Health Literacy Month

When was the last time you received a prescription and weren’t quite sure about the dosing instructions? Or maybe you were taking your child to the pediatrician and did not understand a consent form for treatment. Perhaps you couldn’t make sense of health insurance deductibles. Sound familiar? These scenarios all tell us about our level of health literacy. If you struggle with understanding health matters, you’re not alone. Health literacy here in the United States is alarmingly low. Based on a study conducted by Pfizer, only 12% of American adults have proficient health literacy.

What Does It All Mean?

According to the CDC, personal health literacy is the degree to which individuals have the ability to find, understand, and use information and services to make informed health-related decisions for themselves and others.

Nearly nine out of 10 adults struggle with health literacy. Even people with high literacy skills may have low health literacy skills in certain situations. This involves more than just reading, it’s about comprehension and application. It’s about being informed about a condition you have, like a food allergy, and fully understanding that you need to, for example, check labels before you consume food.

Poor health literacy can cause big health problems. Face it, if you don’t understand care, treatment, or other instructions, you may exacerbate a health problem, maybe miss appointments, or take the wrong medication.

There are some factors that can influence an individual’s health literacy, including living in poverty, education, race/ethnicity, age, and disability. But really, most of the population is unclear about matters of health.

What’s Being Done To Combat The Problem?

Through public health initiatives, experts are trying to bridge the gap by advising healthcare workers to keep their messaging clear and concise to improve health literacy. The goal of public health is to promote and protect the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work, and play. Much of the work public health workers do is setting standards for prevention and promoting wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors. Public health saves money, improves our quality of life, helps children thrive, and reduces human suffering.

This runs the gamut from teaching the public about the need for vaccinations and nutritious school lunches to air quality and the prevention of diseases. You can only imagine how busy public health officials are with matters like COVID-19, seasonal flu, and ongoing health issues like the risks of alcohol and tobacco.

With October being Health Literacy Month, Any Lab Test Now® is dedicated to ensuring that you are informed about your family’s health. Our goal is to improve your family’s wellness. We do that by providing direct access to thousands of lab tests ranging from the CBC panel, which provides a snapshot of your health, to the Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, which gives a clear picture of your overall health. Plus, we recommend including the Lipid Panel to determine if you are at risk for heart disease. These are basic tests everyone needs because they provide conclusive answers about your health.

Getting lab testing done with Any Lab Test Now® is only part of the equation. We want to improve your health literacy by not only providing clear, concise, and understandable results but also empowering you to glean additional information with our DialCare service. This allows you to consult with a provider about your results. The clarity you receive from a medical professional can affect the way you handle your health and can be lifesaving.

Remember, at Any Lab Test Now®, the lab tests we provide are confidential, affordable, and convenient. You own the results, and you choose how to proceed with them, whether that means consulting with your provider for further details or perhaps getting the peace of mind you were seeking.

Obtaining lab testing through blood tests is a very precise indicator of your health. It tracks your overall well-being, can detect issues with organs or how well you are managing a disease. It is an important look at your overall wellness.

Stay on top of your family’s health and improve your health literacy by taking charge of your wellness. Any Lab Test Now® can help by providing the lab tests you need to ensure your health. Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you.

Any Lab Test Now® — The More You Know… Lab Testing for Every Need

School is Back – Take Back Your Health

It’s that time of year–kids from preschool through college are heading back to school. This means it’s the perfect opportunity to do a re-set and focus on the family’s health, coinciding with National Health Center Week (August 9-15). What you may not realize is that Any Lab Test Now® is a “health center” giving you direct access to thousands of beneficial lab tests to ensure wellness.  

A wide-angle view of a group of three male students who are also friends moving into their new student accommodation. They are chatting with each other and carrying their belongings through the corridor.
Useful Lab Tests For Concerned Parents

As your children head back to school, there are any number of lab tests you can utilize. Any Lab Test Now® is a family health center, we provide many lab tests to check a number of health concerns. Perhaps you’re unsettled, wondering if your son or daughter picked up bad habits over the summer—research shows more than 3,000 teens try marijuana for the first time every day.  

Parents who are worried their child could use or abuse drugs either in high school or while away at college can easily have their son or daughter tested.  Any Lab Test Now® does drug testing, no appointment necessary.  

For example, we may utilize a screening called a Blood 5-Panel Drug Test to determine the presence or absence of 5 types of drugs or their metabolites in the bloodstream. This blood drug test checks for the presence of 5 drug metabolites including:

  1. Amphetamine/Methamphetamines
  2. Marijuana
  3. Cocaine
  4. Opiates
  5. Phencyclidine

Any Lab Test Now® can also conduct tests to see if someone has been vaping, a habit that the Surgeon General has declared an epidemic among youth. The choices parents have for Nicotine tests available at Any Lab Test Now® include: The girl smokes an electronic cigarette on the street.

