Vitamin D, more popularly known as the sunshine vitamin, is essential for your health. It is a fat soluble vitamin that interacts with over 200 genes in your body. Your body produces Vitamin D after exposure to sunlight. It’s also naturally present in a few various food items and supplements and can be absorbed that way.

It’s important to test your Vitamin D levels because if they are not satisfactory your risk for coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus and calcium deficiency rises. Many other health issues can come from a lack of Vitamin D as well.

A sufficient range of Vitamin D is between 30 and 100 ng/mL. Check out what the Vitamin D Council talks about in regards to having a Vitamin D deficiency. Sometimes if you are deficient, symptoms can go unnoticed. They can include tiredness, general aches and pains or more severe pain. These symptoms can be common for various different issues, which is why it’s so important to get tested to make sure you know what is going on in your body.

Deficiency can be common in the winter months, because you may not be getting as much sun as compared to the summer months. That’s why it’s important to Take Control of Your Health® and test your Vitamin D levels to learn where your levels are.