Do You Know The Signs and Symptoms of Low T?

Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 2.38.28 PMMore men than ever are realizing that getting older doesn’t have to mean losing your energy, vitality and fitness. Thanks to increased diagnosis of a condition known as low testosterone, or low T, men who have been struggling with low energy, depression or loss of muscle mass now have treatment options that can help them stave off what most people used to think were the natural signs of aging. Low T can be a tough condition to deal with on your own, but for many patients, it can be completely reversed. Read on to learn the symptoms and treatment methods for low T, and find out if you should get your testosterone levels tested!

Low T occurs when levels of testosterone produced in the body are too low to maintain its necessary functions. This can occur in males or females and in children or adults. However, the condition is most common in men who are older than 30. Testosterone levels are supposed to peak during development in the womb and during adolescence, with levels beginning to decrease about one percent per year after age 30. But sometimes they drop faster than that, or the drop begins to seriously impact a man’s daily life, and that’s when low T needs to be treated.

Low T can cause a wide range of symptoms, because it’s involved in so many processes in the body. Most people know it as the primary male sex hormone, responsible for the development of sexual organs and the response to sexual stimuli. While that is its primary function, testosterone also acts as an anabolic steroid, fueling muscle growth and maintaining bone density. It also regulates energy and mood, and can even influence how well you sleep. So even if you haven’t experienced erectile dysfunction or other directly sexual symptoms, you still could be suffering from low T.

To treat low T, doctors usually recommend some form of hormone replacement therapy. For most men, either gels or patches can provide a sustained increase in testosterone. For men struggling with fertility, a doctor might recommend testosterone injections, which quickly increase sperm motility. Doctors also recommend that men alter their diets to include more fresh produce and unprocessed foods, because the complex processes that influence hormone production are easier for your body when it has the proper fuel.

If you think you’re struggling with low T, help is just a quick hormone test away! Any Lab Test Now offers the Comprehensive Male Panel, which can tell you if your exhaustion, loss of muscle or low libido are the result of low T. Contact your local Any Lab Test Now to start taking control of your health, and be one of the men who doesn’t accept that aging means losing out on quality of life.

It’s Time to Stop Stressing!


If you are human, you probably have stress in your life. Whether it comes from your job, your relationships or other daily responsibilities and experiences, stress is often an all-too-normal part of living life. But if your stress is constant, always pressing on your mind and dragging you down, it could be harmful to your health.


Stress affects more than just the mind.

When stress builds up in your life, you may think it’s only affecting your mental state — after all, you feel on edge, frustrated, tense and exhausted when you are stressed. These things are all just in your head right? Wrong! Stress can take a physical toll on the body, as well, especially when you’re not finding any relief. Not only does stress cause several short-term physical consequences — high blood pressure, tense muscles and an elevated heart rate — but prolonged stress can cause many different and serious health consequences, as well, including:

  • weight gain
  • chronic fatigue
  • back pain
  • heart problems
  • digestive issues
  • acne
  • a weakened immune system
  • headaches
  • stroke

If you have a lot of stress in your life, odds are, you may have symptoms you don’t even know are directly linked to your stress levels. But the good news is, once you start relieving your stress, you’ll start to notice some of those daily pains and fatigues disappear!

So what can you do about it?

While the things that cause stress in your life will probably always be there — bills, responsibilities, even traffic — there are ways you can reduce your feelings of daily stress and lessen the long-term impact on your body and health. Stress reducers can be different for everyone. The key is to find something that relaxes you and that you enjoy doing. Here are some common ways people can reduce their stress:

  • Engaging in daily exercise
  • Taking a relaxing shower or bath
  • Reading a book
  • Cooking a nice meal
  • Setting aside time for daily meditation or yoga

Additionally, simply taking care of your body — getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet and limiting your caffeine and alcohol intake — can have a huge positive impact on reducing your overall feelings of stress.

So it’s time to stop stressing! If stress is taking over your life, it’s time to find a healthy way to alleviate it. For additional ways to take control of your health, talk to the experts at Any Lab Test Now about various lab tests you can take, like a Saliva Hormone Test. Equip yourself with the knowledge you need to live a healthier, happier life.

Testosterone: A Man’s AND Woman’s Hormone

The other day, a woman came in because she had been having trouble concentrating lately. She had been distracted at work and had a hard time getting through simple tasks. It scared her because she was only in her mid-40s and thought that she was already starting to show signs of aging. Her doctor suggested that she have her testosterone levels tested. She learned she did have low testosterone, and that this could be contributing to her symptoms.

