Quick Tips for Parents of Young Drivers

This week, October 19th- 25th, is being recognized as the National Teen Driver Safety Week. Communities across the country are using this time to raise awareness on the importance of teen driver safety and shed light on the dangers associated with poor driver and passenger behaviors. Below are a few action steps parents can take to support the NTDSW initiative by helping your teen learn safe driving skills.

Ensure your teen accumulates 50+ hours of supervised driving. To do this, create a schedule each week that has specific lot times for driving practice. Choose various routes to have your teen practice driving on so that they experience different types of roads, speed limits, sharp and wide turns, etc. Log your teen’s driving time so that you can easily keep track of the hours.

Understand the expectations. Too much time together in one car can easily cause some tension between you and your teen. Especially when the purpose is to teach them how to drive.  Make sure that you and your teen understand what each of your expectations are for the driving lessons. Set guidelines on how and when feedback should be given, how it should be received and through it all: remain calm and respectful.

Talk with your teen’s driver education instructors. Be in communication with your teen’s driving instructors so that you can learn of ways to help reinforce effective defensive driving habits. Take their expert advice and begin implementing them in your one-on-one driving lessons with your teen.

Create some “first year” rules.  Monitor your teen’s first year of independent driving by setting household rules such as how late they can be out driving at night or what amount of distance they can drive away from your home. Assuming that your teen follows the set rules, consider increasing their driving privileges over time.

Support National Teen Driver Safety Week and get involved!

How Can You Prolong Your Life? Know Your Blood

It’s simple. Each of us desire to live long, happy lives. The question is how can we guarantee it? Although the answer’s not simple, it does not require us to spend endless hours searching for the fountain of youth. Rather, take one blood testTake a few.

Did you know that your blood contains secrets about your health that could potentially add years to your life? Even better, maybe even save your life? Picture your blood being a strand of clues. With just one drop of your blood under a microscope, your physician (a.k.a. the detective) can use those clues to pinpoint the exact steps you can take into prolonging your life.

For example, a rise in your blood sugar could signify potential diabetes, increased risk of heart disease and stroke. A drop in your blood levels could indicate future hyperthyroidism. These are all examples of “silent warning signals” that are hidden in your blood. The advantage you have is clear. Be proactive. Get to know your blood. The sooner you can understand what your blood represents, the sooner you and your physician can develop a strategic, preventive health plan to prevent your future diagnosis from becoming a reality.

Life Extension Magazine reported 10 important blood tests that adults over 40 should get annually in order to get a true gage on what their lifespan currently looks like and what measures could be taken to extend it.  Below is a list of those exact tests.

1. Chemistry Panel & Complete Blood Count

2. Fibrinogen

3. Hemoglobin A1C


5. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) (Men Only)

6. Homocysteine

7. C-Reactive Protein

8. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

9. Testosterone (Free)

10. Estradiol

Take charge of your current and future health in the most simplest way.  Any Lab Test Now offers an array of blood tests including the ones listed above.  Schedule an appointment with us today and let us begin to help you live the long and healthy life you desire.

Reference: http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2006/may2006_report_blood_01.htm

Let’s Talk About Medicine

October is being recognized amongst the National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE) as “Talk About Your Medicines” month.  As the first ever direct access lab testing services company, we strongly believe in the importance of patient education on medicine. Knowing the risks and benefits associated with the medicines you are taking allows you to understand exactly what you are putting into your body, determine what dosage is right for you and ultimately empower you to truly take control of your health.

Time and time again, patients and especially teenagers, hold a belief that if a doctor prescribes a drug or medication it must be safe – even if not prescribed for that person. This common overlook has, unfortunately, factored into this staggering statistic: 1 in 4 teens report to having misused or abused a prescription drug at least once in their lifetime.

