Your Teen, the COVID Quarantine and the Unhealthy Habit They Could Be Hiding

Your Teen, the COVID Quarantine and the Unhealthy Habit They Could Be Hiding

The stay-at-home orders of the pandemic have had a major impact on the American family. Parents across the country were furloughed from their job or forced to work from home. Schools were shut down, turning homes into remote classrooms. Besides that, much of everything was closed, giving us nowhere to go. The combination forced many families to spend more time together.

In those moments, many parents had revelations about their children. Some good — like discovering a daughter’s budding talent for baking. Other discoveries aren’t as pleasant — such as realizing their child might be addicted to vaping.

The statistics on teen tobacco usage among middle and high school students in the United States is surprising. According to a study released by the Centers for Disease Control:

  • 2 million students admitted to using some type of tobacco product
  • E-cigarettes (vapes) were the most commonly used tobacco product
  • More than 5 million middle and high school students currently use e-cigarettes
  • The number above is higher than the 3.6 million revealed in the same study the year before

“Our nation’s youth are becoming increasingly exposed to nicotine, a drug that is highly addictive and can harm brain development,” said CDC Director Robert R. Redfield, M.D., after the release of the survey. “Youth use of any tobacco product, including e-cigarettes, is unsafe. It is incumbent upon public health and healthcare professionals to educate Americans about the risks resulting from this epidemic among our youth.”

What is Vaping?

Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling vapor from an electronic vaping device. These devices heat a liquid typically containing nicotine, and produce a cloud of vapor. Many e-cigarettes come in fruit, candy, and other kid-friendly flavors, which make them so appealing to kids.

So what should parents look for? There are many different devices from which teens can vape. However, flavored e-cigarettes that look like an elongated thumb drive are the most popular among teens. They are not only the cheapest, they are the simplest vapes to use. They are small, discreet, and disposable. Users say they are ideal for stealth vaping — which is another reason why teens prefer them.

One vape pen can contain as much nicotine as two or three packs of cigarettes.

Nicotine and the Teen Brain

Years of research show nicotine to be addictive and harmful to the development of adolescent brains. The part of your child’s brain responsible for making decisions and impulse control is not fully developed in adolescence. Because of this, teens are more likely to take risks with their health and safety. Vaping is one of those risks. Research suggests teen vaping can lead to long-term brain changes, like nicotine addiction, mood disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

This can all have an impact on learning, too. When a new skill is learned or memory made, the brain builds a strong connection between brain cells. These are called synapses. Nicotine can alter the way these critical synapses are formed.

There is also evidence that nicotine use in adolescence may increase the risk of future addiction to other drugs.

Teen Perceptions

Teens continue to believe vaping is relatively harmless. A national survey about teen perceptions on e-cigarette usage found:

  • 10 percent of U.S. youth believe e-cigarettes cause no harm
  • 62 percent believe they cause little or some harm
  • 28 percent believe they cause a lot of harm when they are used some days but not every day

Before the quarantine, 74 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds surveyed said they obtained vaping products from a retail store. Just over half said they got products through social sources, such as a friend or family members. Since the stay-at-home orders reduced access to e-cigarettes or vaping supplies, many teens may be exhibiting signs of withdrawal.

Talk to Your Teen

If you suspect your teen is vaping, the best approach is to open a line of calm communication. Try using an open-ended question to get the conversation started, such as “What do you think about vaping?” Be prepared to listen rather than give a lecture.

Ask why before suggesting why not. Hear your child out about their choice to start vaping. You should express your understanding about the risks of vaping and the impact it can have on your child’s health and well-being. Convey your expectations, and if you set consequences, be sure to follow through.

We Can Help

An easy way parents can determine whether their child is using tobacco products — whether vaping or traditional cigarettes is with a simple test.

 Any Lab Test Now offers parents a variety of testing options that don’t involve a doctor’s visit or referral — and testing results can remain anonymous. There are three types of tests available:

Urine Test – This is a good choice if a parent suspects their child has recently used nicotine. The specimen will be screened and confirmed, with results available in 48 to 72 hours.

