What’s Your Cellular Age?

JUL newsletter SMALL telomeresAs much as we’d all like to flee from aging, it is inevitable. Just as your car or a favorite clothing item will wear out over time, so too does the human body. Of course, the rate at which aging happens is different for each person and is based on a number of factors such as genetics, diet, exercise and stress.

On a cellular level, however, the rate of aging is measurable. Measurement is possible because of the telomeres that are connected to the end of your cells. Every time cells divide, the length of the telomere becomes shortened. The shorter the telomere is, the more times that particular cell has been copied. Over time, the telomere becomes so short that the cell no longer reproduces and is “retired”. This shortening of the telomere is known as cellular aging.

Through the use of a telomere test, labs are able to measure the length of the telomere in one’s body. This measurement is then compared to the expected length of telomeres in those of a similar age bracket, which helps determine overall cellular age.

While cell division and its subsequent retirement are natural processes, there are ways in which one can slow the process down. Among these are:

  • Minimizing consumption of processed, surgery or fatty foods.
  • Reducing body fat to 22 percent for women and 16 percent for men.
  • Exercising for at least an hour a day.
  • Reducing stress.
  • Quitting smoking and other tobacco consumption.
  • Sleeping eight hours a night.
  • Increasing consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, Omega-3 fatty acids, vegetable protein, cold-water fish and fiber.
  • Evaluating the need for nutritional supplements.

Next time you worry about getting older, consider monitoring the rate at which your cells age. With monitoring, you will be better able to make the lifestyle choices that are necessary to slow cellular aging, and potentially the onset of age-related diseases. Walk-in to Any Lab Test Now to ask for your Telomere Test today.

What’s the One Blood Test All Student Athletes Are Required to Have?

It is no surprise that student athletes participate in high intensity workouts. Whether it’s for conditioning, during practice time or game time, an athlete is continuously placed in situations where they need to raise their heart rate and push their bodies to the limit. Because of this, it is extremely important for school athletic directors and coaches to make sure that their student athletes are healthy and that their bodies can endure the physical activity expected of them.

There is one health condition in particular that could hinder a student athlete from truly competing to their best ability. This condition is known as sickle-cell trait. Inherited from a parent, sickle-cell trait can cause red blood cells to sickle and block blood vessels, denying oxygen to muscles and organs. If a student athlete with sickle-cell trait over-exhausts their body due to physical activity, their health could be put in serious danger if their oxygen supply iscut-off.

In order to ensure that this risk never becomes a reality, colleges require their NCAA student athletes to receive a sickle-cell trait blood test. Fortunately, as long as the coaches are aware of the diagnosis and take proper precautions with their diagnosed athletes,those athletes can still enjoy a successful and healthy athletic career. And all the student athlete readers said, “Whew!”

If you are an aspiring athlete and want to check on your health before heading into your college career, especially if attending a Division I or Division II school, contact your local Any Lab Test Now® today and let us help you get the answers you need. Our Sickle Cell Anemia Screen will test you for the sickle-cell trait and give you fast, quality results that you, your doctor, and your coach can use to ensure that your athletic career has a bright and long-lasting future.

Don’t Let A Tick Make You Sick

This summer, Any Lab Test Now is putting the bulls-eye on Lyme disease. That’s because Lyme disease is the most commonly occurring vector-borne disease, accounting for more than 300,000 illnesses each year in the United States. The disease is caused by bacteria spread to humans through the bite of infected black-legged ticks. As the temperatures warm and the days get longer, we’re enticed outside to enjoy the outdoors after so much time being cooped inside during winter. It’s also prime time for ticks. Any Lab Test Now wants you to be aware before you go outside and know what to do if you are bitten.

How Ticks Spread Disease

Ticks are creepy crawlies: that means they don’t jump or fly. They wait patiently on the ends of grass or on shrubs. When a likely host brushes past (that’s YOU) they grab on and begin their journey across YOUR body, looking for a cozy, hard to see, area to bite down. They are often found in armpits or the groin area, even on your scalp. And here’s the thing: most humans are infected with Lyme disease through the bites of tiny immature ticks called nymphs. They are so tiny they can be extremely difficult to see.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The CDC explains that if you remove a tick quickly, usually within 24 hours of attachment, you can greatly reduce your chances of getting Lyme disease. The longer the tick is attached to your body, the greater the risk of acquiring the disease.