People are often surprised when a woman talks about issues related to testosterone, because people commonly think of testosterone as a male hormone. In reality, testosterone exists in both men and women.

Testosterone in Men

In men, testosterone is the driving force behind puberty. Levels peak at that point in a man’s life, allowing the body to change into an adult. Adam’s apples develop. They grow facial and body hair. Their penis and testes become larger. Following puberty, testosterone levels gradually begin to fall.

Even as testosterone naturally tapers, the body still relies on this hormone to regulate things like sex drive, red blood cell production, weight distribution and sperm levels. Because of this, low levels of testosterone (low T) in men contribute to a variety of issues. Men can experience a loss of interest in sex, erectile dysfunction, depression, difficulty concentrating, disruption to the sleep cycle, loss of muscle mass, decrease in body hair or loss of bone density.

Testosterone in Women

Testosterone levels are naturally lower in women than in men. In fact, normal levels for an adult female are about 1/10th of a man’s testosterone level. With women, however, changes in hormone levels can be experienced more dramatically.

If a woman has too little testosterone, she may experience symptoms that mimic those of natural aging. These include trouble concentrating, as well as fatigue, exhaustion, difficulty losing weight, sudden weight gain, decreased interest in sex, vaginal dryness, mood swings, depression, anxiety or hair loss. It is also possible to have a testosterone level that is too high, leading to increased acne, a deepening of the voice or an irregular menstrual cycle.

Are My Testosterone Levels OK?

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, keep in mind that there are several medical causes for these symptoms in both men and women. Don’t dive right into a treatment program without finding out if you really have a problem with testosterone!

There are several tests that can be done to help you identify if testosterone, or other hormone imbalances, are contributing to your current symptoms. The most common lab test used by physicians to check a person’s testosterone level is the Testosterone (Free/Total).   If you think you may have a hormone imbalance, including testosterone, a Saliva Hormone Test may be more appropriate, and provides a comprehensive overview of a variety of hormone levels.  If you are male and want to check your overall health, including your testosterone level, then an excellent choice would be the Comprehensive Male Panel.  Information is power, and will provide you and your doctor more information to better pinpoint the root of the symptoms you are experiencing.

So, what if you find you have low testosterone?  Definitely visit with your physician first.  He or she may suggest testosterone replacement therapy.  You’ll need to first get a series of lab tests to ensure you are healthy enough to start the program, known as our Pre-Testosterone Replacement Therapy Panel.  Keep in mind, however, that it is important to continue monitoring your health during treatment with our Continued Testosterone Replacement Therapy Panel. This helps you determine if treatment is effective and monitors your body for negative side effects.
After testing, the female customer who came in was relieved to learn about her lower testosterone level, as well as a few other hormone imbalances. She, too, had thought that only men needed to be concerned with testosterone. She had no idea that it could cause such fluctuations in her own moods and physical health. Testosterone affects the physical and emotional health of both men and women, so don’t live with the symptoms above; have your hormones tested and get back to living a more vibrant life.

What Is The Difference Between Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism?

Did you know that January is Thyroid Awareness Month? According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, 50 percent of those with a thyroid disease are unaware that they have it. That represents a large population of people at risk.

What are the possible complications with my thyroid?

The two most common thyroid diseases are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Let’s take a closer look at these two diseases so you can get the information you need.

Hypothyroidism, the most common form of thyroid disease, is when the levels of thyroid hormone in your body drop. That means your body is “slowing down” in production. The signs and symptoms associated with this disease are:

  • Fatigue
  • Drowsiness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Difficulty with learning
  • Dry, brittle hair, nails and skin
  • Weight gain and fluid retention
  • Increased sensitivity to many medications

Hyperthyroidism is when you have increased levels of thyroid hormone in your body. That means your thyroid gland is producing too much hormone. This form of the disease occurs in approximately one percent of Americans and tends to affect women five to 10 times more often than men. Hyperthyroidism leads to a goiter, which is an enlargement of the thyroid. The signs and symptoms associated with this form are:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Becoming anxious, irritable, argumentative
  • Weight loss, despite eating the same amount or even more than usual
  • Intolerance of warm temperatures and increased likelihood to perspire
  • Loss of hair
  • Muscle weakness, especially of the upper arms and thighs
  • Accelerated loss of calcium from bones, which increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures

