Ladies, Say ‘I Love You’ This Valentine’s Day in a New Kind of Way

With Valentine’s Day soon approaching, many women are planning out the perfect way to show that special person in their life just how much they appreciate them. Ladies, instead of choosing to treat your other half to the always popular, romantic, candlelight dinner, show your love to them this year in a way that can last a lifetime…by taking care of your heart.

Did you know that heart disease is the No.1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year? Yet, what’s even more startling is that it is 80% preventable. By receiving a regular heart health screening, learning your risks, and managing those risks accordingly, you can avoid this deadly disease that impacts the lives of so many every day.

Go Red for Women is a nation-wide campaign created by the American Heart Association, designed to bring attention to the risk of heart disease in women, encourage women to receive heart health screenings and “lead the charge to end this deadly foe once and for all.” As an effort to raise awareness in the fight against this disease, all supporters of the Go Red for Women movement are asked to wear red on National Wear Red Day.

To show our support, participating Any Lab Test Now® locations will be decked out in red decorations throughout their store on National Wear Red Day, this Friday, February 6th. On this day only, the participating stores will also be offering 50% off various heart health lab tests including a Lipid Panel, VAP® Test, and PLAC® Test.

For this year’s Valentine’s Day, show the person you love just how much you care for them by caring for your heart. Schedule your heart health lab testing at your local Any Lab Test Now® now and remember to wear red on Friday, February 6th. Share photos of you in your red via Twitter @ALTNCorp and check our Facebook page after the event to see how all of our Any Lab Test Now® locations showed their support in the stores.

Women, Don’t Let Your Holiday Season Turn into a Stressful Season

Whether it’s preparing a platter full of baked goodies for the end-of-the-year party at your child’s school or cleaning and decorating the living room in time for your Christmas family dinner, the never-ending list of holiday “to-dos” can easily become a hassle instead of a pleasure. It is important during the hustle and bustle that women especially, sit back and avoid the stress that is so often associated with this time of year. It could do more for your health than you may think.

In a study performed by Dr. Wei Jiang of Duke University’s School of Medicine, researchers noticed that stress, including mental stress, may be more taxing on women’s hearts than compared to men’s. Jiang’s team analyzed the data of more than 300 Americans that encountered a series of stressful tasks. Researchers found that when stress levels rose, women were far more likely to have an ischemic episode than men. Ischemia is known as a dramatic reduction in blood flow to the heart and a major contributor to mortality from heart disease. The study concluded that 57% of women experienced ischemia compared to 41% of men.

So now the question is how can one destress? According to this list published by Harvard Medical School, some ways to destress include focusing on self nurturing via eating healthy food, reading amusing books, or committing to slow down your schedule just once a week.

At Any Lab Test Now®, we encourage all of our readers to manage their stress in a healthy manner, especially during the busy season of the holidays. To evaluate your overall heart health, schedule to have a Heart Health Panel done at an Any Lab Test Now ® near you. This panel will provide you with a clear picture of how well you’re heart is working and if you may be at risk for heart disease.

How Can You Prolong Your Life? Know Your Blood

It’s simple. Each of us desire to live long, happy lives. The question is how can we guarantee it? Although the answer’s not simple, it does not require us to spend endless hours searching for the fountain of youth. Rather, take one blood testTake a few.

Did you know that your blood contains secrets about your health that could potentially add years to your life? Even better, maybe even save your life? Picture your blood being a strand of clues. With just one drop of your blood under a microscope, your physician (a.k.a. the detective) can use those clues to pinpoint the exact steps you can take into prolonging your life.

For example, a rise in your blood sugar could signify potential diabetes, increased risk of heart disease and stroke. A drop in your blood levels could indicate future hyperthyroidism. These are all examples of “silent warning signals” that are hidden in your blood. The advantage you have is clear. Be proactive. Get to know your blood. The sooner you can understand what your blood represents, the sooner you and your physician can develop a strategic, preventive health plan to prevent your future diagnosis from becoming a reality.

Life Extension Magazine reported 10 important blood tests that adults over 40 should get annually in order to get a true gage on what their lifespan currently looks like and what measures could be taken to extend it.  Below is a list of those exact tests.

1. Chemistry Panel & Complete Blood Count

2. Fibrinogen

3. Hemoglobin A1C


5. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) (Men Only)

6. Homocysteine

7. C-Reactive Protein

8. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

9. Testosterone (Free)

10. Estradiol

Take charge of your current and future health in the most simplest way.  Any Lab Test Now offers an array of blood tests including the ones listed above.  Schedule an appointment with us today and let us begin to help you live the long and healthy life you desire.


Cholesterol 101

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is important for your body to have to function properly. The problem with it is if there is too much cholesterol in the blood, the buildup in arteries can form blockages which can lead to dangerous heart problems.

Types of Cholesterol

High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is considered “good” cholesterol and what your body needs. You want a high percentage of HDL in your test results. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is “bad” cholesterol and low test results are ideal. The CDC reports that 71 million American adults have high LDL levels.

