World Blood Donor Day is coming up, June 14th. Every year the World Health Organization (WHO) hosts this day to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products. Every community, family and organization is encouraged to consider donating blood on the 14th. It truly makes a difference for those in need and helps to save lives.

Another way to help save lives is to consider becoming a blood marrow donor through the efforts of Delete Blood Cancer, an organization we have partnered with to help people who have blood cancer find bone marrow donors.

Every little bit helps, and these two initiatives are a way to share that. Read Denis Urbina’s story to see how much a donor can impact the community.

Denis Urbina, a driver, is much familiarized with the process of blood donation and its importance, as he has been saving lives for 20 years. He tells us proudly his altruistic work. He said that one day he was asked to go to the Nicaraguan Red Cross to take care of some tasks and while he was completing them, a woman reached out to him to ask him a favor, telling him that her family members was in the emergency room at Bertha Calderon and she needed blood.

Without a doubt, Denis, who is always willing to help the others and look for solutions, said yes. This was the start of his altruistic work, expressing that that day, when he gave the woman the evidence of his donation, he felt relieved to help her.

Donors such as Denis, who said he donates blood twice or three times a year, are examples of citizens who dedicate their lives to save lives. He says that if he were to encounter a similar situation that took him to start being a voluntary donor, he would do it with pleasure, as he is conscientious of the necessity and wants to take the opportunity to encourage young people to do it as well.”

To read other stories of changed lives,  visit here.