Hair Test – This is a good option for parents who think their child has been either vaping or smoking nicotine for a long period of time. It only takes seven days for nicotine to start showing in the strands of your hair. The Hair Test can determine if someone has used nicotine as far back as three months.

 Blood Test – This simple blood draw test can detect traces of nicotine just hours after use.

Be at Ease

 If you are considering testing your teen for nicotine use but are wary of bumping into a coronavirus patient at your doctor’s office, you can be at ease with a visit to Any Lab Test Now. We provide you a safe and clean location for lab work. Each of our 185+ stores is sanitized several times a day, in accordance with the CDC’s protocols. Any Lab Test Now is a committed partner in helping you manage your family’s healthcare so you can make educated decisions that directly affect your quality of life. We are here to help. Find your closest Any Lab Test Now at


Summer Health Alert: It’s Lyme Disease Season

After being stuck inside for weeks, thanks to the novel coronavirus pandemic, people across the country are venturing back outdoors now the weather is warming up.

A recent survey finds 43 percent of Americans say they plan to do more outside activities post-COVID 19 lockdown, like walking and hiking.

Of course, getting outside has great health benefits, but it can also have some risks, especially during warmer months (April through September) — which is prime tick season. The CDC has a great resource to find out which ticks are most common in your area.

Experts predict ticks will be more troublesome this season than in years past mainly because the wildlife that can carry ticks has been wandering into residential areas after human and vehicle traffic were reduced because of stay-at-home orders. More wildlife around our homes and in our neighborhoods could lead to more ticks that have a chance to bite humans.

An active tick season combined with COVID-19 can present a whole new set of challenges.

Lyme Disease Overview

Approximately 300,000 people contract Lyme disease each year in the United States, but only one in ten cases are reported to the CDC. Lyme disease is caused by the bite of an infected black-legged tick, sometimes called the deer tick. One of the early signs of the disease is a bulls-eye rash. However, only 70–80 percent of people will have this symptom.

Other symptoms of Lyme disease are less distinctive and can be confused with other illnesses, including COVID-19.  These symptoms include fever, head and body aches, and fatigue. These flu-like symptoms can be deceptive to both patients and doctors, particularly if the person doesn’t recall being bitten by a tick in the first place.

There are three stages of Lyme disease. If caught early, it can be cured. Treatment involves two to four weeks of antibiotics. However, if someone mistakes Lyme disease for COVID-19, they could unknowingly delay necessary medical treatment, and that can lead to severe, potentially debilitating symptoms, including neurological and cognitive problems, heart problems, and painful arthritis. Here is a closer look at the three stages of Lyme disease.

Stage One: Early Localized

Lyme is the easiest to cure at this stage. Symptoms may begin hours, a few days, or even weeks after a tick bite. At this point, the infection has not yet spread throughout the body. Symptoms may include:

  • Skin rash, which may or may not look like a bulls-eye
  • Fever and chills
  • Fatigue
  • Headache and stiff neck
  • Muscle soreness and joint pain
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Sore throat

Stage Two: Early Disseminated Lyme disease

If not treated, this stage may begin several weeks or months after a tick bite as bacteria spread throughout the body. Stage two is often marked by an increase in symptoms such as:

  • Fever and chills
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Changes in vision
  • Pain, weakness or numbness in the arms, legs
  • Chest pain or palpitations
  • Rash may appear on the body
  • Facial paralysis

Stage Three: Late Disseminated Lyme disease

At this point, the bacteria that cause Lyme disease have spread throughout the body, causing a number of chronic and sometimes debilitating symptoms that could last a lifetime. These symptoms may include:

  • Arthritis in joints or near the point of infection
  • Severe headaches or migraines
  • Vertigo
  • Stiff neck
  • Insomnia
  • Heart problems
  • Brain fog
  • Numbness in the arms, legs, hands, or feet
  • Severe fatigue

Tricks to Avoid Ticks

Ticks live in grassy, brushy, or wooded areas, and even on animals. Many people get ticks in their own yard or neighborhood. Spending time outside, whether it’s walking the dog, hiking, or gardening, can bring you in close contact with ticks — but that shouldn’t deter you from enjoying the fresh air.