Preventing High Cholesterol

To reduce or maintain cholesterol levels:

Get Tested
Having high cholesterol doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have symptoms to let you know, which is why it’s so important to get tested. Be proactive and get your cholesterol checked. The American Heart Association recommends all adults age 20 or older to get their cholesterol checked every 4-6 years.

September is Cholesterol Education Month. We would encourage you to continue learning about cholesterol by talking with your MA at your local ANY LAB TEST NOW® or by reading more here.

Men’s Health & The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act is affecting multiple groups of people in different ways. As June is Men’s Health Month, this gives an opportunity to shine a light on how men can potentially be affected by the ACA. It’s critical to begin by examining various categories of men’s healthcare, such as heart health and HPV- a not so common topic in men’s healthcare, to learn what to expect.

Heart Health
One of the most prominent issues is heart health. As heart disease is the leading cause of death among not only men, but women too, it’s important to proactively maintain heart health. There are numerous forms of the disease and results can range from heart attacks, heart failure and other serious, dangerous issues.

Men’s Health Magazine released an article discussing HPV in men. “A new study has found that more than two-thirds of healthy American adults have been infected with at least one strain of human papillomavirus (HPV), but a “delicate balancing” act across 109 different strains frequently renders the sexually-transmitted disease dormant and harmless.” 

It’s important to familiarize yourself and the men in your life with current healthcare news. As we continue to discuss related health issues in men, it’s vital to learn throughout these discussions how the Affordable Care Act affects your healthcare coverage, cost and care. To learn more visit

Stroke Awareness – It’s Preventable

May is an important month! We talked about the importance of allergy testing last week, and this week we want to shine a light on stroke awareness. May was designated by President George H. W. Bush as National Stroke Awareness Month. The National Stroke Association works hard each year to bring awareness of strokes in hopes to conquer them. Check out their resource center for programs, activities and tons of valuable information.

A stroke happens after a blood clot blocks an artery or when a blood vessel breaks. This causes interrupted brain flow to the brain. Brain cells begin to die and brain damage occurs when this happens.

“When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost. These abilities include speech, movement and memory.  How a stroke patient is affected depends on where the stroke occurs in the brain and how much the brain is damaged.” -Read more from the National Stroke Association here.

Did you know that up to 80% of strokes are preventable?

In order to prevent a stroke, check out our PLAC® Test. It’s a test that measures an increased enzyme caused by inflamed arteries. It can help your physician assess your risk and susceptibility for heart attacks and stroke. Support National Stroke Awareness Month by getting informed, spreading the word and getting tested!

The Number One Killer of Women Should Be Stopped

Heart disease is the number one killer of women; yes, over any type of cancer. It kills approximately one woman, every minute. The prevention and treatment of this disease rests on awareness. For you to know how to beat and prevent heart disease, you must be aware of it and know what’s going on in your body.

Symptoms can range from chest pain to nausea to shortness of breath and more. A problem is that these symptoms are not uncommon; therefore many women who suffer from the disease don’t know they have it. According to the American Heart Association, over half of women who die from the disease experience little to no symptoms. Women sometimes look to more common issues like the flu or their age. That’s why it’s so important to Take Control of Your Health® and get tested.

Size and pumping abilities of the heart differ by gender, but there is no definite explanation as to why men and women are affected differently by heart disease. Shining a spotlight specifically on women’s heart health will raise awareness and encourage women to get their heart tested because they might not have thought about their heart’s health before.

Friday, Feb. 7, was National Wear Red Day by Go Red for Women. Check out our Facebook to see all that was going on!

Ladies, now is the time to get tested to check your heart health. The Heart Health Panel gives you an idea of your overall heart health. The VAP test includes basic cholesterol tests and identifies abnormalities. The PLAC test measures your arteries and will assess your risk for heart attacks and/or strokes. These are the perfect tests to help you become aware of exactly what’s going on with your heart health. Get tested today and spread the word!

Why You Should Wear Red on Friday

Friday is an important day every year, and no it’s not because it’s time to remind your significant other that Valentine’s Day is next week (even though that’s not a bad idea). It’s National Wear Red Day and this year is especially significant as it marks the 10th birthday of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women movement.

Watch the video and to see why this is such an important day. Heart disease tends to go unnoticed, so being aware is essential. Take the necessary steps to get to know what’s going on in your body and get you familiar with your overall heart health with ANY LAB TEST NOW®’s Lipid Panel, Vertical Auto Profile or VAP Test and PLAC Tests.

In support of raising awareness for women’s heart health, we’re giving you 50% OFF a VAP or PLAC test, only on February 7th, National Wear Red Day! This makes it easier than ever for you to Take Control of Your Health®.

We are hosting a contest of our own throughout the nation’s ANY LAB TEST NOW® locations. We are decking out our offices in red to raise awareness of Go Red for Women. Join us in supporting women’s heart health by wearing red on Friday and spreading the word. Send us photos of you in your red via Twitter @ALTNCorp.