Today, March 10, is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. This day occurs every year to give everyone a chance to shine a light on the impact this disease has on women and young girls.

Uniting to prevent this disease spreading and to raise awareness is important as we take a stand against HIV/AIDS. According to the CDC, 1.1 million people in the US are living with HIV. Out of those people, one in four is a woman who is 13 years or older.

Even more surprising, 27,000 women have HIV but don’t even know it.

To decrease this number, encourage your friends, sisters, mothers and children to get tested to know their status. It’s so important to know what’s going on in your body. Symptom free doesn’t always mean disease free. Be bold and get the conversation started to increase awareness of safe practices to prevent HIV infection and the levels of care and treatment.