Here are some helpful tips to avoid ticks.

  • If walking in wooded or areas with high grass, wear shoes, long pants tucked into your socks, a long-sleeved shirt, a hat, and gloves.
  • Treat clothing and shoes with products designed to repel ticks. Look for products containing permethrin. This can be used to treat footwear and clothing and will remain protective through several washings.
  • Do a tick check before heading indoors. Check your pets and any gear, too. Ticks can hitch a ride into the home on clothing, gear like backpacks, and pets, then attach to a person later. Deer ticks are often no bigger than the head of a pin, so you may not discover them unless you search carefully.
  • Wash clothes in hot water and dry clothes in a dryer on high heat. You can also kill ticks on dry clothing after you come indoors by putting them in the dryer on high for ten minutes.
  • Showering within two hours of coming indoors has been shown to reduce your risk of getting Lyme disease. Not only could it wash off unattached ticks, it is also a good opportunity to do a tick check.

Check these parts of your body for ticks:

  • Under the arms
  • In and around the ears
  • Inside belly button
  • Back of the knees
  • In and around the hair
  • Between the legs
  • Around the waist

If you find a tick, remove it as soon as possible. Use tweezers to gently grasp the tick near its head or mouth. Try not to squeeze or crush the tick. Instead, pull carefully and steadily. Once you’ve removed the entire tick, dispose of it and apply antiseptic to the bite area.

Get Tested

In order for your doctor to make an accurate diagnosis, you can’t rely on symptoms alone. You need accurate, sensitive testing to pinpoint the source of disease. Any Lab Test Now provides such testing. Our specialized Lyme disease test is performed by certified lab technicians to measure the Borrelia antibodies in the blood. Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii are the bacteria that cause the infection we call Lyme disease. Test results are usually available within 24–72 business hours. No need for you to make an appointment with a doctor first.  You can walk in to Any Lab Test Now to get the test at any time.  The sooner you get tested, the sooner your doctor can start treatment if you test positive.

Be At Ease

If you are considering a Lyme disease test but are wary of bumping into a coronavirus patient at your doctor’s office, you can be at ease with a visit to Any Lab Test Now. We provide you a safe and clean alternative location for lab work. Each of our 180+ stores is sanitized several times a day, in accordance with the CDC’s protocols. When you get your test results, you can easily make a telemedicine appointment with your physician and share the details. Any Lab Test Now is a committed partner in helping you manage your healthcare so you can make educated decisions that will directly affect your quality of life. We want to put you at ease during the coronavirus outbreak. We are here to help.

Find your closest Any Lab Test Now store at

Magnesium Deficiency — Is the Culprit in Your Medicine Cabinet?

Big things can come in small packages, and one of those is the mineral magnesium. In fact, magnesium plays a role in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate some pretty important functions in your body. These include protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. Your body wouldn’t be able to produce energy without it. It contributes to your body’s bone structural development. Magnesium even plays a role in the normal beating of your heart. No doubt about it, this tiny mineral plays a big role in your health, but there are a shocking number of factors that can deplete your body of magnesium. Any Lab Test Now wants you to be aware of them!


If you are an otherwise healthy person who isn’t taking any medications, it would be almost impossible for you to become magnesium deficient. Your kidneys are at the control center of magnesium levels. If things are operating normally, you’ll actually excrete magnesium daily. If there’s not enough magnesium, then your kidneys will reduce that. (Just another good reason to keep your kidneys in good health!)

