Thyroid Element Kit
Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the lower front part of your neck. Its job is to secrete hormones that control growth/development during childhood, regulate your metabolism and body temperature, and drive the production of neurotransmitters that help you feel good and others that motivate you to accomplish your goals: serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline.
8 Factors that Inhibit Healthy Thyroid Function:
- Excess stress and cortisol production
- Selenium deficiency
- Deficient protein, excess sugar
- Chronic illness
- Compromised liver or kidney function
- Cadmium, mercury, lead toxicity
- Herbicides, pesticides
- Oral contraceptives, excessive estrogen production
Thyroid disease or dysfunction can explain a wide variety of symptoms, yet it is notoriously under-diagnosed. The American Thyroid Association estimates that over 12% of the US population will develop thyroid disease during their lifetime, and that as many as 60% of people with thyroid disease are not aware of it. Many elements that can affect the thyroid are present in the food we eat, air we breathe, and water we drink and are tasteless and odorless, so they are impossible to detect without testing.
This kit can be purchased in-store or online.