Thyroid disease, if left untreated, can lead to many complications, such as heart disease, infertility and osteoporosis. It has also been linked with autoimmune disorders such as diabetes and anemia. That’s why you need to know if you’re in the 50 percent of those affected but aren’t yet aware that they have a disease.
At Any Lab Test Now, we offer a Thyroid Panel which tests for TSH levels, T4 Total and T3 Uptake. We also offer a variety of Saliva Hormone Tests, as well as a Comprehensive Thyroid Panel..  High or low results of any of these hormone levels will help you and your doctor determine if any further action is needed.

Women, Are You Due for a Preventive Screening Test? Early Detection is Key.

As scientific technology continues to advance, doctors are becoming more and more equipped with the ability to successfully treat many deadly diseases if detected early on; which is why routine preventive screening tests are so imperative to the well-being of one’s health. For women in particular, tests such as mammograms, pap smears and colonoscopies have the potential to save millions of lives. Yet, due to varying guidelines found in the healthcare industry, many women are confused as to what age they should begin receiving these tests and how often they should be getting them done.

CBS News recently published an article on this exactmatter outlining which routine screening tests have been proven to be most critical to women’s health when detecting diseases in the early stages. Highlighted below are the referenced routine screening tests along with screening guidelines provided by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the American Heart Association.

Mammography: The USPSTF recommends screening every two years starting at age 50, but ACOG suggests women get a mammogram each year beginning at age 40.

Colonoscopy: The USPSTF says most patients should begin colorectal cancer screening with a colonoscopy at age 50 and undergo the test every 10 years, usually until the age of 75. A doctor may determine that sigmoidoscopy and fecal blood testing is sufficient. The American Cancer Society outlines similar recommendations.

Pap and HPV tests: The USPSTF recommends screening for cervical cancer in women age 21 to 65 years old with Pap smear once every three years. For women who wish to be screened less frequently, the panel recommends women age 30 to 65 have both a Pap smear and HPV test every five years. ACOG has similar recommendations.

Blood pressure test: The AHA recommends patients have their blood pressure taken at least once each year starting at age 20.

Lipid panel: The AHA recommend testing cholesterol and triglycerides levels every 4 to 6 years.

Blood glucose tests: Screening for diabetes should occur at least every three years starting at age 45, according to AHA.

The respected news source suggests that patients should first become familiar with the screening guidelines and then discuss a screening plan with their doctor. When you are ready to begin taking the preventative steps needed for your health, contact your local Any Lab Test Now® for quality testing, affordable pricing and fast results for you and your doctor to evaluate. We offer a variety of tests including Blood Glucose Tests,  Lipid Panel, and Basic Check-Up Panel.. Call us today and begin to Take Control of Your Health®.

January is National Thyroid Awareness Month!

Although relatively small in size, the thyroid gland plays a very large role in the human body. The thyroid gland is a small gland located at the base of the neck and is responsible for manufacturing thyroid hormones, necessary for the body to run smoothly and effectively.

There are an estimated 15 million Americans living with undiagnosed thyroid issues. Some people have either an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), sending the body into overdrive, or an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), slowing down bodily functions.

There are other conditions as well, including: 

In this month of January, all of us at Any Lab Test Now® aim to raise thyroid awareness to the general public because it is estimated that up to 50% those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.

Before heading to a physician, you can perform a simple neck check in the comfort of your own home. Should you have any concerns, be proactive with your health in 2015 and let your local Any Lab Test Now® help! We offer an array of thyroid tests, including a comprehensive thyroid panel. Call us today to make an appointment!

How Can You Prolong Your Life? Know Your Blood

It’s simple. Each of us desire to live long, happy lives. The question is how can we guarantee it? Although the answer’s not simple, it does not require us to spend endless hours searching for the fountain of youth. Rather, take one blood testTake a few.

Did you know that your blood contains secrets about your health that could potentially add years to your life? Even better, maybe even save your life? Picture your blood being a strand of clues. With just one drop of your blood under a microscope, your physician (a.k.a. the detective) can use those clues to pinpoint the exact steps you can take into prolonging your life.

