National HIV Testing Day, Raise Awareness and Get Tested!

National HIV Testing Day is one of the many opportunities we have throughout the year to raise awareness and educate ourselves about this illness. HIV is an illness that can be prevented by using effective protective measures and getting tested regularly for peace of mind.

Though much has been discovered about HIV throughout the years there are still misconceptions about the disease, how you get it, signs and symptoms, as well as risk factors. According to, some of the many myths surrounding HIV include: “Women can’t give men HIV.” “HIV is a contagious disease.” “People over 50 don’t get HIV.” The facts however tell another story. According to the CDC, 18% of new HIV infections are attributed to females. In terms of the disease’s contagiousness the only possible ways of getting infected are through blood on blood contact, breast milk and all types of sexual encounters. Just because someone has HIV and they sneezed near you or a drop of their sweat fell on you it does not mean that you will get infected. As for the people over 50 group; they account for 17% of new infections (CDC).

We understand that some times the thought of getting tested can be a scary thing and you might feel like you’re sending a message about yourself to others. The fact is that by getting tested you are indeed sending a message, you’re sending the message that you are responsible and that you Take Control of Your Health® making sure you are as healthy as a horse! That being said, it never hurts to have a supporting partner to provide you with a safe and confidential environment and make you feel like the process of getting tested was a cakewalk. ANY LAB TEST NOW® empowers you to take control of your sexual health with our anonymous and confidential comprehensive STD testing services.

This Thursday, June 27th is National HIV Testing Day take this opportunity to take control of your sexual health, know your status and get tested! Remember that symptom free doesn’t mean disease free. To find out more about our fast, anonymous and discreet STD testing options contact an ANY LAB TEST NOW® near you or visit