  • Urine Test:
    A  Good choice if a parent suspects the child has used nicotine over the last few days. An instant test is available, and parents can get results within five to ten minutes.
  • Hair Follicle Test:
    A good option for parents who think their child has been either vaping or smoking nicotine for a long time, and the child might stop using just to get through the test. It takes 3 days for nicotine to start showing in hair strands.
  • Blood Test:
    A simple blood draw can detect traces of nicotine about 2 hours after use.

Testing at Any Lab Test Now® is confidential. No one has access to results but parents. You own the results and you can even use an anonymous name to protect your child. Most importantly, the results give parents and other loved ones’ answers so they can take next steps if needed. 

You can’t put a price tag on peace of mind. Since thousands of kids are going off to college for the first time, it might not hurt to get basic testing done to make you as a parent know that you’ve done all you can to protect your child. 

Vaccine Immunity Check

Whether you have a young child going to daycare, preschool, grade school, high school, or college, there is one constant—making sure your child is current on vaccinations protecting them with everything from measles to chickenpox. Most states have laws requiring certain immunizations for school-aged children. 

Problem is, immunization records can get lost and often be difficult to track down, especially if you’ve moved over the years. Any Lab Test Now® can help. We can do a simple blood test called the MMR Titer that checks if you are immune to measles, mumps, and rubella by measuring your antibody levels, thus determining if your immunization is up-to-date. The results demonstrate whether or not your immune system has the capability to respond to an infection from one of the viruses.

Take Back Mom’s Health

Knowing the kids are taken care of is a sense of relief for parents. Especially for moms, it’s been a busy summer, running non-stop, taking the kids to swim practice, soccer camp, or a friend’s house, and now getting ready for school can be exhausting and stressful.  Any Lab Test Now® can run a Cortisol Test to see how much daily life stressors have been affecting mom’s overall health.  

Taking Charge of Your Health

Taking these proactive measures helps you advocate for your family’s health. It puts you in the driver’s seat. Blood work, after all, can provide many much-needed answers about our health. This trend is called healthcare consumerism. It’s all about giving people the tools and control to live their best, healthiest lives.  Take the control to say; I need this test done whether or not my insurance company will pay for it. 

If you are ready to check your family’s health as you head back to school, Any Lab Test Now® is the health center you’ve been looking for. Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you to take back your health.


Two best friends are furnishing their new apartment together

Protecting College Athletes 

Combating Drug & Alcohol Abuse Among College Athletes 

Getting lost in campus culture is one of the easiest and most commonly expected pitfalls for any student, but the pressure is tenfold for student-athletes. With high expectations placed upon them, athletes are expected to perform in a top-tier fashion and, if successful, are revered as campus celebrities. School work, organizations, parties, and the overall stress placed on these young adults are enough for anyone to seek out an outlet.

One of the biggest downfalls for any athlete is failing a drug test. The effects are irreversible, and its impact causes instant damage to the student’s college career. Fortunately, Any Lab Test Now® is an advocate for college athletes and strives to help these young talents take charge of their health on and off the court. 

Let’s Talk About Adderall Abuse Among Adolescents 

 Typically used to treat ADHD, the medication is classified as a central nervous system stimulant. Most often, students take Adderall to hyper-focus, utilizing it to complete a paper or project on a strict deadline or when there’s a big test.

According to the American Addiction Centers, 425,000 teens between 12 and 17 reported misuse of Adderall. This number jumps to a staggering 2.5 million when applied to young adults 18 to 25. Another scary but very common statistic with Adderall abuse is that 63% of people 18 to 28 do not get Adderall from a primary physician. They claim to get it from their friends. Over 20% of the same age group get the pills from family members, while nearly 20% get them from other students.

Some common symptoms of Adderall overdose are:

  • Panic attack
  • Hyperventilation
  • Cardiac rhythm abnormalities 
  • Vertigo 
  • Profound confusion or delirium
  • Coma 

These are obviously severe and intense reactions to Adderall overdose. Take the opportunity to help your athlete Take Control of Their Health® and take a peek at their current state of health. We understand that achieving peak performance and optimal results take more than physical fitness. It’s a matter of getting the inside facts about your body’s current state of health.  In addition, ANY LAB TEST NOW® can be your partner in ensuring your athlete stays in tip-top shape without any enhancers through one of our many drug testing options.

NCAA’s Take on CBD

Let’s move on to another key player: CBD. According to the NCAA Banned Substance page, CBD is banned from college athletics, listed under “cannabinoids.” 

First, what is CBD? According to an article published by Harvard Health, cannabidiol (CBD) is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis or marijuana. CBD is derived from the hemp plant, a cousin of marijuana. CBD does not cause a “high” when used alone, which is the main difference between THC and CBD.

