The Test Some People Are Scared To Take

Thanks to research and breakthroughs, people with HIV are living longer, healthier lives with one very important caveat: they MUST get tested and diagnosed. The study found that those who are tested and begin treatment early should experience near-normal life expectancies. But testing continues to be a problem. Some recent facts:

  • Approximately 1.1 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV today. About 15 percent of them (1 in 7) are unaware they are infected. (Source:
  • Rural areas are displaying lower rates of testing and diagnosis than urban areas, according to a new study.

With so many new therapies and drugs available, it’s more important than ever to know your status. Your local Any Lab Test Now can help. When you know your status, you can take the steps necessary to protect yourself and those that you love.

Why people don’t get tested for HIV

HIV is considered a sexually transmitted disease… one that can be spread outside of sexual contact. Because it’s considered an STD, people can feel a certain amount of embarrassment associated with a diagnosis. Any Lab Test Now is a judgment-free zone. We are discreet, and we will ensure your privacy. Here are four other reasons people give for not wanting to get tested, according to

  1. I don’t think I can cope with knowing I have HIV. The reality is that not knowing can be hard to live with as well.
  2. If I test positive, people will find out. At Any Lab Test Now, your confidentiality is as important to us as it is to you.
  3. I don’t need an HIV test because my blood has been taken in a hospital before. Your blood should NOT be tested without your consent.
  4. I nearly always use condoms. Condoms are great, but “nearly always” isn’t always!

There is no good reason to not get tested. It could save your life and maybe even the lives of those you love.

About HIV testing at ALTN

There are two parts to the HIV Test at Any Lab Test Now. The first part is an initial blood screen. A negative result means there are no HIV antibodies and p24 antigen in your blood. BUT, if that screen is positive, the lab will run a confirmation test called an HIV 1/2 Antibody differentiation test. This confirmation test will determine an HIV-1 or HIV-2 virus. Results are ready in 3 to 5 business days.

An important reminder!

Having one STD increases your risk of becoming infected with another STD. If you’re considering the HIV Test, you might want to look at upgrading to the Comprehensive STD Panel, which tests not only for HIV, but also several other STD’s including hepatitis B and C.

Over one million people are living happy and productive lives with HIV, but the key is knowing your status. Let Any Lab Test Now help you obtain a proper diagnosis so treatment can begin and you can get on with living your life.