Two Good Reasons To Begin Your New Year With An Annual Check-Up Panel

Here’s some news that can’t be surprising to anyone: the most common New Year’s resolutions are to eat healthier and to get more exercise. Maybe you’re one of the millions of people who are determined to begin 2019 thinking about your health, and that’s a good thing. Any Lab Test Now is here to help you stay the course and reach your goals for a healthier and happier YOU.

Many of you will begin by cleaning all the junk food out of your pantry or by joining a local gym. Those are both great steps, but a trip to your local Any Lab Test Now for an Annual Check-Up Panel should be at the top of your list as well. We’ve got two good reasons why.

Reason #1 — Progress Monitoring

How do you know how far you’ve come if you don’t know where you started? The Annual Check-Up Panel provides you with an important baseline. You’ll learn the numeric levels on blood counts and cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as kidney and liver functions and more. By knowing these levels at the beginning of your resolution, you’ll be able to return every four to six months to test again. It will provide you with proof that choosing a salad instead of a hamburger really is worth it.

Reason #2 — Safety

Starting an exercise routine is probably the single most important thing you can do to improve your health, but what if your health is unstable at the start? If you have heart disease or diabetes or suffer from an undiagnosed illness that might make you become dizzy or lightheaded, then the type of exercise you are doing might need to be modified. The Annual Check-Up Panel can provide you with important information that might encourage you to see your doctor before you begin your exercise program.

Take Control of Your Health

The Annual Check-Up Panel consists of five tests that are typically ordered by a doctor during an annual physical examination:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • Cholesterol Lipid with Ratio (Lipids Panel)
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
  • Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1C)

That’s a lot of important information for just one test. You’ll need to fast for 10–12 hours to make sure the results are as accurate as possible.

Resolving to put your health first is admirable, but it isn’t always easy! Your local Any Lab Test Now is here to help you take control of your health all 12 months of the year.

Be Prepared To Meet Your Weight Loss Goals

 Another year is winding down. Is it another year that you didn’t meet your weight loss goals? Before you beat yourself up and vow to try again, Any Lab Test Now® wants you to know that it’s important to realize that there may be something at play here that you don’t even realize. If your metabolism isn’t working efficiently and properly, then no amount of proper diet and exercise is going to work. If you’ve suffered from a lack of success before, you might want to consider some testing before you give it another try.

A good place to start is with the Basic Nutritional Panel offered by Any Lab Test Now. This panel includes a variety of tests that can give you a good idea if your body (particularly your metabolism) is functioning properly. It can reveal signs of anemia, infections, or other factors that may cause fatigue, as well as reveal deficiencies in the most common vitamins and minerals

Want to look a little deeper into your nutritional status? Our Micronutrient Test is our most wide-ranging nutritional test. From vitamins and minerals to amino acids and antioxidants, this test measures your body’s ability to absorb 32 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients. It can be especially helpful in making sure your diet is providing everything your body needs to function optimally.

Many people don’t realize the connection between your hormones and your weight. Hormonal imbalances can lead to weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. The Weight Management Take Home Hormone Kit can provide you and your doctor with valuable information on imbalances that might be contributing to excessive weight. Too much estrogen and too little testosterone have been linked to unhealthy weight gain. The so-called “stress hormone” cortisol has been shown to lead to abdominal weight gain. This panel will test for all of those and more.

Want to take a deeper dive into your thyroid health? Then, the Thyroid Panel is recommended for you. The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating how your body uses energy. If your thyroid is underactive, you may suffer from fatigue and weight gain. The Thyroid Panel includes tests for:

  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
  • T4 Total
  • Free T3
  • Free T4
  • Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO)

Thyroid imbalances can lead to more than just weight fluctuations; they can end in heart disease, infertility, or osteoporosis. That’s why it’s important to know where you stand with this important hormone producer.

Hormones and nutrition play a huge role, along with diet and exercise. Any Lab Test Now can be your partner on your weight loss and health journey. A quick trip into one of our convenient locations will help you take control of your health now… and for years to come.

Take Control of Your Nutrition in the New Year

With the new year upon us, many people have set resolutions to embark on a journey to a healthier, happier life. In fact, eating healthier is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions each year. Unfortunately, it’s often quite difficult to follow through with those goals. According to Business Insider, 80 percent of resolutions fail by the second week of February, and only 8 percent of people successfully keep their resolutions for the entire year. The key to success is setting up realistic goals with actionable stepping stones. Instead of thinking of your new diet as a restrictive, miserable experience, view it as a lifestyle change for the better.

