What are the Differences between a Lipid Panel, VAP® Test and PLAC Test?

So you’ve been told you may need to have some cholesterol tests done.  Or, maybe you are getting ready to get in shape and eat right, and want to set a baseline to measure what’s going on inside. Getting tested is the first step to becoming a healthier, happier you. Any Lab Test Now is here to help you Take Control of your Health® with the Lipid Panel, VAP Test or PLAC Test – three different tests to measure your cardiovascular health. But which test is right for you? Read on to learn more about each of these tests.

Lipid Panel
A Lipid Panel is used to determine if you have abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels. These measurements can help your doctor determine if you are at risk for heart disease or other coronary illnesses. A Lipid Panel includes five tests: Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, HDL/LDL ratio and triglycerides. When evaluated together, these tests can help your doctor determine if you would benefit from a cholesterol maintenance medication. You are required to fast for at least eight hours prior to the tests. A Lipid Panel costs only $49 at Any Lab Test Now.

VAP Test
A VAP Test, or Vertical Auto Profile test, is used to provide an extremely accurate picture of an individual’s potential for heart disease and diabetes. Not only does this test include the basic cholesterol tests seen in the Lipid Panel, but it also gives a detailed report of individual lipoprotein subclasses and apolipoprotein subclasses. It identifies any cholesterol abnormalities that may be a precursor to heart disease or diabetes and can help your doctor provide the proper care to prevent future heart attacks. Best of all, you are not required to fast for this test so can come in anytime during the day. A VAP Test costs $79 at Any Lab Test Now.

A PLAC Test measures the increase of an enzyme present when your arteries are inflamed. This test can help your doctor better assess your risk for heart attack and stroke, as well as determine any necessary medication or lifestyle changes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration uses this test to assess the risk of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke, associated with atherosclerosis. The PLAC Test is usually an “add on” to other tests, and no additional blood work is necessary if done with another blood test or panel. You are not required to fast for this test. A PLAC Test costs $139 at Any Lab Test Now.

Ignoring it won’t make it better!  If you haven’t had your cholesterol checked lately, now is the time to do it – for you and your family.

National Immunization Awareness Month: What that Means for Your College Student

Now that August has arrived, that can only mean one thing — it’s time for your student to start heading back to school! But did you know that August is also National Immunization Awareness Month? Getting immunized against infectious diseases is important for your health, as well as the health of those around you. And with the start of the new school year just around the corner, you may need to make sure your student is up to date on all their vaccinations.

Most colleges, universities and technical programs require students to provide proof of their necessary immunizations. Our titers tests for measles, mumps, rubella and varicella are an easy alternative to tracking down your old pediatrician from 10+ years ago or finding those old medical records you promised yourself you’d get around to organizing. Instead of spending hours searching for lost records, a titers test can quickly and easily check if you are immune to certain diseases. In just one visit, we can have you tested and your results ready to send to your student’s school within 48 -72 hours of testing.

Some health care study programs may require additional tests including proof of immunization for Hepatitis B and C, a yearly flu shot or even drug testing. The good news is, we can provide these, too! Instead of going to your doctor and racking up lots of fees and sitting through several separate doctor visits, why not make it easy on yourself and get everything done at once — cheaply, efficiently and hassle-free!

We know starting the new school year can be hectic. That’s why we at Any Lab Test Now want to relieve some of your stress by offering easy and affordable solutions to all of your most pressing back-to-school health care needs. We can provide proof of immunizations, flu shots and even help you fulfill those extensive requirements for health care study programs. And there’s no additional cost for a physician’s visit — we provide the doctor’s order. So don’t run all over town. We’re your one-source solution at Any Lab Test Now.

You Have The Freedom To Take Control Of Your Health®

Independence Day is right around the corner!  Freedom means a lot of things, but we’d like you to recognize the invaluable freedom you have to take control of your health.

Taking control of your health means realizing and being confident with what happens on the inside and outside of your body. Many times symptoms can be blown off or go unnoticed, but maintaining and monitoring your health is vital for your personal well-being.

July 4th is a day of celebration, but it’s still possible to stay healthy and happy! Just check out this article by Time Magazine to learn how.

Also, did you know that applying your sunscreen a couple of days in advance means you can improve your skin’s protection from harmful rays? You can learn more tips here!

As you celebrate America’s independence, think about how you can encourage your loved ones to take control of their health as well.

Get To Know The Facts About PSA Testing

What do you know about Prostate Specific Antigen, PSA testing? Many argue over the necessity of the test. However, one thing is non-debatable: your health is important.

First, it is important to understand and become aware of what exactly PSA testing is. PSA, prostate specific antigen, is produced by a man’s prostate gland. When the test is conducted, it measures the level of PSA in his blood. If the levels are elevated, it is potentially a sign of prostate cancer.

In addition to prostate cancer, a large number of noncancerous conditions such as an enlarged prostate can be found by an elevated PSA blood level. Who should have a PSA test completed?

“Men over the age of 50 should talk to their doctor about their personal risk of developing prostate cancer and the benefits and risks of having a PSA test.”

Proactive blood testing can help you monitor your levels and possible detect and treat disease before it’s too late.  You might also want to consider a PSA test before the age of 50 to establish a baseline for future testing.

How The Affordable Care Act Affects Workplace Wellness

As health care reform continues to be explored, it’s interesting to evaluate how it affects the workplace. Workplace wellness programs have become more of a trend due to the Affordable Care Act. The workplace wellness provisions have sparked research into the effectiveness of programs as well as added concern of shifts in health care costs due to the state of employee health.