For example, a rise in your blood sugar could signify potential diabetes, increased risk of heart disease and stroke. A drop in your blood levels could indicate future hyperthyroidism. These are all examples of “silent warning signals” that are hidden in your blood. The advantage you have is clear. Be proactive. Get to know your blood. The sooner you can understand what your blood represents, the sooner you and your physician can develop a strategic, preventive health plan to prevent your future diagnosis from becoming a reality.

Life Extension Magazine reported 10 important blood tests that adults over 40 should get annually in order to get a true gage on what their lifespan currently looks like and what measures could be taken to extend it.  Below is a list of those exact tests.

1. Chemistry Panel & Complete Blood Count

2. Fibrinogen

3. Hemoglobin A1C


5. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) (Men Only)

6. Homocysteine

7. C-Reactive Protein

8. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

9. Testosterone (Free)

10. Estradiol

Take charge of your current and future health in the most simplest way.  Any Lab Test Now offers an array of blood tests including the ones listed above.  Schedule an appointment with us today and let us begin to help you live the long and healthy life you desire.


The Unavoidable In A Woman’s Life

100 out of 100 women will experience this inevitable occurrence in their life. Some men are intimidated to bring up the subject.


No medical treatment is required when experiencing menopause. It’s simply a stage in every woman’s life due to permanent ovarian dysfunction. Many women start experiencing signs of menopause around the age of 50. There are many symptoms, but the most common include: hot flashes/night sweats, vaginal dryness, skeletal pain, dry/itchy skin, depression and libido issues.

Measuring hormone levels can help women manage their health. Becoming aware of these levels will help in taking proper measures to make the menopause process as smooth and quick as possible. Ensuring a solid, patient support system is extremely helpful as well. Clear communication of symptoms and feelings are important, so that support systems know how to help.

As September is Menopause Awareness Month, take time to learn more about what that means for women.

Be Mindful Of This Potential Danger If You’re Expecting

Pregnancy and the birth of a newborn comes with an overload of emotions including joy, anxiety and excitement. As July is Group B Strep Awareness Month, this serves as an opportunity to shine a light on something to be mindful of with your new addition to the world.

Group B Strep (GBS) is a type of bacteria that is naturally found in the digestive tract and birth canal in up to 1 out of 4 pregnant women. The danger with this bacteria, is that it can affect a fetus prior to birth up to 6 months due to underdeveloped immune systems.

It’s important to know if pregnant mothers can pass the disease on to their child. A sign is what could be mistaken as a yeast infection, due to the similar symptoms. If you experience these symptoms, you should be seen for an exam and possible GBS testing.

If you feel like you may be at risk for passing GBS onto your child, you should get tested. Even if you don’t feel like you are, it is highly recommended to get tested at 35 weeks. If the results come back indicating that you do have GBS, IV antibiotics should be administered when labor begins. Be sure to proactively plan ahead, if a short labor is a possibility, and ask your doctor if a late third-trimester penicillin shot as a backup is right for you. Be sure to communicate that you have GBS and your doctor will be able to help you determine the best way to protect your child.

Without being tested, there is no way to take proper precautionary measures in protecting your child. If you are expecting, get tested in honor of Group B Strep Awareness Month and bring awareness to friends and family.

Measure Your Resolutions For An Even Happier New Year

ANY LAB TEST NOW® works hard to help you reach your goals. One of the ways we can do so, is by guiding you through which lab tests you can take to measure the results of your resolutions.

Kick off the new year with our recommended baseline tests to help you manage your New Year’s Resolutions.

The Basic Check-Up Panel tests include a complete blood count (CBC), chemistry panel, lipid panel, urinalysis, and TSH lab tests as well as a blood pressure check*. This is a great lab testing panel for evaluating your overall health and is commonly ordered by a physician during a routine or annual check up. This will help establish a measurable baseline for your health resolutions in the new year.

Is your resolution focused on better managing your diabetes?  Check your blood sugar levels with the Glucose (Serum) Blood Test or Hemoglobin A1c. These are pretty common lab tests and are helpful when establishing a baseline.

The C-Reactive Protein test, the VAP (Vertical Auto Profile) test and the PLAC test are also suggested to measure your standard heart health and to assess your resolutions. What about your cholesterol level?  Did those holiday goodies increase your numbers?  A Lipid Panel will let you know where your cholesterol level is now, and can be measured again in 3 to 6 months to reflect your hard work related to diet and exercise changes.

Check out other tests and use our test finder to search which ones will help you effectively meet your goals this new year!

*Not available at locations in the State of Florida