Bless Your Heart Health, Ladies!

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease kills more women than all cancers combined.  That is pretty amazing, given our rightful attention to causes such as breast cancer awareness.  More interesting is how women support and take care of each other through these causes – women are natural caregivers, even with strangers.

However, we have an obligation to take care of our own health – for ourselves, our family and friends.  That’s not as natural for us!  So, let’s start with some heart health basics since February is Heart Health Awareness Month:

  • Get your cholesterol checked if you haven’t in the past year.  Consider a VAP Test or PLAC Test, which offer more comprehensive information.
  • Exercise!  Practice for and join your community health walks.  This is an excellent way to move and socialize at the same time!
  • Eat right  The holidays are over! It is time to get serious about what you are putting into your body.  Try your local farmer’s market, stores that carry organic and fresh produce, or if you are on the run, try Meals To Live frozen meals, which are diabetic-friendly.
  • Monitor your glucose and take action right away if you’ve been diagnosed as a pre-diabetic or diabetic.
  • Stop smoking.  Enough said.
  • Recognize symptoms of a possible heart attack  Women’s heart attack symptoms can be different than those of men.  Be on alert for:
    • Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in your chest
    • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
    • Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
    • Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.
    • Women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.

Ladies, Bless Your Hearts and learn more by visiting the American Heart Association and get tested at your local ANY LAB TEST NOW.

Cholesterol? What Cholesterol? My Internal Battle

Every time I turn around, there are news blurbs and health blogs about high cholesterol.  Heck, is there anything that won’t make us susceptible?  Well I know a few things that will!

  • My fave – French fries
  • Age (I really don’t want to hear that word right now…)
  • My parents and their parents – an easy excuse – genes
  • Back to my bad eating habits of fast food
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking (not my habit, just one of those things I know about)

I’m at that “give and take” part of my life. I’m going to have to give up some of the “good stuff” like Twinkies, Little Debbie Swiss Rolls and Coconut Fudge ice cream to save myself from the “bad stuff”, heart disease.

I fear pain.  I am a bit of a wimp.  I cannot even imagine what a heart attack feels like.  I will give my bags of chips up any day and will even climb on the dusty elliptical trainer sitting in the corner of my living room rather than having to deal with that issue.  That is, if I really need to…  That’s the problem – willpower, and knowing!  You can’t see or feel those waxy globs of fat in your system, so I’m taking a risk with the occasional late-night snack while reasoning with myself why I deserve it.

So, I finally got smart.  I got my cholesterol tested.  It gave me something real to look at.   Sorry snack cakes, you are going to have to go on vacation.  The numbers are reality, and reality reminds me of my biggest fear.  Knowing my cholesterol level is more motivating than hiding in the closet and hoping the grim reaper of blood gunk will pass me by.   So, I encourage all my readers to get your cholesterol tested and know your reality today.