Grandparentage Legal
DNA testing can be used to determine if there is a biological relationship between two individuals. This is typically done by obtaining genetic material (DNA samples) from the two individuals via cheek swabs, then comparing these samples.
The Grandparent DNA Test (also called a Grandparentage Test) can be used to determine the likelihood of a child being your biological grandchild. This test compares the DNA from a child to the DNA of their biological mother, as well as the DNA from at least one biological paternal grandparent. This type of testing can be useful when an alleged father is unable or unwilling to participate in a paternity test.
Since the alleged father inherited half of his DNA from his mother (the child’s paternal grandmother) and half of his DNA from his father (the child’s paternal grandfather), it is preferable to include both biological paternal grandparents in this type of DNA family relationship test.
**Please note: If both biological paternal grandparents and the child’s mother are not included in the Grandparent DNA Test, the test results may not always be conclusive.
The results from this grandparentage test can be used for legal purposes. If you are just looking for a Grandparentage Test that can provide answers and peace of mind, and you are not planning to use the results for any kind of legal purpose, check out the Informational Grandparentage Test (keep in mind that the results from the Informational Grandparentage Test are not legally admissible).