If you have habitually low intakes of dietary magnesium due to certain health conditions, then you may be at risk. People with gastrointestinal diseases like Crohn’s disease or celiac disease can be at risk. Having type 2 diabetes can be a problem because your kidneys may excrete too much magnesium. Alcoholism and the strain that puts on your body’s systems can contribute to decreased magnesium. Even the process of aging can make you more susceptible to magnesium depletion. There’s even thought that ingesting sugar, caffeine, and carbonated beverages daily could contribute to the problem.

If you are magnesium deficient, the culprit may be in your medicine cabinet. Certain medications have been shown to reduce magnesium levels in the body because they cause the kidneys to excrete more. You might be magnesium deficient if you take:

  • Diuretics
  • Heart medications
  • Asthma medications
  • Birth control pills
  • Estrogen replacement therapy


If you are deficient of magnesium, the early symptoms are fairly vague and include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. As the magnesium deficiency worsens, so do the symptoms; numbness, tingling, muscle contractions and cramps, seizures, personality changes, abnormal heart rhythms, and coronary spasm can occur. You don’t want to let it get to this point! The Magnesium Test offered by Any Lab Test Now is a simple blood test that will measure the level of magnesium present in your blood. You won’t be required to fast for the test, and you’ll usually get your results within 24 to 72 hours after your specimen is collected.


Researchers believe that habitually low intakes of magnesium can cause biochemical changes that can increase the risk of illness over time. They are looking very closely at the role magnesium deficiency could play in the development of hypertension and cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and migraine headaches. In the meantime, reduce your risk by eating plenty of magnesium-rich foods like nuts, legumes, and dark leafy vegetables. If you’re concerned you may be at risk, drop by your local Any Lab Test Now for testing today.

Precision Medicine – Available at Any Lab Test Now

“Precision medicine.”

It sounds like something from the future. When most of us think about “precision,” images of watches, computers, or lasers may pop into your mind. But when we talk about precision medicine, we’re talking about optimizing the treatment effectiveness of prescription drugs and minimizing the adverse reactions to them. We’re talking about pharmacogenomics.

Pharmacogenomics (or PGx) is a growing area that blends the study of pharmacology with the field of genetics. Basically, it’s taking individualized medical care down to your very genetic makeup. That’s some pretty heavy stuff, and it’s available right now at Any Lab Test Now.

One Size Does NOT Fit All

Until now, medications have been a sort of a one-size-fits-all model. Doctors try patients on one drug. If that doesn’t work, they move on to the next. If that one works, then they may fiddle with the dosage until they get that just right. Pharmacogenomics takes that time-consuming (and sometimes costly) process and tosses it out the window.

Pharmacogenomics can empower every doctor and every patient with the specific knowledge to properly prescribe to the patient’s symptoms and conditions with accurate medication for the best possible results. How is it done? It’s as easy as a simple DNA swab across your cheek.

Here at Any Lab Test Now, we are proud to offer you seven different PGx panels that address some of the most common conditions faced by patients.

They all work the same. Each kit will come with two buccal (cheek) swabs. Once you collect your DNA sample and turn it in, it will generally take 5 – 7 business days for you to receive your lab results. Simply choose from one of our more than 170 testing locations with work-friendly hours. You can schedule an appointment online, or you can walk-in. Once you receive your results, share them with your doctor and start your journey toward targeted healthcare.

Healthcare: Tailor-Made For You

The days of the trial-and-error of prescription drug prescribing are over. Now, you can have a treatment plan tailored specifically to your body type and physiology, and it’s as simple as accessing your body’s DNA. Stop in to your local Any Lab Test Now location and ask for more information about pharmacogenomics testing.

A Tiny Mineral with a Big Job

In today’s society, we’ve almost grown used to being tired all of the time. Far from being unusual, fatigue and exhaustion almost seem to be the norm — even an expected and accepted state of being — ALL THE TIME.

But, aside from the occasional bouts of insomnia or the nights when Netflix wins the binge-watch battle (“Just one more…”), lasting fatigue is usually a sign that something is not right with your body. A possible culprit: iron deficiency.