Among adults and teens, CBD is one of the most popular drugs in the United States. According to the American Addiction Centers, 28% of college athletes have used cannabis in the past year. Any Lab Test Now® has two tests that can help determine if your CBD leaves trace amounts of marijuana in the system. 

Coach talking to young soccer team before the match

Prevalence of Alcohol & Drugs on College Campus

College is a space for young adults to experience self-discovery. With a newfound independence, the formation of new friendships, and expectations from TV shows, this season of life can often lead to some not-so-glamorous behaviors that are often glorified. 

According to the American Addiction Centers, some common reasons for the high prevalence of drug abuse among college students are:

  • High levels of academic stress
  • Used to lessen the anxiety surrounding social situations
  • Family history 
  • Beliefs about substance abuse from the media, the “rite of passage” mentality
  • Joining fraternity or sorority life 
  • Drugs are readily available on college campuses

Ways to Eliminate Student Drug Abuse 

The best way to decrease the risk of drug use is prevention. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the risk of drug use significantly increases during a time of transition. College is one of the most significant transitions in a person’s life. For many students, just three months prior, they were raising their hand for a bathroom pass. 

It’s difficult to say that any one thing will undoubtedly reduce your child’s risk of using drugs, but there are some prevention methods. 

  • Be a pillar for your child.
    They’ll inevitably get curious and want to dabble in something you’re not fond of. Reacting as their safe space and voice of reason takes the fight out of what they’re doing. 
  • Be as “in the know” as you can.
    Know who your teen is spending time with, and make sure to have healthy conversations about their interests and what they’re into. It creates a foundation of trust, and should your child decide to do something rebellious; they know you have their back.
  • Talk openly about the consequences of abusing drugs and alcohol.
    Find something they can relate to, and impress upon them the dangers and how it rarely leaves people the same as when they began the abuse.

In addition, Any Lab Test Now® offers the Urine 5-Panel Drug Test With Expanded Opiate. This test determines the absence or presence of five types of drugs, including expanded opiates.

School is Back — Take Back Your Health Too

Drug and alcohol abuse is a multi-layered subject, especially when young people are involved. It’s a difficult but necessary conversation to have. With something as common as Adderall abuse, it’s best to get ahead of it as soon as possible to save the afflicted person from severe and life-changing symptoms. 

As we prepare to head back to school, and many young adults are scouring Pinterest for the perfect décor, now is the ideal time for a fresh start and heading into the year with peace of mind. Any Lab Test Now® has more than 200 locations across the country. Don’t hesitate for a fresh start; click here for your nearest location. 


Mid-Year Resolution: Stick to Your Goals 

We’re at the halfway point to 2022 – can you believe it? It feels like each year gets faster, as life gets busier. As we prepare to take on the second half of the year, now is a good time to reflect on the first half. Did you meet your goals? What are you most proud of? What can you do better? Many people’s New Year’s resolutions have fizzled by now, and if that’s you, you aren’t alone! According to one survey, of the 41% of Americans who make resolutions, only 9% are successful in keeping them. 

Now, while that can be quite a discouraging number, there are a few reasons why, despite this, it’s considered a good thing to set New Year’s resolutions. Having resolutions sets intention with how you want to grow and develop in the coming year, it sets a tone of hopefulness and optimism, and you can start the year with a fresh sense of responsibility that hopefully flows in the months to come. It’s inherently a positive thing to strive for and has encouraging effects for yourself and those around you. 

Statistically, taking strides in your health, whether that means exercise or mental health, is one of the most popular resolutions. Each month, our blog highlights different health topics that may impact your life and provide a recommended blood test to bring awareness to the topic.


Cholesterol (Lipids) Panel 

This month, we want to emphasize the importance of cholesterol testing with our Cholesterol (Lipid) Panel®. The Lipids Panel can determine your cholesterol levels, which is important because this will tell you if you’re at risk for heart disease or any other heart issues. 

According to the CDC, nearly 94 million United States adults, 20 or older, have high cholesterol. There are two types of cholesterol, the good and the bad. The good absorbs the cholesterol and carries it back to the liver, and the liver then flushes it from the body. High levels of this type can lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. 

The bad makes up most of your body’s cholesterol, and high levels of this type can raise your risk for heart disease and stroke. The Cholesterol (Lipid) Panel® tests for both to determine whether you’re at risk or not. 

Your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells, but high levels can increase your risk of heart disease. With high cholesterol, you can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. This makes it difficult for blood to flow through your arteries and can cause a heart attack or stroke. 

There are no symptoms. A blood test is the only way to know if you have it. 

With the Cholesterol (Lipid) Panel®, you’ll have your test results between 24 to 72 business hours. It’s recommended you fast before the test to ensure it’s accurate. Once you have your results, we encourage you to talk with your primary physician about the next steps.