Signs and Symptoms

The good news is that most cases of Lyme disease can be treated successfully with a few weeks of antibiotics. If you’ve discovered a tick, properly remove it and clean the area and watch for these symptoms:

3–30 Days After Tick Bite

  • Fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Many people describe it as being like the flu.
  • Rash begins at the site of a tick bite. It may feel warm to the touch but is rarely itchy or painful.
  • May enlarge to form a distinctive bullseye-like appearance.

Days to Months After Tick Bite

  • Severe headache and neck stiffness.
  • More rashes across the body.
  • Arthritis with severe joint pain and swelling.
  • Facial palsy on one or both sides of the face.
  • Heart palpitations or an irregular heartbeat.
  • Dizziness or shortness of breath.
  • Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Nerve pain or shooting pains, numbness, or tingling in the hands or feet.
  • Problems with short-term memory.

It is possible to not have any symptoms in the early stages of the disease and not even remember being bitten. But keep an eye out for that distinctive round, red rash, which can often resemble a bullseye.

ALTN: Putting a Target on Lyme Disease

Your local Any Lab Test Now is proud to offer a blood test that will provide you and your doctor with the information you need to know if an infection is present.  If your test comes back positive and you are still in the early stages of the disease, your doctor will usually prescribe a round of the appropriate antibiotics. The CDC finds that most people treated quickly will recover rapidly and completely.

An Ounce of Prevention

Of course, prevention is the best course of action. The CDC recommends that you wear repellent if planning on going outside. Check for ticks daily because the sooner you remove them, the better your chances of avoiding disease altogether. It’s also a good idea to shower soon after being outdoors and wash your clothes as well.

We should all feel comfortable to be outside and enjoy the great outdoors. We just need to keep a few safety rules in mind so that we “don’t let a tick make us sick.”


We all have an image in our minds about malnutrition and what that looks like. But, malnourishment isn’t just an issue for the very poor in third world countries. It can affect all people, both rich and poor, both hungry and satisfied, in cities around the world. What connects malnutrition to all of these different groups? More and more often, we’re finding that obesity and diets share a connection. That’s why Any Lab Test Now believes it’s now more important than ever for you to be certain you are getting enough nutrition, because you certainly cannot judge by looks alone.

What is Malnutrition?

Let’s start by making sure we understand exactly what malnutrition is. According to the World Health Organization (WHO): “Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients.” It covers two broad areas. The first is “undernutrition.” Undernutrition includes underweight and micronutrient deficiencies or insufficiencies. The other is overweight and obesity. In plain speak, you can be malnourished even if you’re overweight, underweight, or even perfect weight, if you aren’t eating enough of a wide variety of nutritious foods. This can happen particularly if you are overweight or if you are on a diet or choosing a lifestyle that restricts or even abolishes certain foods.

Obesity and Malnourishment

Many people could look at themselves and think: “I can’t possibly be malnourished. I am getting more than enough to eat!” It has been said that Americans are overfed and undernourished. Diets of fast food and convenient processed products make life easier but aren’t able to provide a steady source of the nutrition our bodies need. But more and more, people are eating calorie dense/nutrient-poor diets. Evidence is mounting that despite excessive dietary consumption, obese individuals have high rates of micronutrient deficiencies which also appears to play an important role in the development of diabetes. Poverty also can play a role. Many of the cheapest foods available are often the highest in calories and the lowest in nutrition.

Diet and Malnourishment

On the flip side is our obsession with dieting and so-called “lifestyle diets.” Whatever you call it, many of these diets/lifestyles depend on the elimination of certain foods or even whole food groups! If you choose to follow one (or find that it’s medically necessary to follow one) it’s very important that you make sure you find acceptable sources to provide you with all the nutrition you need. Let’s take vegan/vegetarian as an example. Eating a plant-based diet offers health benefits, but if you do not make an effort to replace crucial nutrients found in meat, you can find yourself facing nutritional deficiencies.

Where do YOU Stand?

Take a critical look at your diet; if it includes a lot of fast foods, processed foods or if you are following a diet that includes food restriction you might want to consider a Basic Nutritional Panel from Any Lab Test Now. The Basic Nutritional Panel includes a variety of tests that can help you determine if you are getting enough nutrition, including:

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  2. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
  3. Iron and Total Binding Capacity (TIBC)
  4. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
  5. Folate
  6. Vitamin D
  7. Vitamin C
  8. Zinc
  9. Ferritin
  10. Homocysteine

Remember — malnutrition may not “look” the way you expect. Some common signs are fatigue, dry hair, thin or spoon-shaped nails, dental problems, constipation, confusion or depression, and a weak immune system. The Basic Nutritional Panel offered by Any Lab Test Now can provide you with a broad picture of your health and should be considered if you are working toward a healthier diet — and a healthier self!