Iron — An Essential Mineral

Iron is called an essential mineral because it is — well, essential. Your body needs iron to make healthy red blood cells. It’s in every cell in your body, and without it, your body would not be able to make hemoglobin and myoglobin, which are both oxygen-carrying workhorses! Iron-deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia that occurs if you do not have enough iron in your body. You can be assured that your body will let you know soon enough if you are lacking, but many health experts believe it should never reach that point.

Signs and Symptoms

As we mentioned above, fatigue is the most common symptom of iron-deficiency anemia. It can make it hard to do even the most basic activities. Some other signs and symptoms, according to the National Institutes of Health, include:

  • Brittle nails or spooning of the nails
  • Cracks at the sides of the mouth
  • Pale skin
  • Swelling or soreness of the tongue
  • Coldness in the hands and feet
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness
  • Restless legs syndrome
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeat

Irregular heartbeat is usually a sign that the iron deficiency has gotten to a very serious level. And one other symptom worth noting is “Pica.” Pica is when a person has unusual food cravings for nonfood items — things such as ice, dirt, paint, or starch. It is a disorder that can be associated with other conditions as well.

It’s Not Just a Diet Thing

Many people think of iron-deficiency anemia as a problem for those following a strict vegan diet. It is true that those not getting enough iron-rich foods like meat and eggs need to be aware to consume enough dark, leafy greens to keep their levels high enough. But, there are plenty of other reasons you might be iron deficient. Women with heavy periods are at risk as are women who are pregnant. People with slow, chronic blood loss (things like peptic ulcers, hiatal hernias, colon polyps, or colorectal cancer) should be aware of their increased risk. Some people find their ability to absorb iron from their food is compromised because of disorders such as celiac disease.

Take Control of Your Health

If you’ve been experiencing any of the signs and symptoms above and suspect you may have iron-deficiency anemia, Any Lab Test Now offers you two options:

  1. TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity) Test – This is a basic test that will measure the amount of iron in your blood. Samples are preferred to be collected in the morning from a fasting state, since iron values naturally decrease during the course of the day.
  2. Anemia Panel – This is a comprehensive panel for those looking to take a deeper look. It includes the TIBC Test along with five others: Complete Blood Count, Ferritin, Reticulocyte Count, Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid Tests.

Both of these tests will provide you with critical information that will help you get to the root cause of your symptoms and give you and your doctor the details you need to move forward towards a stronger, healthier YOU.

Win Your Fight Against Fatigue

Exhaustion doesn’t have to be a way of life. If you’ve addressed the obvious (we’re looking at you, binge-watching!) it may be time to consider other possible causes. Consider Any Lab Test Now your partner in putting your health first.

The High Cost of Hay Fever

If we took a peek inside your medicine cabinet, what would it look like? If you are like a lot of people, your cabinet would be a jumble of allergy medicines, decongestants, cough suppressants and expectorants with a few stray pain relievers and fever reducers rolling around.

Here at Any Lab Test Now, we want to help you take control of your seasonal allergies by helping you pinpoint your triggers with allergy testing. Without the right information, you are more likely to self-misdiagnose and purchase and use the wrong types of medications, medications that aren’t cheap. When your symptoms strike, will you be prepared?


Let’s start with an Australian study published last year. They studied nearly 300 people who believed they had hay fever based upon their symptoms. The researchers found that only 17 percent of them selected the correct over-the-counter medications to treat their symptoms.

Those costs add up. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, the annual cost of allergies exceeds $18 billion. Allergy sufferers are also more likely to miss work – 1.7 more days lost than non-allergy sufferers. What could save you time, money and suffering? It could be as simple as allergy testing.


Most doctors would agree that the first step in winning your battle against seasonal allergies is to know your triggers, and that’s where your local Any Lab Test Now can help. We offer a wide range of allergy testing that will help you fight back when it seems like your body is in revolt!