The underlying question now is, “How can we prevent this from happening in the future? And in our child’s future?” For parents with teenagers, the conversation needs to start at home. Sadly, studies show that there is a general disconnect between teenagers and their parents on many topics, including medicine abuse. We challenge you to eliminate the disconnect now. By starting the discussion on medicine misuse and abuse at home, your children can begin to develop a clear understanding of the dangers associated with each. Thus, preparing them to appropriately handle any interaction with prescription drugs in the future that they may be involved in.

Do you need help talking to your teen? Start with the Partnership at Drugfree.Kids’ Parent Toolkit for assistance on how to have that hard conversation or call their Parents Toll-Free Helpline, 855-DRUGFREE. Our Trust, But Verify program can also help with any concerns you may face as a parent. As a local partner to The Medicine Abuse Project, we encourage you to learn more about what you can do in the fight to stop medicine misuse.

The Unavoidable In A Woman’s Life

100 out of 100 women will experience this inevitable occurrence in their life. Some men are intimidated to bring up the subject.


No medical treatment is required when experiencing menopause. It’s simply a stage in every woman’s life due to permanent ovarian dysfunction. Many women start experiencing signs of menopause around the age of 50. There are many symptoms, but the most common include: hot flashes/night sweats, vaginal dryness, skeletal pain, dry/itchy skin, depression and libido issues.

Measuring hormone levels can help women manage their health. Becoming aware of these levels will help in taking proper measures to make the menopause process as smooth and quick as possible. Ensuring a solid, patient support system is extremely helpful as well. Clear communication of symptoms and feelings are important, so that support systems know how to help.

As September is Menopause Awareness Month, take time to learn more about what that means for women.

Women, It’s Time To Focus On You!

Health & Fitness Day is coming up on Wednesday, September 24. Get involved and find out what organizations in your local community are participating in the nation’s largest women’s health promotional event! Events are noncompetitive and include walking activities, demonstrations and health information workshops.

Be proactive and Take Control of Your Health by learning about the individual tests and screenings we offer tailored to women’s health needs. One way to proactively manage your health is by learning personal health baselines through general testing such as a basic check up panel.

It’s important for women in particular to make an effort to take time to focus on their own health, while working so hard to ensure the health of their families.

Cholesterol 101

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is important for your body to have to function properly. The problem with it is if there is too much cholesterol in the blood, the buildup in arteries can form blockages which can lead to dangerous heart problems.

Types of Cholesterol

High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is considered “good” cholesterol and what your body needs. You want a high percentage of HDL in your test results. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is “bad” cholesterol and low test results are ideal. The CDC reports that 71 million American adults have high LDL levels.

Preventing High Cholesterol

To reduce or maintain cholesterol levels:

Get Tested
Having high cholesterol doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have symptoms to let you know, which is why it’s so important to get tested. Be proactive and get your cholesterol checked. The American Heart Association recommends all adults age 20 or older to get their cholesterol checked every 4-6 years.

September is Cholesterol Education Month. We would encourage you to continue learning about cholesterol by talking with your MA at your local ANY LAB TEST NOW® or by reading more here.

Why You Should Know About Sickle Cell Disease

According to the White House, approximately 72,000 Americans are living with Sickle Cell Disease and 2 million Americans carry the genetic trait for the disease. As the most commonly inherited blood disorder in the United States, it’s time to raise awareness. There’s no better time than September to do so, as September is deemed Sickle Cell Disease Awareness month.

When diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease, red blood cells become curved, causing the cells to pass through blood vessels easily and carrying oxygen throughout the body. Curved blood cells can get stuck, block blood vessels and can prevent oxygen from getting through. Sickle Cell Disease can cause many long term and short term issues. To learn more about side effects, read here.

The most common side effect results in anemia. Getting tested and encouraging others to get tested for Sickle Cell Anemia is important, to stay ahead of such diseases. Normal results show no Hemoglobin S, the most common type of abnormal hemoglobin suggesting Sickle Cell Disease, in the blood. High results suggest a trait of Sickle Cell Disease or the actual disease.

To learn more about Sickle Cell Disease, visit http://www.sicklecelldisease.org/.

