Did You Know Some Employers are Now Testing for Nicotine? Here’s Why

Today’s labor market is competitive, and employers are constantly looking for ways to differentiate potential employees who may otherwise be practically identical. These tactics range from test questions to personality quizzes, but some companies are taking things a step further and asking future hires to take a nicotine test. Hospitals, transportation companies and utility services are leading the way in testing employees’ saliva for tobacco and tobacco-product use, and other substances to help make hiring decisions.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. It costs the nation billions in health care expenses, and smokers are expected to die about 10 years earlier than nonsmokers. There isn’t an organ in the body that smoking doesn’t damage in some way. Despite this, many choose to continue smoking. Public health experts are beginning to feel that if a person’s health isn’t enough to motivate them to quit, maybe they can be incentivized by money. For workers everywhere, the penalties for not quitting, and the rewards for quitting, could soon be hitting you in the wallet.

Many employers, faced with rising health insurance costs for smokers and the higher rates of chronic diseases in employees who smoke, are offering carrot-stick bargains — either quit smoking and receive a small bonus and free smoking cessation tools, or continue smoking and lose a small percentage of your paycheck each month; or in some cases, lose out on the job offer. Being tobacco-free makes a job applicant a more natural choice for an employer trying to save money on insurance costs and promote a healthy office environment.

Testing for illegal drugs has been a pretty widespread practice for years, but with the relative ease of oral fluid testing, employers can now ask a candidate for a swab and know whether the applicant smokes, dips or chews. The payout for the employer can be twofold: they can offer new potential employees smoking cessation tools to help them get healthy, and they can potentially receive a federal insurance subsidy for testing their employees. It’s been demonstrated time and again that the healthier the workforce, the more productive it is, so having a group of employees who are entirely tobacco-free could increase productivity dramatically, while reducing insurance costs.

The oral swab test, or even a urine specimen test, offered by Any Lab Test Now identifies the amount of cotinine, a byproduct of nicotine, in the bloodstream. This substance sticks around for an average of three days — longer in heavy smokers — so going cold turkey for the day isn’t going to cut it. By offering a quick, inexpensive way to test for cotinine, Any Lab Test Now is making it easier for employers to make hiring decisions based on important health criteria. Companies now realize that an investment in the health of each employee is an investment in the business itself, and the advantages of nicotine testing far outweigh the costs.

Unknown Substance Analysis and Unknown Poison and Toxins Analysis

Do you suspect an employee, friend or loved one is abusing drugs or being poisoned somehow? Or maybe you are worried you have been drugged or poisoned yourself? Then you might want to consider getting an Unknown Substance Analysis or an Unknown Poisons and Toxins Analysis at Any Lab Test Now. These tests are designed to give you peace of mind, whatever your needs happen to be. Once you get a definitive answer, you can finally act on your suspicions and help improve your health or the health of someone you know. But which test is right for you? Read on to learn what each analysis scans for and why you may need to get one.

Unknown Substance Analysis
An Unknown Drug Test is a drug-based scan of many classes of drugs, including prescription medications, illegal drugs and over-the-counter medications. It can be used to identify a pill, powder or substance suspected to be a drug or identify drugs already present in the body. This test uses blood, urine or hair, drug paraphernalia or beverage containers to identify any substance that may be present. Test results are typically available within 10 business days after your specimen is collected.

This may be a good option for you if you suspect a friend, family member or employee is abusing drugs or if you are curious about a substance, pill or powder you can’t identify. This analysis can also be used if you believe you have been drugged and would like to identify the suspected drug. If an unfortunate situation has happened to you or a loved one, an Unknown Substance Analysis may provide you with the answers you are looking for.

Unknown Poisons and Toxins Analysis
An Unknown Drug Test screens for and identifies the presence of more than 1000 common chemicals, poisons and toxic substances. The test includes frequently used pesticides, poisons, organic chemicals, painting and cleaning products, and hygiene-type products. This analysis does not include drugs or heavy metals testing. Testing can be done using blood, urine or hair samples, as well as food or beverage samples. Test results are typically available within 10 business days after your specimen is collected.

This may be a good option for you if you suspect that you or a loved one has been poisoned, intentionally or unknowingly. Getting the answers you need can ease your mind, get you on the path to better health and may even save your life.