The experts at the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) say seasonal allergies are like other types of allergies. They develop when the body’s immune system overreacts to something in the environment, usually during spring, summer or fall when certain plants pollinate. The ACAAI estimates that as many as 50 million people have allergies of some type. Usually, the symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Itchy eyes
  • Runny nose

If you leave them untreated, problems can worsen, so it’s a good idea to treat them — and an even better idea to avoid them altogether.

If you find that you are sneezing and coughing during certain times of the year, you may have seasonal allergies, but the best way to find relief (and save yourself some money in the process) is to pinpoint exactly what’s triggering your symptoms. The simplest way to do that is by taking advantage of the wide range of allergy testing we offer at Any Lab Test Now.


Any Lab Test Now offers numerous types of allergy tests. One of our lab experts can help you decide which one would be best for you.

Our Environmental Allergy Test is a combination panel that measures IgG and IgE antibodies to 90 food allergens and 45 environmental allergens (will test for 45 regional environmental allergen such as grass, weeds, trees and mold.) The Basic (Pediatric) Allergy Panel is the perfect introductory test. It screens for allergies to 32 environmental substances and foods, including eight common grasses and weeds, including ragweed. There are many more to choose from and we can help guide you toward the test that is right for you.

One of the best things about allergy testing at Any Lab Test Now is the blood draw! That may sound crazy, but remember, it wasn’t that long ago that testing like this used to require hundreds of needle pricks to determine an allergy reaction. Now, one simple blood draw can look for the specific antibodies to hundreds of substances — using only one needle.

Before the sneezing and wheezing has you crawling to your local pharmacy buying everything on the shelf to find relief, stop in at Any Lab Test Now and ask about allergy testing. It will save you time, trouble, and probably even some of your hard-earned cash.

The Preventable Cancer; A Take-Home Test Takes The Fear Out of Colon Cancer Screening

Most people don’t like to talk about (whisper) cancer.

Even more people don’t want to talk about colorectal cancer.

But here at Any Lab Test Now, we’re going to have this uncomfortable talk, because it’s a talk that could save your life. That’s because, with early screening and testing, colon cancer is preventable, treatable, and beatable for anyone. Any Lab Test Now is very pleased to provide you with a potentially life-saving option.

The Colon Cancer Screening (FIT) Test is a simple, non-invasive test that will check for blood in your stool. That’s the best way to provide you with early detection of polyps that could result in colon cancer. Research has shown that early detection is the key to winning the battle against this very treatable disease. Making this option even more of a game changer — you can conduct it in the privacy of your own home, with no special preparations.


Colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer, according to the Colon Cancer Coalition. It’s also the second leading cause of cancer death. Anyone can get it. It seems to affect men and women equally as well as people of all races and nationalities. The disease is most often defined by the development of colorectal polyps. The polyps can sometimes turn into cancer.  And here’s what makes early detection so crucial: colorectal polyps and colorectal cancer don’t always cause symptoms, especially at first. That’s why regular screening for colorectal cancer is so important. 

IF you do have symptoms, officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say they are most likely to include:

  • Blood in or on your bowel movements.
  • Changes in bowel movements including constipation or diarrhea. 
  • Stomach pains, aches, or cramps that don’t go away.
  • Unexplained weight loss. 

There are some risk factors you should be aware of, and a family history of colon cancer tops that list. People suffering from ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease also appear to be at an increased risk, as are those living with diabetes.

As with many cancers, there are associated lifestyle risks as well. People who eat a lot of fat and cholesterol and very little fiber should be more aware. Drinking excessive alcohol, smoking, obesity, and sedentary lifestyle are all potential risk factors. 


The American Cancer Society recently updated their guidelines for colorectal cancer screening. According to the new recommendations, screening should begin at the age of 45 for people at average risk, possibly sooner for those with a family history. With the Colon Cancer Screening (FIT) Test from Any Lab Test Now, you can take the test when it’s convenient for you. You don’t need a doctor’s orders or even an appointment. Simply come by one of our convenient locations and pick the test up.