Find Out What Happens Every 4 Minutes In The US

The unfortunate reality that every 4 minutes, 1 person in the United States is diagnosed with a form of blood cancer, is heartbreaking. Those who are diagnosed, rely on the selfless donations of others. Our hope in participating in Blood Cancer Awareness Month is to encourage more people to register as bone marrow donors, which may result in an increase in finding a match for those in need.

Only 30% of people diagnosed can find a matching donor in their family. The remaining 70% of people lean on the kindness of people whom they have never met, who have chosen to make a difference and donate their blood.

There are many types and varieties of blood cancer including, but not limited to Leukemia, Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma. The reality is that these types of blood cancers are extremely harmful and can really take a toll on an entire family. To learn more, visit http://www.deletebloodcancer.org/en/about-blood-cancer.

This September, Blood Cancer Awareness Month, make the choice to become registered as a bone marrow donor. Registering is as simple as completing paperwork, and having the inside cheek of your mouth rubbed with a soft swab.  You never know the impact it may have on someone’s life.

Any Lab Test Now is proud to offer donation centers nationwide through our partnership with Delete Blood Cancer. To find an Any Lab Test Now donation center, visit www.anylabtestnow.com/locations/deletebloodcancer.

Become a Lifesaver, Get Involved In Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Every year, the Leukemia and Lymphoma society observes Blood Cancer Awareness Month. This month is dedicated to making efforts in finding cures and provides treatment for blood cancer patients. The goal is to raise awareness and support from individuals and the research process. Progress towards finding a cure is exponentially increasing, and donations are necessary in this progress. Medical researchers believe that they are on the brink of discovering a cure. Thus, we must strive to keep the momentum strong and flowing. 

Get involved with Blood Cancer Awareness Month and see the difference that your donations can make! It is as easy as donating blood, time, and funds to bring help to those who desperately need it. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society provides access to becoming involved. Take a look at the ways that you can become involved and start today!

At Any Lab Test Now, we are partnered with Delete Blood Cancer. This is an easy way to become involved as a bone marrow donor. Many people are unaware of the steps to donation and how simple it can be. Ready to donate? Find a location to donate here.

“Someday we will cure cancer, but today you are helping us save lives”

-Louis J. DeGennaro, LLS CEO

Whether you are donating through Delete Blood Cancer, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, or a local organization, you are making a difference in the fight against blood cancer. Help raise awareness towards the fight against blood cancer and see the extraordinary impact that you will have on the individual lives and the future.

Know the Facts About Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle Cell Disease affects millions of people worldwide and is the most common inherited blood disorder in the United States affecting 70,000 to 80,000 Americans. Alarmingly, 1 in every 500 African-Americans are born with sickle cell disease. With such an alarming statistic, it is important to be aware of the disease and its symptoms.

Sickle Cell Disease is a disorder that affects hemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to cells throughout the body. With this disorder, people have abnormal hemoglobin molecules which distort red blood cells into a sickle shape. Symptoms of sickle cell disease vary from person to person. Although the presence of the disease is often caught at a young age, some people have very mild symptoms that go unnoticed.

If you feel as though you or a loved one might be experiencing one or more of the symptoms of sickle cell disease come into our office for a sickle cell screen, especially if you are an athlete with an upcoming season. Symptoms of the disorder can become severe and lead to hospitalization and even death. As the most common blood disorder, it is important to get tested and know for sure.

The only known cure for sickle cell disease is a bone marrow transplant. These transplants are reliant on individual donations.

“Tiffany needed a transplant to beat sickle cell. After a two- year search, she found a donor and her life was saved!”

Many stories like Tiffany’s are found thanks to the donation of bone marrow from individuals.Want to help the cause and donate? At Any Lab Test Now, we have a partnership with Delete Blood Cancer. Donating bone marrow has become easier than ever with Delete Blood Cancer and similar organizations. Take a look at how simple it can be and find a location here.