Take Back Your Health

The overproduction of bad cholesterol can come from a variety of reasons. A lot of times, an unhealthy lifestyle is a huge contributor to producing more of the bad cholesterol. Some things to keep in mind are:

  • Unhealthy diet
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke 
  • Hereditary 

To be 100% sure of your cholesterol status, start with one simple blood test at any of our neighborhood Any Lab Test Now® locations.

Renal Function Panel® 

Now is a great time to double down on your kidney health. Our Renal Function Panel® is a group of tests used to evaluate kidney function. According to the Mayo Clinic, some signs to look for if you think you’re experiencing kidney issues are:

  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Trouble sleeping 
  • Urinating more or less
  • Decreased mental sharpness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Swelling 
  • Dry, itchy skin

The signs and symptoms of kidney issues are often nonspecific and could also be the source of a different issue altogether. However, it’s worth getting tested; simply because the damage from leaving your affected kidneys untreated can be irreversible. 

For this test, fasting for about eight hours prior to the blood draw is preferred. Your results will be ready between 24 to 72 business hours after the test.

Hepatic Function Panel® 

For this comprehensive panel, the Liver Function Panel®, or Hepatic Function®, measures the blood levels of seven tests that see how well your liver is working.

This test is also encouraged if you’ve been exposed to the hepatitis A, B, or C virus. High or low levels in one of the seven tests may indicate you have liver damage or liver disease is present. Some general symptoms, according to Healthline, include:

  • Yellow skin (Jaundice)
  • Dark urine
  • Pale, bloody, or tarlike stool
  • Swollen ankles, legs, or abdomen 
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting
  • Decrease in appetite
  • Bruise easily
  • Persistent fatigue
  • Itchy skin

Something to keep in mind about this test and the one above is that anyone who is regularly taking medications can potentially benefit from these tests, as they’re typically required as a regular workup for anyone taking medication long-term.

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

The perfect test to have performed as a mid-year checkup is the Comprehensive Metabolic Panel®. This includes 14 essential tests that are part of a routine checkup or annual physical. It gives your doctor an overall picture of your health. 

Let’s talk about what’s looked at in this panel.

Your sodium, potassium, chloride, and carbon dioxide are all measured. Irregular values in these “electrolytes” can indicate trouble with your body’s salt/water or acid/base balance. Some common causes are dehydration, vomiting, medication, and kidney problems. 

Next are albumin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate transaminase, and alanine transaminase. These are proteins and enzymes found in your blood; and can indicate liver damage or liver disease.

Lastly, your blood urea nitrogen, calcium, creatinine, and glucose are tested. This checks for a range of problems that affect your kidneys.

As one of the most common tests, it provides a plethora of information on your health.

Resolution Fatigue? Change Them!

If you’re feeling down because you aren’t meeting the goals you set at the beginning of the year, there is no shame in changing them for something more attainable. It can be something as simple as getting a blood test to check your cholesterol, liver function, kidneys, or more before the kids head back to school because we know that’s right around the corner! 

With more than 200 locations across the country, you can make an appointment by phone or just walk in. we make it our priority to provide a convenient, safe, and confidential space for you to tackle your health. 

Click here to find the location closest to you.

Making Mental Health a Priority for the Month of May

“April showers bring May flowers” is the saying we were taught to help us learn our months. It was helpful because you’d prepare yourself for the rain showers of April, only to be greeted by the warmth of the sun in May. However, as we age, it becomes more and more obvious some showers aren’t confined to the month of April. In fact, many times, a “shower” isn’t one you can prepare for or watch from the window of your home. For some people, it’s inside and constantly raging, consuming many parts of daily life.

This year, Any Lab Test Now® has made one of our main themes “self-care.” We understand how important it is to take care of your mental health, just as you would a broken bone or a disease. Mental health medication can be difficult to prescribe, as there are many different types of mental health illnesses. May is home to National Mental Health Awareness month, which is meant to educate and advocate for policies and practices that support people with mental illness in themselves and their families. 

Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

  • At some point in their lives, 50% of people will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder.
  • One in five Americans will experience mental illness in a year. 
  • One in 25 Americans live with a serious mental illness, like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression.

The causes of mental illness can be vast, and many times, it can range from just a side effect from day-to-day life, or it can manifest from a traumatic event. Some common causes are:

  • Genetics, such as a family history of mental illness
  • Traumatic experiences or history of abuse
  • Chronic medical conditions like cancer or diabetes
  • Biological factors or chemical imbalances in the brain
  • Excessive drug and alcohol use
  • Feelings of loneliness or isolation

Protecting your mental health should be a priority as it can cause deeper physical issues later on in life. For example, depression increases the risk of conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. It’s proven to be quite difficult to get ahead of treating mental illness, but it’s proven advantageous to people to take preventative safety measures to see if you’re more at risk for the debilitating illnesses. 