Many people let embarrassment stop them from getting a colonoscopy, or they have heard horror stories about the prep work required for that test. The Colon Cancer Screening (FIT) Test removes both of those hurdles. It’s a test that you conduct for yourself in the privacy of your own home. And, there’s no fasting involved. Simply pick up the test, follow the instructions, and return the test for processing. Results generally take no longer than five to seven business days.


Share your results with your doctor and see what the best course of action is for you. Remember, colon cancer is usually preventable, treatable, and beatable if detected early. Don’t let embarrassment or fear get in your way. The easy to use “take at home” Colon Cancer Screening (FIT) Test from Any Lab Test Now is worth talking about.

Four Good Reasons To Have Your Liver Function Tested

 Your liver is amazing! It is the second largest organ in your body (your skin takes the top spot!) and it has the greatest regenerative capacity of any organ! It is so amazing that doctors are able to perform “living-donor transplants.” That means that surgeons can remove a portion of a living donor’s healthy liver and place it into a patient who needs a new one. After the surgery, the donor’s liver regenerates to full size, while the patient’s new liver also grows to a normal size.

Maybe we tend to take our liver’s health for granted because it is so amazing! But your local Any Lab Test Now location wants you to be aware that your liver is too important to take for granted. While you’re going about your busy day, your liver is busy —

  • Cleaning your blood of toxins.
  • Producing bile for your digestion.
  • Processing what you eat and drink into nutrients.
  • Filtering out harmful substances from your blood.

And that’s just SOME of what your liver does. Knowing all the work the liver performs should make you determined to take care of it, but some people should take extra care because they are at an increased risk.


One of the domino effects of the obesity epidemic is something commonly known as “nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.” As the name implies, the disease results when too much fat is stored in liver cells. In the United States, it is the most common form of chronic liver disease, affecting an estimated 80 to 100 million people. It should be noted that you could develop fatty liver disease and NOT be overweight as well.


Here’s the thing about alcohol and your liver: they really don’t mix well. And because we each have our own biochemistry, how alcohol affects Jack’s liver will be different than how it affects Jill’s. Whether it’s three or four drinks a day or weekend binges, the toxic effects of alcohol on your liver usually develop over time, so testing can be crucial.


According to the CDC, people born from 1945–1965 are five times more likely to have Hepatitis C than other adults. What’s worse — most people with the disease do not know they are infected. They can go for decades without symptoms while their livers are slowly under attack. The reason baby boomers have such high rates of Hep C isn’t completely understood, but researchers theorize that many were infected from medical equipment or procedures before universal precautions were adopted or from receiving contaminated blood before screening eliminated the virus in the 1990s.


Liver damage is a known side effect of many medications and supplements — both prescription AND over-the-counter. Your doctor may order liver function tests to watch for possible side effects.

The Liver Function Panel at your local Any Lab Test Now can help you take control of your health. The panel consists of seven tests. Some of the tests will look at how well your liver is working at producing protein and cleaning bilirubin waste from your blood. Others measure enzymes that the cells in your liver release if it has been damaged or is diseased.

If your liver is under attack, you may not even know it. Symptoms can be vague until damage has progressed. The good news is that the liver is very resilient. If you are diagnosed early, you have a better chance of a positive outcome. Come in to your local Any Lab Test Now and let our experts help you.

Minding The Health Gap: Helping Men Prioritize Their Health

Fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons — they are all less likely to see a doctor, and they are all more likely to die sooner than the women in their lives. The latest statistics from the CDC found that the average life expectancy for a man is 78.6 years, while women live five years longer, on average. That longevity difference is generally referred to as the “gender health gap.”

Any Lab Test Now is here to help men take control of their health by eliminating one of the most common reasons they don’t go to see their doctor: time! Our convenient labs are fast… in most cases, you’ll be in and out in 15 minutes. Some of our locations have extended and even weekend hours. And there’s usually not a long wait for results. Many of our test results are available within 24–72 hours.

