back,” says Cathy.

But then, two days after Christmas, everything changed.

Lindsey said bye to her mom for what would be the last time. She went to a friend’s house, and Cathy recounts the details. “My niece heard over the police scanner that there were two drug overdose victims at a home close to ours. One victim was being transported to the hospital. The other was DOA — dead on arrival.” Cathy collects herself as she bravely cries through the rest of the story. “My Lindsey was the one in the body bag,” Cathy softly weeps.

The Hoskins family story is one heard all too often. The CDC reports that the number of drug overdose deaths increased by nearly 30% from 2019 to 2020 and has quintupled since 1999. Nearly 75% of the 91,799 drug overdose deaths in 2020 involved an opioid.

“I never thought I’d be advocating for other parents who are concerned about the possibility that their child could be doing drugs. But here I am,” Cathy explains with pain in her voice.

“Please know, I was so proud of Lindsey, I was never ashamed of her. Her story could be anyone’s. She was just like any of us, then something happened in her life that changed her. She wasn’t a bad person, she made poor choices, and she paid with her life.”

If you are concerned about your child or another loved one, Any Lab Test Now® is a judgment-free zone that provides you with answers. We are a lab testing center offering tangible results. Find a location near you.

If you know someone who needs help with an addiction, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

Diabetes Meds Used for Weight Loss

For anyone who has ever battled weight loss, you know there are times you wish for a magic pill to take instead of putting in the hard work. There are fads and trends that come and go promising weight loss — and the latest one is creating a critical shortage of much-needed medication for type 2 diabetics.

The product is called semaglutide. It’s a form of insulin injected under the skin once a week using a pre-filled dosing pen. It’s used to control blood sugar levels for those with type 2 diabetes.

The Benefits for Diabetics

According to a report from Medline Plus, for diabetics, the insulin works by helping the pancreas release the right amount of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. Insulin helps move sugar from the blood into other body tissues, where it is used for energy. But it has also been shown to be an appetite suppressant.

Semaglutide is a synthetic form of a gut hormone that slows digestion. When that happens, you feel fuller for longer and consequently eat less. Studies have shown that some people can lose up to 15% of their body weight — leading the FDA to approve semaglutide for the treatment of obesity.

The Medication Misuse

And therein lies the problem. Because semaglutide was discovered to work in appetite suppression and weight loss in some patients, it has become a trendy weight loss drug for celebrities and social media influencers who began using it off-label. With so many non-diabetics using it for weight loss — it has created a shortage of the injectable for diabetics who need it. The supply simply cannot keep up with the increased demand.

Additionally, for those using the drug improperly, as in the case of someone who wasn’t prescribed this medication by their provider for type 2 diabetes or obesity — there are some severe side effects that can occur when using semaglutide as a fast track to weight loss. Those conditions include pancreatitis, kidney failure, and gallbladder disease.

A Dieting Solution from Any Lab Test Now®

Experts from Any Lab Test Now® remind you that the healthiest way to lose weight is through consistent lifestyle changes. The body has memory, and for those who utilize the weight loss trend du jour — when the diet stops, your body’s memory concerning metabolism and fat cells will come back with a vengeance. Yo-yo dieting actually works to increase your hunger over a period of time and can cause long-term health problems down the road.

A better solution to achieving your weight loss goals is to begin with obtaining an idea of how your body works metabolically, and the best way for you to reach your weight loss goals. Any Lab Test Now® provides two very effective tests to start you on your healthy weight loss journey.

Weight Management Tests

  • First is the HEALTHY WEIGHT DNA TEST. This is a simple cheek swab that provides a great deal of valuable information for you. This scientifically based weight-management test identifies your unique genetic makeup and provides diet and exercise strategies customized to your genotype. 

You will receive personalized nutrition and fitness recommendations based on the results of this DNA test that are designed with your unique genetic markers associated with weight, metabolism, and body type.

  • The second test to consider is the WEIGHT MANAGEMENT HORMONE TEST PANEL. There is scientific evidence that hormone imbalances may make it difficult to maintain your weight. This panel is designed to find any hormonal imbalances that could be affecting weight management.

For example, many people who find themselves stressed may discover that their metabolism is being affected by their cortisol levels. Cortisol is the stress hormone that affects how your body uses sugar. 

  • When starting a weight loss program, it’s always a good idea to obtain a snapshot of your overall health to discover your baseline. As you begin making lifestyle changes for weight loss, the ANNUAL CHECK-UP PANEL consists of five tests that give a solid overview of where your health is now. This test can be repeated when you reach certain health or weight loss benchmarks to determine improvements in your overall health.

This test includes your blood counts, kidney function, liver function, electrolytes, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, and thyroid function values. This empowers you to manage your health.