Okay, Gentlemen. It is Time To Get Tested

This upcoming week, June 13th-19th, is nationally recognized as Men’s Health Week. Designated as a week-long opportunity to raise awareness on the responsibility men have to monitor their health, Any Lab Test Now® is challenging all of our male readers to begin to Take Control of Your Health® by learning exactly what kind of shape your current health is in and how you can start to improve it.

So, where do we fit in the picture? Our lab testing services include a wide range of men’s health specific tests. Whether you’re looking for a basic check-up or a more particular health issue test, we have what will meet your needs. Take a look at some of our men’s health-focused tests and see if there is one you could benefit from having.

Comprehensive Male Panel

This panel provides men with valuable knowledge that speaks to their overall health. After receiving this set of tests, a man will understand his current risk for:

  • coronary heart disease

  • stroke

  • liver and kidney failure

  • blood disorders

  • prostate cancer

  • thyroid conditions

Men’s Heart Health Panel

This panel will give a man a clear picture of his overall heart health. This panel will help identify a man’s risk for:

  • cardiovascular heart disease

  • low blood count and electrolyte levels

  • kidneyand liver conditions

  • cholesterol abnormalities

  • diabetes

Continued Testosterone Replacement Therapy Panel

This panel is very helpful for men who are taking androgen/testosterone replacements. The results from this panel will give a man a clear understanding of how effective his treatments are and how they are affecting his entire body. If a man taking testosterone replacements has too much of the hormone in his body, he can be at risk of developing serious health issues including:

  • prostate cancer

  • blood clots

  • stroke

  • sleep apnea

The above three tests are just a few of the many men’s health related tests that we offer. Take a look at our full list of male-specific lab testing services and give your local Any Lab Test Now® a call today to learn more about how we can help you begin to Take Control of Your Health® during National Men’s Health Week.

What Your Feet Reveal About Your Health

Our feet have a full-time job. They hold us up all day long, day in and day out. They constantly support us no matter what we are doing — except when we’re sitting, of course. But what you may not know is that our feet can actually do so much more for us. They can be a signal for you when something is wrong somewhere else in your body. Are you ready to start feeling like your best self? Take a look at your feet. All you have to do is know the signs and pay attention.

Hairless Feet or Toes

Have your friends always marveled at your completely hairless feet and toes? This may seem like a dream come true for some, but you may want to pay a little more attention to those smooth steppers. Completely hair-free feet could be an indicator of poor circulation, which in turn can be a sign of vascular disease. But how can you know for sure? If the pulse in your ankles feels weak or you can’t feel it at all, it may be time to talk to your doctor.

Spoon-Shaped Toenails

If your toenails turn upward at the ends, forming a concave spoon shape, this may be a sign that you have iron-deficiency anemia. This occurs when there is not enough hemoglobin in the blood, which helps transport oxygen throughout the body. Other symptoms may include fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath and headaches. If your toenails appear spoon-shaped, and you exhibit any of these other symptoms, it is recommended that you get tested for anemia.


If your feet feel numb a lot — and not just from sitting for too long — there could be some more serious issues at play. Tingling or the inability to feel your feet at all could mean there is damage to your nervous system. This could be a warning sign of diabetes, so be sure to consult your doctor if you experience this symptom.

Cold Feet

Cold feet? It might not just be the temperature. This could be a sign of many things, including poor blood circulation and anemia. The most serious indication, however, is hypothyroidism. Other symptoms of an improperly functioning thyroid include dry skin, fatigue and weight gain. While the most immediate relief will come from bundling up those toes, hypothyroidism is best handled by a medical professional. If any or all of these symptoms sound familiar, it might be time to get tested.

A Swollen Big Toe

Has your big toe suddenly become red, sore and twice its usual size? This is a pretty sure warning sign that you have gout, a form of arthritis caused by too much uric acid in the body. At lower temperatures, uric acid crystallizes, and your outer extremities, especially your feet, tend to have the lowest temperatures of any spot in your body; hence, the swelling in your big toe.This can be a painful condition, so if you are showing signs of gout, it is best to talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

So what are you waiting for? Check out those toes! What are yourfeet tellingyou? What they have to say just might help you improve your health in the long run.

Vitamin D – Do You Know If You’re Getting Enough?