Before taking the plunge into finding the right mental health medication for you, Any Lab Test Now® is now offering the Mental Health PGX Panel. This panel is a big step in putting science behind mental health medication. The panel analyzes 13 different genes with a simple blood draw.

Genetic testing for mental illnesses has benefits, whether the results are positive or negative. As with any other test, your individual results can provide relief from uncertainty and help you make informed decisions about your health care. The Mental Health PGX Panel is a relatively easy test to take, with no prior need to fast. The test typically takes five to seven business days for you to be informed of your results. 

Once you receive your results, we encourage you to talk with your primary provider about any mental health medication you may need. However, taking the first step to managing your mental health should be as painless as possible. Any Lab Test Now® offers you a way to receive a comprehensive test on your mental health so you can 2live your life; uninterrupted.

As many adults experience mental illness in some capacity, it’s vital to commit to getting tested to ensure you can make knowledgeable choices about your future. That includes the big decisions a diagnosis could impact, like marriage, kids, travel, and more. It’s important to remember that an ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure, meaning getting tested is a step in the right direction and a step towards living a healthier lifestyle.

Call now to schedule an appointment at a location near you to Take Control of Your Health® today.

Empowered Women Prioritize Their Health 

May is Women’s Health Month and National Women’s Health Week is May 8–15. This month serves as a great reminder for women to take better steps to understand their health. Preventive care is one of the most important steps you can take to manage your health. Taking the time to monitor your body is vital to preventive care. It continuously saves lives, especially for women, who sometimes have a hard time prioritizing their wellness.

Here’s why:

  • Women generally make the most of the healthcare arrangements for their families but often neglect their own health needs
  • 50% of women disregard their own health
  • Women are five times more likely than men to develop thyroid issues
  • Two of every three deaths among women are caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs) — examples include heart disease, stroke, and diabetes — all of which can be detected early 

It is not wise to ignore your health and wait until something goes wrong or you are feeling “off” before seeking answers. In this month’s blog, we are sharing 3 important preventive healthcare screenings offered by your neighborhood Any Lab Test Now®. These 3 lab tests are important because they will help detect possible conditions or issues early when they are easiest to treat.


At Any Lab Test Now®, we offer a Comprehensive Female Panel designed to help women of all ages make informed decisions about their health. The Medical Assistants at your local At Any Lab Test Now® regularly see women with ongoing medical conditions or those seeking one-off testing, making our stores an invaluable wellness resource right in your own neighborhood. 

This panel includes multiple tests that will provide you with a personalized snapshot of a woman’s health. The panel also includes a metabolic panel that checks kidney and liver functions, female hormones with a specific female hormone test, thyroid condition, and nutritional status. All around, this is a great panel to add to your wellness routine that provides you with a wide range of bodily information.

The Any Lab Test Now® Comprehensive Female Panel looks at the following: 

CBC with Differential/PlateletsA broad screening test to check for such disorders as anemia, infection, and many other diseases.

Complete Metabolic Panel – A test that measures 14 different substances in your blood and measures kidney and liver function. 

Cholesterol (Lipid) Panel – Measures the amount of cholesterol and fats in your blood. 

Estradiol – Also known as E2, this is the main type of estrogen your ovaries produce. Too much or too little can lead to problems, such as weak bones, urinary tract infections, and even depression. 

Testosterone (Free and Total) – Usually associated with men, women also produce testosterone. An imbalance of this hormone can lead to weight gain or sexual dysfunction. 

TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)This portion of the panel evaluates how well the thyroid gland is working.

HbA1C (Hemoglobin A1C) The results of this test reveal your average blood sugar levels over the past three months.

Progesterone – An imbalance of this hormone can lead to a decreased sex drive, mood swings, irregular periods, and more. 

DHEA-Sulfate – Also known as dehydroepiandrosterone, this hormone contributes to normal libido and sexual satisfaction.

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)Too much or too little FSH can cause a variety of problems, including infertility or menstrual difficulties in women. It can also be an indicator of menopause. 

LH (Luteinizing Hormone) – This chemical supports important processes in your reproductive system, including ovulation. 


Women are more likely to have thyroid issues than men. The thyroid is a hormone-producing gland located in the middle of the lower neck that regulates the body’s metabolism — the rate at which the body produces energy from nutrients and oxygen — and affects critical body functions, such as energy level and the regulation of body temperature. 

Any Lab Test Now® offers a Comprehensive Thyroid Panel that zeroes in on this important gland, which can help you determine if you have one of the two most common thyroid issues. 

Hypothyroidism – a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. Symptoms include extreme fatigue, depression, forgetfulness, and some weight gain.

Hyperthyroidism – a condition causing the gland to produce too much thyroid hormone. Symptoms include irritability, nervousness, muscle weakness, unexplained weight loss, sleep disturbances, vision problems, and eye irritation.