Also at Risk: The Elderly

It’s worth noting that our senior citizens are also prone to malnutrition for a variety of reasons. It could be because they have trouble getting to a store or a lack of money. Some seniors may feel lonely and isolated and have no desire to cook a proper meal for just themselves. Loss of appetite can also be a side effect of medications or a symptom of an illness. Any Lab Test Now encourages everyone to keep an eye on family, friends, and neighbors who may be at risk.

Remember, getting a test at Any Lab Test Now is easy. You don’t have to make an appointment and you don’t need a doctor’s orders. We are private, affordable, and convenient and there’s no better way to take control of your health.

When Food Becomes The Enemy; Why Proper Testing Is Important

Can you imagine living in fear of a bread crumb?

It sounds crazy, but it is a sad reality for millions of Americans. One in every 133 people suffers from celiac disease, and most of them haven’t even been properly diagnosed. That can lead to long-term health complications.

Researchers are working on vaccine therapy to help those with celiac disease, but the first step is spreading awareness and getting a proper diagnosis. Any Lab Test Now can help with that. The Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s Test can help you determine if you have celiac disease or some other gastrointestinal disorder so that you can treat your symptoms properly.

What is celiac disease?

Celiac disease is NOT an allergy — it’s an autoimmune disorder that’s triggered when a sufferer eats gluten. That culprit is a protein that you’ll find in a lot of foods and in some other very unexpected places. It’s found in wheat, barley, rye, and other grains, so people most often think of breads, dough, cakes, pasta, and cereals. But celiac sufferers have to be real detectives! That’s because gluten can be found in a wide range of ingestible stuff, like medications and toothpaste — even lipsticks and envelope glue! 

When someone with celiac ingests something with gluten, their body overreacts and their intestines are ground zero. They’ll often experience stomach pain and nausea, but the reaction can also include: 

  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Headaches and fatigue
  • Bone and joint pain
  • Heartburn
  • Itchy rashes
  • Anemia
  • Mouth ulcers

What’s happening inside your small intestine is slow to develop, but devastating over time. The villi that line your small intestine are damaged with every reaction. Eventually, they won’t be able to absorb nutrients from your food.

The damage to the undiagnosed.

For the millions of people walking around with undiagnosed celiac disease, the damage is growing. The Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s Test (sometimes referred to as the CICA Test) measures your gut health on the genetic, antibody, and cellular levels, taking these often hard-to-diagnose diseases down to the most in-depth levels so you can get to the bottom of your symptoms. The CICA includes the following tests:

  • Genetic – HLA Typing for Celiac Disease (HLA-DQ2.5 AND HLA-DQ8; ATB16L1 + N0D20) – The genetic testing portion of the profile determines the likelihood that what you are suffering is celiac disease, as opposed to gluten intolerance. 95 percent of people who have either the HLA-DQ2.5 OR HLA-DQ8 genes will have celiac disease.
  • Antibody/Serological – This test will indicate whether specific antibodies are missing and others have developed. This could cause damage to the small intestine and can indicate the presence of celiac disease as well as differentiate between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, both of which have similar symptoms to celiac disease.
  • Total Serum IgA
  • Tissue Transgluatminase Antibody (tTG) – IgA and IgG
  • Deamidated Gliadin Peptide  (DGP) Antibody – IgA and IgG
  • Anti-Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibody (ASCA)

You don’t need a doctor’s order to take the test, but if your CICA Test comes back indicating celiac disease, it’s a good idea to share those results with your doctor so you can get professional guidance on how to best move forward.

What you don’t know can hurt you.

Celiac disease can develop at any age. If you leave it undiagnosed and untreated, you could leave yourself open to some additional serious health problems down the road. These include:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Infertility
  • Miscarriage
  • Epilepsy
  • Migraines
  • Intestinal cancers

If you’re suffering from abdominal discomfort or have a family history of celiac disease, it may well be worth considering the Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s Test at your nearby Any Lab Test Now. There may not be a cure, but with a proper diagnosis, there can be relief. 

The skin you’re in – and the role your hormones play

When you think about your skin and how it looks, chances are you think externally. You probably think about things like:

  • Products that can cause acne
  • Sun damage from lack of sunscreen
  • Lines and wrinkles associated with aging

You should definitely consider all of these issues and take them seriously, but we also need to be aware of what is occurring INTERNALLY. Many people aren’t aware of the huge role your hormones play in your skin’s overall health.