Eat at Home

Eating at home can be a fun (and economical) approach to hitting your weight loss goals while still getting the nutrients your body needs to thrive. By cooking your own meals, it’s easier to control your portion sizes. ABC News reports that American serving sizes have grown over the past 20 years, contributing to the obesity epidemic. Consuming smaller portions combined with a higher intake of fruits and vegetables will help you hit your wellness goals in no time – and your wallet will thank you, too!

Drink More Water

According to Harvard Medical School, drinking fluids is vital to your health for a multitude of reasons. Every system in your body, including your brain, muscles and heart, needs water to function. Fluids carry nutrients to your cells and flush bacteria from your body. Without proper hydration, your body may have trouble fully processing nutrients. Unfortunately, for many health enthusiasts, drinking enough water can be challenging! It’s recommended to drink 1 – 1.5 liters of water per day – no easy feat! Luckily, there are some techniques you can use to increase your water intake. Try setting an alarm on your phone to periodically remind you to drink water. There are also apps that can help you track how much you drink in a day. Finally, buying a new water bottle can help keep you motivated. Through proper hydration you’re likely to see an improvement in your digestion, energy and even in your skin.

Get Your Nutrition Levels Tested

Before you begin a new and improved healthy diet, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional. You should understand what exactly your body needs and adjust your diet from there. Nutrition tests are a great option for learning more about your body. They can provide you with your current nutrient levels so you can better develop a proper meal plan that will set you up for long-term success. Even if you are eating generally well, you may still be missing out on important vitamins, minerals and nutrients. By adjusting your meal plans to fit your specific body’s needs, you’ll be feeling your best in no time.

The best part? You don’t need to spend hours trying to make an appointment or sitting in a waiting room to get your nutrition tested—you can stop by your local Any Lab Test Now location and be seen promptly. Any Lab Test Now offers an extensive nutritional panel called the MicroNutrient test. This test will provide a snapshot of your current nutritional status and how you can improve it in the upcoming year. To learn more about the MicroNutrient , find your local Any Lab Test Now location at

Setting Weight Management Goals for the New Year

It’s December and time has run out! Did you complete all of your 2017 Resolutions? It’s OK if you didn’t, but it’s time to think about what you’ll change in the upcoming year to reach your goals. There are many resources that can help you finally check off all your New Year’s resolutions, and one of those is the array of tests at Any Lab Test Now. If you’re concerned about particular health goals, like weight management, we are here to help you gauge your progress and learn what’s working and what’s not working so your 2018 resolution to-do list can get “to-done.”

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

This panel can help you identify issues with your body’s overall metabolism, which can be impacted by organ function, nutrient intake and activity level. By measuring your electrolyte level, kidney and liver function, and the overall composition of your blood, we’re able to tell if your body is performing optimally. There are several ways your body can get out of balance, which can keep you from losing weight or seeing results from your training. If you don’t want your effort to go to waste, make sure your body is performing at its peak with a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel!

Micronutrient Test

What if you think your diet is perfect, but you’re still not seeing the results you want? Our Micronutrient Panel can tell you how balanced your nutritional intake is by showing you the overall balance of micronutrients in your bloodstream. Your macronutrients — protein, fat and carbohydrates— play a huge role in your diet, and they need to be consumed in large amounts. But your micronutrient intake matters just as much, and they’re needed in such finite amounts, that any deficiencies can have a profound effect on your overall health and wellness. Vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants determine your energy levels, fat-burning rate, muscle development and many other aspects of your metabolism. This test can help you determine if you’re absorbing enough of these micronutrients for your body to perform at its best.

Men’s or Women’s Health Profile

This test takes a step back to examine your overall health. If your body is on the verge of a chronic health issue or has some unidentified health issue, it will inevitably lead to difficulty managing your weight. This is because the common symptoms of ongoing, chronic health issues, which can often include fatigue, muscle loss, weight changes, changes in thirst or urination, or mood changes, can impede your weight loss efforts. If you develop chronic health issues like thyroid problems, diabetes, heart disease or hormone imbalances, these can make it nearly impossible to feel your best.

New Year’s Resolutions aren’t always easy to accomplish. But just because your goals are taking a bit longer to reach than you might like doesn’t mean it’s time to give up. Each new milestone is a chance to change your approach and find something that will work better, faster or more easily than what you tried before. To get an inside look on how your body is functioning and find out how you can optimize your diet and training, find your local Any Lab Test Now today!

Five Recommended Tests for the New Year

Each January, people across the country resolve to get fit and improve their health. From increasing exercise and reducing stress to taking vitamins and eating right, people understand the importance of taking care of their bodies and minds. Taking care of oneself is a goal that has positive impacts on every area of life.