You’re in Control of Your Health

Test results belong to you. However, we strongly encourage you to have a conversation with your provider about the results. If you do not have a primary care physician, Any Lab Test Now® has partnered with Dial Care. This service helps you find a provider licensed in your state to discuss results and any further testing or changes you may need to make to achieve your health goals.

Any Lab Test Now® is Your Resource for Improved Health

If your goal is to achieve a healthy weight through customized lifestyle changes, Any Lab Test Now® is your partner in health. We are here to provide tests to help you and your family achieve your health and wellness goals. Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.

What’s Your Cellular Age?

JUL newsletter SMALL telomeresAs much as we’d all like to flee from aging, it is inevitable. Just as your car or a favorite clothing item will wear out over time, so too does the human body. Of course, the rate at which aging happens is different for each person and is based on a number of factors such as genetics, diet, exercise and stress.

On a cellular level, however, the rate of aging is measurable. Measurement is possible because of the telomeres that are connected to the end of your cells. Every time cells divide, the length of the telomere becomes shortened. The shorter the telomere is, the more times that particular cell has been copied. Over time, the telomere becomes so short that the cell no longer reproduces and is “retired”. This shortening of the telomere is known as cellular aging.

Through the use of a telomere test, labs are able to measure the length of the telomere in one’s body. This measurement is then compared to the expected length of telomeres in those of a similar age bracket, which helps determine overall cellular age.

While cell division and its subsequent retirement are natural processes, there are ways in which one can slow the process down. Among these are:

  • Minimizing consumption of processed, surgery or fatty foods.
  • Reducing body fat to 22 percent for women and 16 percent for men.
  • Exercising for at least an hour a day.
  • Reducing stress.
  • Quitting smoking and other tobacco consumption.
  • Sleeping eight hours a night.
  • Increasing consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, Omega-3 fatty acids, vegetable protein, cold-water fish and fiber.
  • Evaluating the need for nutritional supplements.

Next time you worry about getting older, consider monitoring the rate at which your cells age. With monitoring, you will be better able to make the lifestyle choices that are necessary to slow cellular aging, and potentially the onset of age-related diseases. Walk-in to Any Lab Test Now to ask for your Telomere Test today.

Now Means Now

We are a society that craves convenience. We don’t like to waste time, but when waiting for something we need and/or something we’re paying for, like healthcare, we usually don’t have a choice.

Based on the 2022 Survey of Physician Appointment Wait Times and Medicare and Medicaid Acceptance Rates, it takes about 26 days to get in to see a doctor if you’re a new patient. That number can increase exponentially for a specialist appointment. This information is based on research conducted regarding physician appointment times in 15 United States metropolitan cities.

Part of the reason it’s taking so long is due to the mass exodus of healthcare workers since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Workers are spread thin and overtaxed, making appointments hard to come by because so many workers have left the healthcare industry, including physicians, specialists, and nurses. What that means for patients is that they may not be receiving the timely help they need when it comes to health and wellness.

A Convenient Solution

The good news is, at Any Lab Test Now®, you can receive prompt and efficient care concerning your healthcare needs. You do not need to make an appointment and we strive to get you in and out in 15 minutes or less. Some visits might be more involved and take a little longer, but care and convenience are our bottom line.

Any Lab Test Now® provides more than 8,000 lab tests. Those include anything from routine bloodwork to diagnostic and risk assessment tests. We can streamline any regular monitoring tests you need for acute and chronic conditions. For example, if you are on blood thinners and need weekly tests, or if you require testing before prescriptions can be refilled, or perhaps you are interested in monitoring your health and wellness.

What You Need to Know

At Any Lab Test Now®, we are dedicated to providing quality care on your time.

  • Typically, results are ready in 24 to 72 hours; by mail, fax, or in some cases, email.
  • Test results belong to you. You may choose to discuss the results with your provider. If you do not have a primary care physician, Any Lab Test Now® has partnered with Dial Care. This service helps you find a provider licensed in your state to discuss results and any further testing or changes you may need to make to achieve your health goals.
  • Transparent pricing, HSA, FSA accepted, no insurance accepted.

But Wait, There’s More

Any Lab Test Now® is a committed partner in helping you manage your healthcare. That’s why we ensure a professional, compassionate, and non-judgmental environment. Your privacy is priority-one, and all test results are confidential. We only share results when you give written permission to do so.

We know the demand for better healthcare is growing. Taking care of health and wellness has never been a bigger priority for Americans. Data from McKinsey & Company shows wellness is taking precedence in daily life, with about half of U.S. consumers pushing it to the top spot. Any Lab Test Now® is here to help. We provide the opportunity to take control of your health and wellness and empower you to make educated decisions that directly affect your quality of life.

Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.