Looking Good; Feeling Confident

Any Lab Test Now realizes that feeling confident about your appearance can play a huge role in your mental health. All you have to do is turn on a television set or open a magazine, and you’ll see how much an attractive and youthful appearance is valued. If you feel you aren’t looking optimal, it can begin to eat away at aspects of your self-esteem. That’s why it’s important to consider the role your hormones play in your appearance.

The Beauty of Balance

Having the proper balance of hormones is critical to the health and vitality of your skin. Your skin is the largest organ you have, and hormones affect a wide range of skin issues. We’re talking about things like collagen content, skin lipid levels, elasticity, moisture content — even wound healing, facial hair and acne.

As we age, our hormone levels change (Think teenage acne!). Low hormone levels can mean dry and thinning skin that is losing its elasticity and increasing the appearance of wrinkles. Low thyroid hormones can mean increased hair loss. On the flip side, high levels of hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, can contribute to dark, blotchy patches on the skin. Too much testosterone can mean adult acne, male pattern baldness or even unwanted facial hair.

Better Skin Begins at Home

Knowing the role skin health can play in helping you look and feel your best, Any Lab Test Now offers an option that will help you and your dermatologist have a better understanding of your hormone health. The Skin Vitality Take Home Hormone Kit can provide you with the information you need to get to the bottom of any unusual changes in your skin, by providing you with information about your body’s levels of seven key hormones and one skin-tastic vitamin.

The Skin Vitality Take Home Hormone Kit

  1. Estradiol (E2)
  2. Estriol (E3)
  3. Progesterone (Pg)
  4. Testosterone (T)
  5. DHEA-S (DS)
  6. Diurnal Cortisol (Cx4)
  7. Thyroid Stimulating Hormones (TSH)
  8. Vitamin D (D2, D3)

Knowing the levels of these specific hormones can help you and your doctor understand and better treat conditions like dry, blotchy skin or oily, acne-prone skin. There are many topical hormone therapies that can help relieve skin conditions. And remember, understanding your hormone levels can help to uncover hidden deficiencies or issues that impact not only the health of your skin but your overall health as well.

Take Control of Your Health

The Skin Vitality Take Home Hormone Kit doesn’t require any fasting. It starts with a simple dried blood spot test that will accurately measure your thyroid hormones and vitamin D levels. There are also four saliva tests that will need to be performed throughout the day; these tests will reflect the highs and lows of steroid and adrenal hormone production. The Skin Vitality Take Home Hormone Kit will help you identify hormonal imbalances that are contributing to skin problems and will help you and your doctor take control of your health and determine the best treatment. To find the nearest Any Lab Test Now location to you, click here. It’s the first step to looking and feeling your best in “the skin you’re in”!

Why You Should Get Your Vitamin D

The “sunshine vitamin” has been getting some pretty stormy press recently. Some organizations call vitamin D deficiency a global pandemic that affects more than 40 percent of the population, while other researchers claim true D deficiency is far less than previously suspected.

One thing everyone can agree on is that the necessary fat-soluble vitamin regulates more than 200 genes in the body, affecting everything from bone density to liver function, your autoimmune system, heart health and more. There is also no argument that in today’s society, folks get much less of the essential vitamin than previous generations, making its benefits and effects closely watched.

The body naturally produces vitamin D when ultraviolet B rays hit the skin. A fair-skinned person can produce enough vitamin D by being exposed to the summer sun for just a few minutes a day. Those with darker complexions may require 15–20 minutes of full sun exposure a day, while African-Americans’ darker pigmentation could require up to six times more sun, although exactly how much is widely debated. However, an increase in the use of sunscreen and a decrease in time spent outside (more people working more hours indoors and leading more sedentary lifestyle than the farmers of yore) have been indisputable factors in a decrease in natural D production. While D is available naturally in some foods — fatty fish, cheese, egg yolks, cod liver oil, anyone? — and commonly fortified in foods like milk and cereal, most people rely on supplements to boost their D’s.

A lack of vitamin D has long been known as a leading cause of rickets in children and osteomalacia (softening of the bones) in adults, due to its critical function in developing strong, healthy bones. However, additional research has linked a D deficiency to everything from an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and multiple sclerosis to Alzheimer’s, depression, the flu and even certain cancers, although more conclusive studies are still needed.