Osteoporosis is a real risk for all women. In fact, 80 percent of Americans with osteoporosis are women. It is a condition that weakens bones and makes them susceptible to breakage. Ideally, our bodies absorb calcium and replace bone tissue. Our main source of calcium is food. But when we don’t eat enough calcium-rich foods, we put ourselves in danger of developing osteoporosis. Most of the time, people don’t realize they have an issue until they suffer a bone fracture. 

Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis because: 

  • Women have smaller, thinner bones
  • A reduction in estrogen, a hormone in women connected to bone health, can lead to bone loss 
  • One in two women over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis 

Our  Osteoporosis Risk Panel includes ten different tests that evaluate your risk for osteoporosis. Two

 of the key components of the test include measuring calcium and vitamin D levels, which are deeply tied to bone health. 


Click here to learn more about a few more tests and panels designed to help empower women to prioritize their health. 

Vitamins and Your Body

It’s no surprise the top New Year’s resolution is to be healthy and get fit. As many people start on their fitness journey, it’s easy to focus only on exercise and diet. Something that usually doesn’t occur to people is a possible vitamin deficiency. Starting a diet or working out while being vitamin deficient could slow or stall your progress, but it also could make the act of working out or dieting significantly less enjoyable. At Any Lab Test Now®, we offer a Micronutrient Test for a thorough exam of your vitamin levels. This test will measure your body’s ability to absorb vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.

Vitamins and minerals are types of micronutrients that influence nearly every process in your body and are essential for your health. A varied and balanced diet usually provides enough vitamins and minerals, but deficiencies can happen for several reasons.

Those include:

  • Poor absorption of nutrients (celiac or Crohn’s disease)
  • Diet lacking in fruit and vegetables
  • Poorly planned vegan or vegetarian diet 
  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
  • Pregnancy 

As there’s a wide range of vitamins and minerals, the types of deficiencies vary.

Iron Deficiency

Iron is a mineral that helps our bodies function properly. It is part of our hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our bodies. Iron also helps our muscles store and use oxygen. If your body doesn’t have enough iron, it can’t make enough of the oxygen-carrying red blood cells. When the body doesn’t get enough oxygen, fatigue results.

Symptoms of an Iron Deficiency:

  • Weak
  • Tired
  • Dizzy 
  • Short of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Headaches 

Iron deficiency is very common, especially among women. A primary cause of this is due to the blood loss experienced during periods and pregnancy. You might also be at an increased risk if you’re vegetarian because plant-based irons are harder for your body to absorb.

Vitamin D Deficiency 

The sun is your body’s best and most efficient source of vitamin D. The body makes vitamin D from exposure to sunlight or UV light on exposed skin, but it can also obtain the vitamin from plants, supplements, or foods fortified with the vitamin. If your body does not get enough vitamin D, you will develop a vitamin D deficiency.

Some people may be more susceptible to developing a vitamin D deficiency due to little sun exposure, diet, and other factors. Sunscreen blocks UV light from being absorbed by your skin, which is why people can sometimes over-protect themselves from the sun. People who are obese, have dark skin and those who are older than 65 are also at higher risk. 

Symptoms of a Vitamin D Deficiency:

  • Tired
  • Sick often
  • Weak bones
  • Muscle pain
  • Anxious or depressed

A long-term vitamin D deficiency can put you at risk for any number of dangerous and even deadly health problems including coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, and diabetes mellitus. A vitamin D deficiency can also cause your bones to become thin, brittle, or misshapen over time. This is why it is important to know your vitamin D levels so you can take the steps to correct or prevent a vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin B Deficiency

The B vitamin family includes vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12, including folic acid, and each of these serves a different, but important, purpose in the body. The most commonly deficient of these are vitamin B6 and folic acid, which are important for one’s metabolism, and immune system.

Symptoms of a Vitamin B Deficiency:

  • Exhaustion
  • Weak
  • Mouth ulcers 
  • Swollen and sore tongue
  • Blurred vision 
  • Difficulty remembering things
  • Depression

New Year, Better You

Poor nutrition impacts every part of life. It contributes to costly diseases, including obesity, heart disease, and even some cancers. At Any Lab Test Now®, we want to help you be proactive to make the best choices for your health. We provide the doctor’s order to convenient and affordable lab tests to those with no insurance or high deductible insurance. Vitamin deficiency can make a huge impact on your life, especially as you get older. Let us help you take control and get a head start on proactively managing your health. Visit any of our 200+ Any Lab Test Now® locations for a test today.

Don’t Rely on Luck, Act Now to Protect Your Kidneys

March, the month when the ice begins to melt and the sun starts to shine through the heavy clouds of winter. The first day of spring encourages outdoor dining and lazy hammock lounging as we welcome the warm weather after the months of cold that have become all too familiar. In addition to looking forward to warmer weather, March features St. Patrick’s Day, National Reading Month, and an important one, National Kidney Month. Kidneys aren’t usually what comes to mind when you think of the third month of the year. However they’re hard at work the entire calendar year, so it’s only fair to recognize their efforts. 