“In a 2013 report, “Workplace Wellness Programs Study,” sponsored by HHS and conducted by Rand Corporation, researchers found that uptake remains limited, with fewer than half of employees undergoing clinical screenings or completing a health risk assessment. However, the report found “meaningful improvements” in exercise rates, smoking and weight control, though not in cholesterol levels.”

In addition, many employers expressed the reduction of medical costs due to wellness programs. The goal in creating and implementing these programs are to improve the health of employees and to control healthcare spending. By creating wellness programs and encouraging employees to participate in those programs, these facts can continue to improve.

Are you incorporating a new or improved wellness program in your workplace? There’s no better time than now to re-evaluate your wellness programs!

For more information visit www.anylabtestnow.com/aca.

Men, Learn To Take Control of Your Health

“Recognizing and preventing men’s health problems is not just a man’s issue. Because of its impact on wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters, men’s health is truly a family issue,” said Congressman Bill Richardson in 1994. That statement today is still as relevant as it was in the 90’s because of the continuous decline in men’s health.

Men’s Health Month was created to highlight preventable health issues and encourage early detection of disease among men of all ages. It’s important as men, to proactively maintain your health. You can do so by establishing a health baseline, ensuring regular visits with your doctor and getting to know how your body works. Ranging from heart health, testosterone levels and various cancers, it’s extremely important to know what’s going on inside of your body. Check out the wide range of tests that are offered for men.

How will you encourage the people in your life to take control of their health during men’s health month?

Bone Marrow Donation Is Easier Than You May Think

Most people believe that becoming a bone marrow donor requires a lot more than it actually does. Robin Roberts, Good Morning America co-anchor, addresses this issue head on through many on-air discussions and in her newly released memoir, “Everybody’s Got Something.” Below is a small excerpt from the book.

“I had been told that one day I would wake up and not even think about cancer. When I woke up that Sunday morning before the Oscars, cancer was the furthest thing from my mind. As far as I was concerned it was in my rearview mirror.”

Roberts has become a leader in providing information to the public about the bone marrow donation process. She is an advocate for a similar organization to our partner organization, Delete Blood Cancer. The donor specimens from both organizations go into the same donor registry, so regardless you will be registered into the donor bank.

A lot of people are unaware at how easy it is to be a donor. All it takes is a cheek swab and signature on a couple of documents prior to review. Through Delete Blood Cancer and similar organizations, you can impact someone’s life. Find a location to donate here.

How To Get Involved With World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day is coming up, June 14th. Every year the World Health Organization (WHO) hosts this day to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products. Every community, family and organization is encouraged to consider donating blood on the 14th. It truly makes a difference for those in need and helps to save lives.

Another way to help save lives is to consider becoming a blood marrow donor through the efforts of Delete Blood Cancer, an organization we have partnered with to help people who have blood cancer find bone marrow donors.

Every little bit helps, and these two initiatives are a way to share that. Read Denis Urbina’s story to see how much a donor can impact the community.

Denis Urbina, a driver, is much familiarized with the process of blood donation and its importance, as he has been saving lives for 20 years. He tells us proudly his altruistic work. He said that one day he was asked to go to the Nicaraguan Red Cross to take care of some tasks and while he was completing them, a woman reached out to him to ask him a favor, telling him that her family members was in the emergency room at Bertha Calderon and she needed blood.

Without a doubt, Denis, who is always willing to help the others and look for solutions, said yes. This was the start of his altruistic work, expressing that that day, when he gave the woman the evidence of his donation, he felt relieved to help her.

Donors such as Denis, who said he donates blood twice or three times a year, are examples of citizens who dedicate their lives to save lives. He says that if he were to encounter a similar situation that took him to start being a voluntary donor, he would do it with pleasure, as he is conscientious of the necessity and wants to take the opportunity to encourage young people to do it as well.”

To read other stories of changed lives,  visit here.

Coverage Options For Your Kids With The Affordable Care Act

As families continue to grow and as the Affordable Care Act becomes more prominent in people’s daily lives, it’s important as fathers and as the head of the household to remember how that affects your family.

Pre Affordable Care Act, insurance companies had the right to remove enrolled children at the age of 19, or occasionally older for full-time students. Now that the ACA is in effect, the majority of plans cover children/young adults up to the age of 26. There is a lot of wiggle room of the standards for your kids to remain on your plan until they hit 26. They can remain on your plan even if they are married, are not living with you, are full-time students, are not financially dependent on you, or are eligible to enroll in their employer’s plan. For a full list of Q&A’s when talking with your children about their enrollment process visit here.

To learn more about the Affordable Care Act visit www.anylabtestnow.com/aca

Men, Learn How To Manage Your Health

As mentioned prior, men’s heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. More than half of deaths in heart disease in 2009 consisted of male victims. Detailed information and other statistics about men’s heart health are provided on the CDC’s website.

In addition to that, Men’s Health Magazine compiled an extremely intriguing perspective on the various and multiple reasons as to why American men die young. Everything from prostate cancer, to medical errors, to infectious disease, to diabetes and more is addressed.

Bringing up serious health issues in men is for a reason. In order to prevent these diseases controlling the lives of men, it’s important to be proactive in managing your health and to be aware. By completing routine tests, routine physicians visits and truly maintaining your health, you are taking a step towards taking control of your health. As the Affordable Care Act continues to evolve, it’s important to know how to move forward with taking control of your health. For example, knowing costs of treatments, lab tests and/or procedures upfront can help you make your healthcare as affordable as possible.

To learn more visit www.anylabtestnow.com/aca.