How Much D Do You Need Daily?

  • 400 IU’s for 0–12 months
  • 600 IU’s for 1–70 years
  • 800 IU’s for over 70 years

*Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) according to the National Institutes of Health.

D Benefits

  • Builds strong bones and teeth
  • Regulates insulin levels
  • Lowers risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Helps regulate immune system and nervous system
  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Supports proper lung function

Are You D-Deficient?

In many cases, it can be tough to tell if you are getting enough of the essential vitamin. Some possible symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Bone or back pain
  • Feeling Depressed
  • Slow wound healing
  • Excessive sweating

Get Checked Out!

Patients who are battling chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure certainly want to closely monitor their D levels, but even otherwise healthy folks can make sure all systems are operating at full capacity by ensuring healthy D levels. At Any Lab Test Now, you can walk in to any office and order a simple Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy Test without a doctor’s order and get results back in just one to three days. Armed with that critical information, you can make sure your body is getting all the D it needs.

Resolution #1…A More Balanced YOU!

Resolution #1…A More Balanced YOU!

Ellie loved the jolly jingle of the holidays; and making warm and wonderful memories for her family. She hasn’t enjoyed the stress, weight gain, and lack of energy that ushered in the new year though. Truth be told, she’s been battling those feelings, and a host of other “issues” for some time, but chalks it up to a busy life, not enough exercise and a less-than-ideal diet. She’s determined that her New Year’s resolutions THIS year will change all that. But wait. Could there be more to Ellie’s feelings of an imbalanced life? It is possible fluctuating hormones are the culprit.

Hormones affect everything, from sleep quality to hair loss to libido. Hormone health is very important and an imbalance can wreak havoc in every area of your life. Hormone imbalances can occur at any time in a woman’s life — especially during puberty, menopause or perimenopause. A good first step in achieving balance and ensuring your hormones are working in harmony is to find out what you are dealing with.

Any Lab Test Now knows how important women’s health is and how often women care for themselves LAST. That’s why we offer Take Home Hormone Kits that can be picked up at Any Lab Test Now and completed at your convenience. Return shipping and materials are included, and results are received in days.

  • Dry, Discolored or Wrinkled Skin?
    Loss of elasticity, collagen and moisture can take the luster off your skin. The Skin Vitality Take Home Hormone Kit is a simple dried blood spot and saliva test that can get fast results. If you discover an imbalance, it’s possible that topical hormone therapies may be just what the doctor ordered to restore your skin’s gentle glow
  • Disturbed, Fitful or No Sleep?
    Try the Sleep Balance Take Home Hormone Kit. Melatonin and cortisol should be working in concert to help you sleep and wake on normal cycles. If that’s not the case, this simple dried urine test determines if your levels of either are out of whack. Test results can help you make the lifestyle changes you need to catch more ZZZs.
  • Stressed, Tired, Wired and Anxious?
    Adrenal is the “master stress” hormone and if yours is not at optimal operation you could experience allergies, anxiety, irritability, infertility, sugar cravings, decreased energy — the list goes on and on. Results of the Adrenal Stress Take Home Hormone Kit, a simple saliva test, can be used to begin relieving your symptoms and reducing long-term disease risks.
  • Lethargic, Gaining Weight, Depressed?
    Try The Elements-Thyroid Take Home Hormone Kit. An estimated 60 percent of people with thyroid disease don’t realize it. This dried blood spot and dried urine test measures thyroid hormone levels and tests for deficiencies of beneficial elements as well as the presence of toxic elements. With your results, you can work with your physician to restore optimal thyroid function.
  • Persistent Weight Problems and Low Metabolism?
    Sadly, the U.S. ranks as the fattest nation in the world with the highest prevalence of obesity among adults over 40. If you struggle with maintaining a healthy weight, the Weight Management Take Home Hormone Kit, a dried blood spot and saliva test, measures hormones, vitamins and insulin. Your results will help you and your physician create a roadmap for achieving a healthy weight and avoiding long-term health risks.

Armed with information these tests provide, you are empowered to feel better, think better, and live your best life. Make your New Year’s resolution a more hormonally-balanced YOU!

Call or visit your Any Lab Test Now location to ask about getting a Take Home Hormone Kit today.

Titers Testing Provides Proof of Immunization

The school year is approaching and with it comes excitement for those students entering a new school. For Mom and Dad, however, making sure students are properly enrolled can be stressful! One hurdle can be that requirements for enrolling often include documented immunization records: Parents must present proof that their children are immunized against various diseases. If for some reason parents don’t have these records, laboratory tests can be performed to quickly and easily provide the documentation that the school requires. These are called titer tests.