Let’s Start With The Facts

Kidney disease affects 1 in 3 American adults, that’s 37 million adults! The unfortunate reality is that most people don’t even know it. Right now, 100,000 people are on the kidney transplant list. According to the World Health Organization, kidney disease is the 10th leading cause of death globally. 

What Is Kidney Disease?

Chronic kidney disease, or chronic renal disease, is a condition where you suffer from a gradual loss of kidney function over time. The disease includes conditions that damage your kidneys and decrease their ability to keep you healthy by filtering wastes from your blood. Kidney disease increases your risk of having heart and blood vessel disease. When kidney disease progresses, it can eventually lead to kidney failure, which requires dialysis or a kidney transplant to maintain life. 

If your kidneys worsen, you may start to feel sick and develop symptoms like:

  • High blood pressure
  • Anemia
  • Weak bones
  • Poor nutritional health
  • Nerve damage

Risk Factors for Kidney Disease

Several factors can lead to kidney disease. Diabetes and high blood pressure are responsible for two-thirds of chronic kidney disease cases. Diabetes occurs when your blood sugar is too high. Over time, if unmanaged, it can cause damage to your kidneys, heart, blood vessels, nerves, and eyes. High blood pressure occurs when your blood pressure against the walls of your blood vessels increases. If poorly controlled, it can be a leading cause of heart attacks, strokes, and chronic kidney disease. Additionally, kidney stones or tumors can possibly lead to kidney damage, a well.

Unfortunately, chronic kidney disease can impact individuals at any age.
You could have an increased risk if you:

  • Have a family history of kidney failure
  • Are older in age
  • Belong to a group with a high rate of diabetes or high blood pressure

Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Detecting chronic kidney disease can be tricky because the signs and symptoms of the disease typically occur later as the disease progresses. Something to also be mindful of is how symptoms can progress differently in men and women. For instance, urinary tract infections are more common in women, if the UTI travels to the kidneys it could put some women at greater risk for chronic kidney disease. In contrast, there are some cases where men may progress to end-stage renal disease or kidney failure faster.

While watching for late-stage symptoms won’t help with early detection, it’s important to be aware of the signs:

  • Feeling exhausted, less energy
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Poor appetite 
  • Trouble sleeping 
  • Muscle cramping at night
  • Swollen feet/ankles
  • Puffiness around your eyes, especially in the morning 
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Frequent urination, especially at night

Steps to a Healthy Kidney

Early detection and treatment can often keep kidney disease from getting worse. Now is the best time to make a commitment to yourself to keep your kidneys healthy. Any Lab Test Now’s Renal Function Panel is a group of tests used to evaluate kidney function.

This panel provides an affordable, convenient option for you to maintain your health. Minerals, electrolytes, proteins, and glucose are measured as part of this test. A simple blood draw is required, and no appointment is necessary. At Any Lab Test Now ®, we pride ourselves on being accessible to the working person, so our locations have business-friendly hours. 

New Year, Better You!

There are many components to being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. The root could come from several conditions like getting older, an autoimmune disease, or inherited diseases, but something you can do is get ahead of it. With early detection, you can save yourself from severe illness or even death. 

Once you get your test results, you can work with your primary physician to treat and improve the health of your kidneys. As we continue to battle COVID-19 fatigue, it’s easy to write off testing, especially for something that isn’t at the forefront of your mind. However, it’s vital to make your kidney health a priority. As a new season welcomes us, spring into action to care for your kidneys so you can live your life to the fullest. 

Any Lab Test Now ® has more than 200 locations across the country. You can make an appointment online, by phone, or just walk in. Don’t rely on luck for good kidney health, click here for your nearest location. 

STD Testing: Love Your Loved Ones Safely

It’s been nearly two years since COVID-19 first made headlines, and with the stay-at-home orders and lockdowns, many people turned to each other for entertainment. Whether it’s boredom or intentional family planning, there’s a lot of baby announcements popping up on social media feeds everywhere. While that’s the positive side to people getting busy, on the flip side, there’s a grim epidemic currently plaguing the nation. Sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise as fewer people are getting tested and treated.

The numbers are staggering. A recent 2021 study from the CDC states that the rate of STDs has hit a record high for the sixth consecutive year. More than 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis were reported in 2019. This year, the city with the highest STD rate was Jackson, Mississippi, knocking last year’s titleholder, Baltimore, Maryland, to second place. Sexually transmitted diseases can have devastating effects. Now is a good time to stop the profusion of STD cases and make our sexual health a priority.

What better way to love yourself and your partner than making sure you’re in the best possible health to be intimate? It’s the ultimate self-care. There are many STDs to be aware of and protect yourself against. At Any Lab Test Now®, we offer a Comprehensive STD Panel that tests for all major STDs at the same time for one low price. It’s all completely confidential. 

