100 out of 100 women will experience this inevitable occurrence in their life. Some men are intimidated to bring up the subject.


No medical treatment is required when experiencing menopause. It’s simply a stage in every woman’s life due to permanent ovarian dysfunction. Many women start experiencing signs of menopause around the age of 50. There are many symptoms, but the most common include: hot flashes/night sweats, vaginal dryness, skeletal pain, dry/itchy skin, depression and libido issues.

Measuring hormone levels can help women manage their health. Becoming aware of these levels will help in taking proper measures to make the menopause process as smooth and quick as possible. Ensuring a solid, patient support system is extremely helpful as well. Clear communication of symptoms and feelings are important, so that support systems know how to help.

As September is Menopause Awareness Month, take time to learn more about what that means for women.