There’s nothing better than a good night’s sleep. It helps restore the body so it’s physically and mentally functioning at its best.  But when we don’t get the zzzz’s we need, it results in feeling mentally foggy, emotionally cranky, and physically exhausted.

That’s why Better Sleep Month, dedicated to addressing concerns about how chronic lack of sleep can be detrimental to overall health, is important. If you are having sleep issues, you’re not alone. The Cleveland Clinic says about 70 million adults in the United States suffer from sleep disorders.

Bedtime Stories Are Important

Historically, parents have always insisted that their children have bedtimes, to provide ample quality sleep to maintain good health and well-being. Reading a bedtime story to children is a great way to help kids unwind and slow down for a good night’s sleep, something we should all do to decompress after being stimulated with activities all day long. According to the CDC, children need the most sleep, especially newborns and infants. Once kids are school-aged, they need 9 to 12 hours of sleep per night. Teenagers require 8 to 10 hours, and adults from 18 years old to 65+ ideally need at least 7 hours. These are consecutive hours of sleep, not chopped up into little naps throughout the day, because that won’t provide the restorative sleep cycles the body needs.

Grown-Ups Need Their 40 Winks

Here’s the problem. If you’re an adult contending with insomnia or sleep deprivation and you’re not getting the restful hours of sleep you need, it can prompt a number of health issues. Sleep affects your heart and circulatory system, metabolism, respiratory system, and immune system.

The National Institutes of Health reports that sleep is a necessary restorative time for your body. You’ve probably heard about sleep cycles, which include the initial drowsy stage when you begin to fall asleep. This is when your body’s parasympathetic system takes control and slows your blood pressure and heart rate, allowing it to relax and not work as hard. Next comes stage 2, the light sleep, followed by the deepest sleep, in stages 3 and 4. In these stages, your heartbeat and brain waves are at their lowest levels, and the body is healing and restoring cellular energy. The last cycle is sometimes referred to as the 5th stage, or the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycle. It’s in the REM cycle that your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal.

The body needs rest. Otherwise, it has no way of healing or growing or providing the immunity you need. If you’re not getting enough sleep or you have insomnia, your body is not able to get its restoration completed, leaving you with a higher risk of:

  • Coronary heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes

Lack of Sleep? Could Be a Hormonal Issue

Your hormones play a vital role in maintaining a healthy sleep pattern. As the Mayo Clinic reports, when the body’s circadian rhythm or the body’s sleep clock is off, it throws the whole body into imbalance. For example, there are two basic hormones needed for sleep — the stress hormone called cortisol and the sleep hormone called melatonin. If the body is operating efficiently, these two hormones will work together in a kind of crisscross pattern. Melatonin should go up as the sun goes down — to help you sleep. Conversely, cortisol should be higher in the morning to help rev your engines and get you moving but should decrease at night to help you sleep.

If something is wrong with this rhythm because of an imbalance of melatonin or cortisol, it could be the reason you are having trouble either falling asleep, staying asleep, or both.

  • High cortisol results in insomnia, anxiety, sugar cravings, feeling tired but wired, and increased belly fat
  • Low melatonin results in excessive fatigue, depression, anxiety, and insomnia

Our Sleep Kit Provides Answers

Any Lab Test Now® can help. We have a very effective and accurate test to help determine if your sleep struggles are due to a hormonal issue. The Sleep Balance Take Home Hormone Kit is a simple test that measures melatonin and cortisol levels via urine collection on test strips four times throughout the day. It’s available in-store or online. After turning in your kit, results will be available within 3 to 5 days.

How to Handle Your Test Results

The lab tests we provide are confidential, affordable, and convenient. You own the results, and you choose how to proceed with them. However, we do encourage you to consult with your provider for further details to make the best decisions about your health. If you do not have a primary care physician, Any Lab Test Now® has partnered with DialCare, a service that helps you find a provider licensed in your state.

Any Lab Test Now® is Your Partner in Health

Get the sleep you need to live a healthy life. If you’re having sleep issues, visit your local Any Lab Test Now® and pick up a Sleep Balance Take Home Hormone Kit to find answers.