This includes:

STDs often have symptoms that mirror other diseases, making them hard to diagnose. Sometimes they have no symptoms at all. Even if you have no visible symptoms, you still have an STD; and without treatment, it can lead to several complications, some life-threatening. This increases the importance to check this test off your New Year’s to-do list as soon as possible. This way, you can focus on quality time with your partner(s) without fear of what you could be spreading without even knowing it. 

It’s unfortunate that many of the side effects of sexually transmitted diseases are not felt until later in life. It is estimated that chlamydia is one of the leading causes of infertility, with at least 20,000 women experiencing this tragedy each year. However, if caught early on, chlamydia can be easily treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics can also treat gonorrhea and syphilis, but if left untreated, these STDs put people, including newborns, at risk for chronic pain, severe life outcomes, and HIV. 

Since you can’t rely on symptoms to be a sure sign you have an STD, routine testing is vital to maintaining your sexual health and peace of mind. Once you get tested, if it’s negative, you’re encouraged to practice safer sex by doing any of the following to reduce your risk of contracting an STD in your future:

  • Use condoms
  • Communicate with your partner about their sexual history
  • Vaccinations (HPV vaccine is available and safe)

New Year, Better You!

Any Lab Test Now® provides transparent and inexpensive prices for customers who have no insurance, high deductible insurance, or simply want to monitor their health proactively. Any Lab Test Now® is committed to helping you prioritize your health this year. We encourage you to maintain your New Year’s resolutions. There are enough scary germs circulating around as you go about your daily life, don’t let STDs also be one that affects you. For the new year, have your sexual health take precedence as you make your way to a better you.

Book an appointment online or walk into any of our more than 200+ Any Lab Test Now® locations. 

Show Your Heart Some Love and Live Longer

When you think of February, images of hearts probably come to mind thanks to the celebration of Valentine’s Day on the 14th. In addition to emotional attention given to your significant other, friends, and family — it is your own heart you should show some love to at this time. February is American Heart Month – a federally designated awareness month to raise consciousness about heart health.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular disease, which includes heart disease and stroke, is the leading cause of death across the globe. Every 42 seconds, someone has a heart attack, and each minute, in the United States, someone dies from a heart disease-related event. More than 17.3 million deaths are related to heart issues each year — a number expected to rise to more than 23.6 million within the next ten years.

What Is Heart Disease?

Heart disease is a blanket term that refers to several different heart conditions. The most common type of heart disease is coronary artery disease, which could lead to heart attacks. Most of the time, and for most people, the first sign or symptom of heart disease is chest pain. 

Heart attacks are often thought of as sudden, but the issue that causes them develops over time. A substance called plaque builds up inside of the arteries, and causes the arteries to narrow, which reduces blood flow to the heart, and eventually triggers a heart attack.

Risk Factors For Heart Disease

Almost half of all Americans (47 percent) have at least one risk factor for heart disease. However, some risk factors cannot be controlled, such as family history.

On the risk list are: 

  • High Cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes Or Pre-Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Obesity

Steps to a Healthy Heart

While heart disease is not curable, the good news is that it can be treated and possibly prevented. Here are some preventative measures to help reduce your risk of heart disease.

• Eat a heart-healthy diet
• Stay active
• Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke
• Control your cholesterol and blood pressure
• If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation
• Manage stress

Make a Commitment to Your Heart Health

As you continue to set new goals this year, make a commitment to yourself to keep your heart healthy. The first step is to take action. The Any Lab Test Now® Heart Health Panel provides an affordable and convenient overview of your heart health status. This panel can be used to provide a baseline assessment of your cardiovascular health, to help you and your doctor evaluate and monitor possible risks. There are four components provided within the Any Lab Test Now® Heart Health Panel. 

They include:

  • Lipoprotein Particle Protein Basic (LPP) – Overall cardiovascular risk assessment
  • Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) – Evaluate the body’s electrolyte balance and the status of major body organs
  • C-Reactive Protein (CRP) High Sensitivity – Inflammation marker used to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Homocysteine – Evaluate the risk of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases

New Year, Better You!

While various heart problems may be inherited, many forms of heart disease can be prevented or treated with healthy lifestyle choices. Once you get your test results, you can work with a doctor on a plan to treat and improve the health of your heart. Between work, social activities, and taking care of a family, it may be easy to forget to take care of yourself.  However, it’s important to make sure your heart’s health is top-notch, especially if you’re the heart of the household.

Your cardiovascular system is important for your quality of life, so make February the month you take charge of your habits and make an improvement in your health. Any Lab Test Now® has more than 200 convenient locations across the country to help you Take Control of Your Health®. You can make an appointment online, or by phone, or just walk in.

Click here to find a location near you and start loving your heart and living your best life.