Common Causes and Gender Equality

When it comes to diseases that cause death, men and women have a lot in common. Both are most likely to die from heart disease and cancers than from any other diseases, according to the CDC. The difference is that women are more likely to be going to their primary care physicians and getting regular check-ups, so they are more likely to seek and receive treatment, leading to better health outcomes.

For a man that isn’t willing to take the time to see his doctor, or doesn’t think it’s necessary to see a physician since he “feels fine”! Any Lab Test Now can help bridge that health gap. Our simple and convenient Annual Check-Up Panel just might be the single most effective weapon you have in your fight against heart disease. The results will provide you with information about your cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as your blood counts, electrolytes, and thyroid, kidney and liver functions. Taking this test is 15 minutes well spent, and could honestly save your life.

The Annual Check-Up Panel may be helpful in screening for some types of cancers as well. The Panel includes a Complete Blood Count (CBC). This common blood test measures the number of various types of blood cells in a sample of your blood. Blood cancers could be detected using this test and it is a valuable tool for providing an overall snapshot of your health.

Any Lab Test Now also offers colon and prostate cancer screening tests. Many men are embarrassed at the thought of going to a doctor’s office for either test. With the Colon Cancer Screening Test, embarrassment is not a factor! It’s a take-home test that will check for blood in your stool. The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test is critical for men with a family history of prostate cancer. Otherwise, the benefits of the test should be discussed with your doctor.

Taking Time for Yourself

Taking the time to see to your health isn’t unmanly! Feeling good and staying healthy makes you a better father, husband, brother or son.

Taking the time from work to go to an appointment doesn’t make you a bad employee. In fact, healthy employees are better employees. Let Any Lab Test Now help you bridge the gender gap in health care.

Be Prepared To Meet Your Weight Loss Goals

 Another year is winding down. Is it another year that you didn’t meet your weight loss goals? Before you beat yourself up and vow to try again, Any Lab Test Now® wants you to know that it’s important to realize that there may be something at play here that you don’t even realize. If your metabolism isn’t working efficiently and properly, then no amount of proper diet and exercise is going to work. If you’ve suffered from a lack of success before, you might want to consider some testing before you give it another try.

A good place to start is with the Basic Nutritional Panel offered by Any Lab Test Now. This panel includes a variety of tests that can give you a good idea if your body (particularly your metabolism) is functioning properly. It can reveal signs of anemia, infections, or other factors that may cause fatigue, as well as reveal deficiencies in the most common vitamins and minerals

Want to look a little deeper into your nutritional status? Our Micronutrient Test is our most wide-ranging nutritional test. From vitamins and minerals to amino acids and antioxidants, this test measures your body’s ability to absorb 32 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients. It can be especially helpful in making sure your diet is providing everything your body needs to function optimally.

Many people don’t realize the connection between your hormones and your weight. Hormonal imbalances can lead to weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. The Weight Management Take Home Hormone Kit can provide you and your doctor with valuable information on imbalances that might be contributing to excessive weight. Too much estrogen and too little testosterone have been linked to unhealthy weight gain. The so-called “stress hormone” cortisol has been shown to lead to abdominal weight gain. This panel will test for all of those and more.

Want to take a deeper dive into your thyroid health? Then, the Thyroid Panel is recommended for you. The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating how your body uses energy. If your thyroid is underactive, you may suffer from fatigue and weight gain. The Thyroid Panel includes tests for:

  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
  • T4 Total
  • Free T3
  • Free T4
  • Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO)

Thyroid imbalances can lead to more than just weight fluctuations; they can end in heart disease, infertility, or osteoporosis. That’s why it’s important to know where you stand with this important hormone producer.

Hormones and nutrition play a huge role, along with diet and exercise. Any Lab Test Now can be your partner on your weight loss and health journey. A quick trip into one of our convenient locations will help you take control of your health now… and for years to come.