What do sunscreen and obesity have in common? You may be surprised to find out that they may both be leading to osteoporosis, auto-immune diseases, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Skin cancer has reached epidemic proportions even though we are all aware of the risk of tanning beds and smearing our skin with body oil for that perfect “glow”. The use of sunscreen, hats and sunprotectant clothing is on the rise, and is necessary if the goal is cancer prevention. Obesity is also increasing as more and more of us turn to fast food, either for convenience, taste or financial reasons, and we continue to find our entertainment on the couch.

Something many of us may not know is that both being obese and blocking the sun can prevent our bodies from absorbing Vitamin D. Because our main source of vitamin D is the sun, vitamin D is often called the “Sunshine Vitamin”. Avoiding the sun completely may be good for our skin, but it isn’t doing us any favors in the vitamin department. Sunscreen with 30 SPF can reduce the body’s ability to synthesize vitamin D by 95%. Obesity and gastrointestinal disorders decrease the ability to absorb vitamin D from foods.

Ideally, we would all be getting plenty of vitamin D from sitting outside at lunch and eating vitamin D rich foods like eggs, fortified milk, and fish including sardines, salmon and herring. It only takes 5 to 10 minutes of sun on bare skin to reap the benefits and absorb enough vitamin D to keep levels adequate. Those who are homebound, stay inside, have darker skin or live in northern climates are also at a higher risk of not being able to get their daily dose of sunshine.

A long term deficiency of vitamin D can lead to numerous serious health problems.
Symptoms of a deficiency are subtle ornonexistent but could be bone pain, muscle weakness, low energy and depression. The list of possible health problems includes the obvious: osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, but may also cause high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, severe asthma and other lung diseases, and an increased risk of cancer, specifically of the breast, colon, prostate and pancreas. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to Type 2 Diabetes and autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Crohn’s disease. There is even evidence that deficiency could lead to cognitive impairment in older adults and is associated with a larger amount of belly fat!

Vitamin D plays a critical role in the processing of calcium, which can’t be used by the body without the right level of vitamin D. Research has shown that adequate levels of the sunshine vitamin in healthy people hasa significant impact on the biological pathways that govern illnesses, cancer, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, and infectious disease. It has may be involved in weight loss: Vitamin D levels in the body at the start of a low-calorie diet predicted weight loss success, suggesting that vitamin D may play a role in weight loss.

If you aren’t sure whether you’re getting enough vitamin D, a simple Vitamin D 25-hydroxy test, or a Micronutrient test to assess levels of all vitamins and minerals in the body, can give you the right information to help you decide whether you need to make lifestyle changes, such as getting outside more, losing weight or taking vitamin supplements to keep you at your best, today and long into the future!

National Nutrition Month: Are you getting the nutrients your body needs?

In our world of fast-paced living, we understand how difficult it can be to eat healthy. On days where it seems like 24 hours isn’t enough, the idea of grabbing a #1 from the nearest fast-food restaurant seems like a good choice. Although it may seem smart at the time, our bodies depend on essential nutrients and those will not be found in the average “happy meal”.

Medical Daily recently referenced a study that researched the eating habits of Americans. Researchers from this study found that U.S.adults eat far more saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium than needed. They also found that most Americans do not meet their recommended daily levels of 10 essentialnutrients including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium and iron.  Lacking these proper nutrients can lead to severe deficiencies causing serious health problems like anemia, osteoporosis, depression and other chronic diseases.

With March being recognized as National Nutrition Month by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Any Lab Test Now® is joining with them to promote the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and exercise habits. One of the first steps you can take to Take Control of Your Health® is to determine if you might have a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Our Micronutrient Test will measure your body’s ability to absorb vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other essential nutrients. This blood test will be able to tell you if you have a vitamin deficiency and if so, will give you a plan for how to correct it. Schedule an appointment with your local Any Lab Test Now® this March and get a clear picture of your current nutritional profile to help jumpstart your plan towards a healthier future.

The ABC’s of Diabetes

If you are a diabetic, knowing your Diabetes ABC’s is one of the most important steps you can take in managing your health and lower your chances of having other diabetic problems like a heart attack or stroke.

A is for the A1C Test.

This blood test measures your average blood sugar level over the past three months. If continuous high blood sugar is not monitored, you can be at risk of damaging your blood vessels, kidneys, feet, eyes and heart. For most diabetics, their A1C goal is below 7.

B is for Blood Pressure.