Of course, any time you set a goal, it is important to figure out how you will track your progress and measure the impact of the actions you take to reach the goal. When it comes to goals related to good health, there are tests that can help you evaluate where you are today and what your personal areas of focus should be.

In 2017, the top five suggested tests for men and women are:

Basic Check-Up Panel – This grouping of tests helps you evaluate your overall health. From liver function to blood pressure, this panel gives you a high-level view of your health today so that you can better pinpoint what is working well, what isn’t, and identify areas for improvement.

Comprehensive Female Panel – This is the most comprehensive panel for women. Not only does it evaluate your overall health, as in the Basic Check-Up Panel, but it also measures hormone levels, nutrition status and thyroid function.

Male Panel – Like the Basic Check-Up Panel, this gives you a good overview of your health. In addition, however, it evaluates adrenal functions that are specific to men and testicular health.

Nutritional Panel – Often, health and wellness issues can stem from having too much or too little of a nutrient in one’s body. Evaluating and monitoring the level of various nutrients in your body is a good first step to making sure your body has what it needs to perform at its best.

Cortisol Total Test – Cortisol is the hormone your body releases in response to stress. When cortisol levels are too high for an extended period, they can contribute to health issues. Monitoring your cortisol level is a good starting point if your goal is to reduce stress.

When it comes to good health, making the decision to take control is step one! Step two is learning about how healthy your body is today so that you can find specific areas for improvement. From there, you can establish a plan that meets your personal health needs. Then, when 2018 rolls around, you are sure to find yourself fitter and healthier!

Unknown Substance Analysis and Unknown Poison and Toxins Analysis

Do you suspect an employee, friend or loved one is abusing drugs or being poisoned somehow? Or maybe you are worried you have been drugged or poisoned yourself? Then you might want to consider getting an Unknown Substance Analysis or an Unknown Poisons and Toxins Analysis at Any Lab Test Now. These tests are designed to give you peace of mind, whatever your needs happen to be. Once you get a definitive answer, you can finally act on your suspicions and help improve your health or the health of someone you know. But which test is right for you? Read on to learn what each analysis scans for and why you may need to get one.

Unknown Substance Analysis
An Unknown Drug Test is a drug-based scan of many classes of drugs, including prescription medications, illegal drugs and over-the-counter medications. It can be used to identify a pill, powder or substance suspected to be a drug or identify drugs already present in the body. This test uses blood, urine or hair, drug paraphernalia or beverage containers to identify any substance that may be present. Test results are typically available within 10 business days after your specimen is collected.

This may be a good option for you if you suspect a friend, family member or employee is abusing drugs or if you are curious about a substance, pill or powder you can’t identify. This analysis can also be used if you believe you have been drugged and would like to identify the suspected drug. If an unfortunate situation has happened to you or a loved one, an Unknown Substance Analysis may provide you with the answers you are looking for.

Unknown Poisons and Toxins Analysis
An Unknown Drug Test screens for and identifies the presence of more than 1000 common chemicals, poisons and toxic substances. The test includes frequently used pesticides, poisons, organic chemicals, painting and cleaning products, and hygiene-type products. This analysis does not include drugs or heavy metals testing. Testing can be done using blood, urine or hair samples, as well as food or beverage samples. Test results are typically available within 10 business days after your specimen is collected.

This may be a good option for you if you suspect that you or a loved one has been poisoned, intentionally or unknowingly. Getting the answers you need can ease your mind, get you on the path to better health and may even save your life.

Make Health Screenings Part of Your New Year’s Resolutions

At the end of every year, nearly half of all Americans commit to one or more New Year’s resolutions. Among the most popular resolution choices are losing weight and staying healthy. As hopeful as those goals may sound, as each month goes by, many wishful “resolution makers” fail to follow through with their commitment and end up “dropping off the wagon” before summer even rolls around. That is because making a resolution and sticking to it for the long run are two completely different things. When a person decides to pursue better health, they need to first access useful resources that will support them along their journey. They need to understand what kind of shape their body is currently in and what areas of their health could be improved upon.

Health screenings are perfect resources for those looking to take control of their health. These vital tools help identify any problems early, prevent diseases, and give a person a clear understanding of their current health state. It is important to know that they are different screening tests needed at different ages. Some are needed once a year and others less often. The most common health screenings check for obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes. To know which screenings are right for you, speak with your doctor.

Any Lab Test Now ® offers thousands of clinical lab tests to support your health and well being as you work to achieve your health-focused new year’s resolution. For affordable testing in a comfortable, friendly environment, call an Any Lab Test Now ® near you to schedule your appointment.