It has been reported that diabetes affects 25.8 million people in the US alone. Out of these, 18.8 million people are diagnosed and 7 million go on undiagnosed.  As diabetes awareness month comes to a close and the holiday season kicks off, living with diabetes can be a little tougher than usual. With such a high number of people with diabetes everything that comes with the holiday season besides family time can become a form of temptation for a diabetic.

During the holidays we love going for round 2 of that amazing turkey with the stuffing and all the goodies around the table. We also love to indulge in that glass of wine for the holiday toast.  Sometimes there are multiple toasts, and some stay true to the saying ‘it’s rude if you don’t drink after a toast!’. When you have diabetes, indulging in these events can cause serious consequences to your health.  So what are you to do this holiday season with all these temptations all around you?

In terms of indulging in that glass of wine or champagne for your New Year’s toast, studies have shown that it is okay if you indulge in that one glass for your toast. However, more than one can seriously increase your blood sugar levels lasting up to 24 hours. As for your trip to the delicious goodies table, there are two myths attached to the diabetes diet. The first myth is that you have to give up your favorite holiday foods. Studies have shown that if you simply modify the way in which the meal is prepared and reduce the serving size, your diabetes will not get out of control. Nevertheless, Round 2 of those mouth-watering pies, cakes, frosting-covered cookies and figgy pudding is not advisable. The second myth is that you absolutely have to give up desserts, again not true! Portion control and choosing healthier desserts such as fresh fruit and yogurt can help you give in to your sweet tooth without affecting your blood sugar levels.

Living with diabetes is all about monitoring your levels. ANY LAB TEST NOW® can be the monitoring partner you need. Our Diabetes Maintenance Panel will help you and your physician monitor your glucose levels and/or adjust your diabetic medications accordingly. This holiday season Take Control of Your Health® and visit an ANY LAB TEST NOW® near you.