Titer Testing Not Just for Students

Of course, it’s not only students who need documentation to support their immunization status. There are many instances when this may be required, such as:

  • Employment in the education system
  • Employment or study in the healthcare system
  • Employment in the veterinary field
  • Participating in athletic programs or various activities
  • Pending travel plans

What Is a Titer Test?

The tests examine a blood sample to determine if it contains antibodies of a specific disease. The blood would only contain these antibodies if they had been released at one point in response to that disease’s virus or bacteria. This means that someone who has the antibodies in their blood has been exposed to the disease already – either naturally or through vaccination – and is now immune to the disease.

At Any Lab Test Now, we offer a variety of titer tests, including:

  • The MMR Titer tests for immunity to measles, mumps and rubella. This is a great option for anyone studying or working in a medical setting where you are at a higher risk of being exposed to these diseases.
  • The Varicella Titer tests for immunity to the varicella zoster virus — more commonly known as chickenpox and shingles.
  • Hepatitis B. The Hepatitis B Titer tests for Hepatitis B, inflammation of the liver. This can be contracted through exposure to infected blood from another person, among other causes, so those working or studying in the healthcare field are at a higher risk of coming into contact with blood infected with hepatitis and should consider testing for all three types (A, B and C).
  • The Rabies Titer monitors rabies antibody levels to ensure you are not infected with the rabies virus.

And More!

Any Lab Test Now offers hundreds of testing options, with convenience and affordability in mind. With no appointment necessary, wait times under 15 minutes and results back in 24–72 hours for titer tests, you’ll be glad you chose Any Lab Test Now to help with your proof of immunizations and other testing needs. After all, whether you’re diving into a new career or juggling kids, you have enough on your plate without wondering about proper immunizations.

Let Any Lab Test Now help you out today. Make an appointment online or call our experts to discuss what testing options are right for you.

Hormones and Your Health

The Connection Between an Imbalance and Weight Gain

The statistics concerning adult obesity in the United States are alarming. According to the most recent data, adult obesity rates now exceed 20 percent in all states. A diet high in fat and sugar, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, is usually to blame. But for some people, both men and women, there is no obvious reason for the additional pounds. These people are eating healthy and getting exercise, yet they still seem to be gaining weight. In that case, there is a possibility that hormones are to blame.

Hormonal Havoc

As we age, hormone levels adjust and can cause hormonal imbalances. This can lead to a number of issues including:

  • Weight gain
  • Obesity
  • Insulin resistance
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Diabetes

Testing your hormone levels can help explain persistent weight problems and help you avoid the associated medical issues. The first step is to purchase the Weight Management Take Home Hormone Kit at your local Any Lab Test Now location.

Taking the First Step

The Weight Management Take Home Hormone Kit is the first step to getting answers and it can be done in the comfort of your own home. You’ll have to fast for 12 hours for the results to be accurate. It consists of a simple dried blood spot test and a saliva test. Using these, the test measures bioavailable hormone levels. The kit is wide-ranging, testing in nine critical areas:

  • Estradiol (E2) – this is basically a form of estrogen. It is present in both women and men.
  • Progesterone (Pg) and Testosterone (T) – these are hormones that are found in both men and women that help regulate gender and the associated sexual functions.
  • DHEAS (DS) – helps in evaluating your adrenal gland function.
  • Diurnal Cortisol (Cx4) – helps determine your level of cortisol, a steroid hormone released by your adrenal gland.
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) – checks your body’s production of TSH, which helps regulate how your body uses energy.
  • Vitamin D (D2, D3) – low levels of this vitamin may lead to weight gain according to some studies.
  • Insulin (In) – this measures your insulin production. Insulin is produced by the pancreas and used by the body to transport and convert glucose into usable energy.
  • Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) – checks your blood glucose levels and can detect pre-diabetes.

If you’ve experienced unusual weight gain, are struggling with obesity, or are having difficulty losing weight, the cause could be hormonal havoc.

Results Put You in Control

Test results will usually take between five to seven business days after you return your specimen to the lab. Your results will pinpoint specific hormonal imbalances that can contribute to excessive weight gain and obesity. The comprehensive report also matches your tested hormone levels with reported symptoms so you and your doctor can determine what steps to take so you can achieve optimal health. It’s time to take your health into your own hands with the help of Any Lab Test Now.