Your blood pressure is the level of force your blood uses to push against the walls of your arteries. Each time your heart beats, blood is pumped into your blood vessels. The higher the blood pressure, the harder your heart is working. This scenario can also cause heart attacks, strokes and severe damage to your kidneys and eyes. The blood pressure goal for most diabetics is below 140/90.

C is for Cholesterol.

LDL and HDL are the two kinds of cholesterol in your blood. LDL is known as the “bad” cholesterol because of it’s ability to build up and clog your blood vessels which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. HDL is known as the “good” cholesterol because it helps remove your HDL. Goals for cholesterol numbers vary among all diabetics.

Take control of your diabetes by learning what your A1C, blood pressure and cholesterol numbers are now. Visit an Any Lab Test Now ® nearest you to get started. Our trained medical professionals will administer the tests you need and provide you with clear, quality results for you and your doctor to review. Based on your diabetic history and your current lab tested numbers, your doctor will then be able to determine what ABC goals are reachable for you.

Diabetes. Are You at Risk?

It’s rare for someone to seek medical advice on a health condition unless they are noticing relative symptoms, right? For example, a person who thinks they may have the flu will schedule a time to see their doctor only after they’ve been experiencing ailments like a runny nose or frequent coughing.

The difference with diabetes is that there are no immediate outwardly physical symptoms like a high fever or runny nose to help you know that you could be at risk. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that 27.8% of people with diabetes are currently undiagnosed. That’s 8.1 million people. Living a life with diabetes and being unaware of it is extremely dangerous and the longer it takes to get diagnosed, the greater chance you have of developing other serious health problems.

Through educating yourself on the disease and taking precautionary measures, you can help prevent yourself from becoming a part of the 8.1 million. Here are a few factors that could help you determine if you’re at risk for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

You could be at risk if…

  • 45 years of age or older

  • Overweight

  • Have a parent with diabetes

  • Family background is African-American, Hispanic/Latino, American-Indian, Asian-American, or Pacific-Islander

  • Had diabetes while pregnant (gestational diabetes) or gave birth to a baby weighing 9 lbs. or more

  • Physically active less than three times a week.

If you think you may be at risk of diabetes, let Any Lab Test Now ®  help you. Our Diabetes Maintenance Panel consists of four thorough, effective tests that will provide clear and quality results for you and your physician.

Diabetes. What Does it Mean to You?

Did you know that right now, there are nearly 30 million children and adults in the United States alone that suffer from diabetes? Another 36 million Americans have prediabetes and are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Odds are most of us probably know at least one diabetic, but unless you are a diabetic yourself, you may not know just exactly what being a diabetic fully means.

A person is diagnosed with diabetes when their blood glucose (blood sugar) level is too high. It sounds like a simple definition and one you would think could be easily cured.  However, this disease is extremely serious and is a major cause of other life-threatening health issues like nerve damage, kidney failure, gum disease, loss of eyesight, heart disease and stroke.

It is important to examine your health and learn if you are at risk for developing diabetes. For those who have already been diagnosed, it is imperative that you educate yourself on ways to manage your diabetes and lower your risk for other potential health issues. That is why this November, Any Lab Test Now® will be showing our support of National Diabetes Month by using our blogs and in-store promotions to raise awareness on diabetes, the seriousness of the disease, how to help prevent a future diagnosis and how to manage it if already diagnosed.

For more information on National Diabetes Month, visit the American Diabetes Association and National Diabetes Education Program. Throughout November, stay up-to-date with our diabetes awareness blogs by visiting our Any Lab Test Now ® blog site.

Cholesterol 101

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is important for your body to have to function properly. The problem with it is if there is too much cholesterol in the blood, the buildup in arteries can form blockages which can lead to dangerous heart problems.

Types of Cholesterol

High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is considered “good” cholesterol and what your body needs. You want a high percentage of HDL in your test results. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is “bad” cholesterol and low test results are ideal. The CDC reports that 71 million American adults have high LDL levels.

Preventing High Cholesterol

To reduce or maintain cholesterol levels:

Get Tested
Having high cholesterol doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have symptoms to let you know, which is why it’s so important to get tested. Be proactive and get your cholesterol checked. The American Heart Association recommends all adults age 20 or older to get their cholesterol checked every 4-6 years.

September is Cholesterol Education Month. We would encourage you to continue learning about cholesterol by talking with your MA at your local ANY LAB TEST NOW® or by reading more here.