What’s the One Blood Test All Student Athletes Are Required to Have?

It is no surprise that student athletes participate in high intensity workouts. Whether it’s for conditioning, during practice time or game time, an athlete is continuously placed in situations where they need to raise their heart rate and push their bodies to the limit. Because of this, it is extremely important for school athletic directors and coaches to make sure that their student athletes are healthy and that their bodies can endure the physical activity expected of them.

There is one health condition in particular that could hinder a student athlete from truly competing to their best ability. This condition is known as sickle-cell trait. Inherited from a parent, sickle-cell trait can cause red blood cells to sickle and block blood vessels, denying oxygen to muscles and organs. If a student athlete with sickle-cell trait over-exhausts their body due to physical activity, their health could be put in serious danger if their oxygen supply iscut-off.

In order to ensure that this risk never becomes a reality, colleges require their NCAA student athletes to receive a sickle-cell trait blood test. Fortunately, as long as the coaches are aware of the diagnosis and take proper precautions with their diagnosed athletes,those athletes can still enjoy a successful and healthy athletic career. And all the student athlete readers said, “Whew!”

If you are an aspiring athlete and want to check on your health before heading into your college career, especially if attending a Division I or Division II school, contact your local Any Lab Test Now® today and let us help you get the answers you need. Our Sickle Cell Anemia Screen will test you for the sickle-cell trait and give you fast, quality results that you, your doctor, and your coach can use to ensure that your athletic career has a bright and long-lasting future.

Titers Testing Provides Proof of Immunization

The school year is approaching and with it comes excitement for those students entering a new school. For Mom and Dad, however, making sure students are properly enrolled can be stressful! One hurdle can be that requirements for enrolling often include documented immunization records: Parents must present proof that their children are immunized against various diseases. If for some reason parents don’t have these records, laboratory tests can be performed to quickly and easily provide the documentation that the school requires. These are called titer tests.

Titer Testing Not Just for Students

Of course, it’s not only students who need documentation to support their immunization status. There are many instances when this may be required, such as:

  • Employment in the education system
  • Employment or study in the healthcare system
  • Employment in the veterinary field
  • Participating in athletic programs or various activities
  • Pending travel plans

What Is a Titer Test?

The tests examine a blood sample to determine if it contains antibodies of a specific disease. The blood would only contain these antibodies if they had been released at one point in response to that disease’s virus or bacteria. This means that someone who has the antibodies in their blood has been exposed to the disease already – either naturally or through vaccination – and is now immune to the disease.

At Any Lab Test Now, we offer a variety of titer tests, including:

  • The MMR Titer tests for immunity to measles, mumps and rubella. This is a great option for anyone studying or working in a medical setting where you are at a higher risk of being exposed to these diseases.
  • The Varicella Titer tests for immunity to the varicella zoster virus — more commonly known as chickenpox and shingles.
  • Hepatitis B. The Hepatitis B Titer tests for Hepatitis B, inflammation of the liver. This can be contracted through exposure to infected blood from another person, among other causes, so those working or studying in the healthcare field are at a higher risk of coming into contact with blood infected with hepatitis and should consider testing for all three types (A, B and C).
  • The Rabies Titer monitors rabies antibody levels to ensure you are not infected with the rabies virus.

And More!

Any Lab Test Now offers hundreds of testing options, with convenience and affordability in mind. With no appointment necessary, wait times under 15 minutes and results back in 24–72 hours for titer tests, you’ll be glad you chose Any Lab Test Now to help with your proof of immunizations and other testing needs. After all, whether you’re diving into a new career or juggling kids, you have enough on your plate without wondering about proper immunizations.

Let Any Lab Test Now help you out today. Make an appointment online or call our experts to discuss what testing options are right for you.

Hormones and Your Health

The Connection Between an Imbalance and Weight Gain

The statistics concerning adult obesity in the United States are alarming. According to the most recent data, adult obesity rates now exceed 20 percent in all states. A diet high in fat and sugar, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, is usually to blame. But for some people, both men and women, there is no obvious reason for the additional pounds. These people are eating healthy and getting exercise, yet they still seem to be gaining weight. In that case, there is a possibility that hormones are to blame.

Hormonal Havoc

As we age, hormone levels adjust and can cause hormonal imbalances. This can lead to a number of issues including:

  • Weight gain
  • Obesity
  • Insulin resistance
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Diabetes

Testing your hormone levels can help explain persistent weight problems and help you avoid the associated medical issues. The first step is to purchase the Weight Management Take Home Hormone Kit at your local Any Lab Test Now location.

Taking the First Step

The Weight Management Take Home Hormone Kit is the first step to getting answers and it can be done in the comfort of your own home. You’ll have to fast for 12 hours for the results to be accurate. It consists of a simple dried blood spot test and a saliva test. Using these, the test measures bioavailable hormone levels. The kit is wide-ranging, testing in nine critical areas:

  • Estradiol (E2) – this is basically a form of estrogen. It is present in both women and men.
  • Progesterone (Pg) and Testosterone (T) – these are hormones that are found in both men and women that help regulate gender and the associated sexual functions.
  • DHEAS (DS) – helps in evaluating your adrenal gland function.
  • Diurnal Cortisol (Cx4) – helps determine your level of cortisol, a steroid hormone released by your adrenal gland.
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) – checks your body’s production of TSH, which helps regulate how your body uses energy.
  • Vitamin D (D2, D3) – low levels of this vitamin may lead to weight gain according to some studies.
  • Insulin (In) – this measures your insulin production. Insulin is produced by the pancreas and used by the body to transport and convert glucose into usable energy.
  • Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) – checks your blood glucose levels and can detect pre-diabetes.

If you’ve experienced unusual weight gain, are struggling with obesity, or are having difficulty losing weight, the cause could be hormonal havoc.

Results Put You in Control

Test results will usually take between five to seven business days after you return your specimen to the lab. Your results will pinpoint specific hormonal imbalances that can contribute to excessive weight gain and obesity. The comprehensive report also matches your tested hormone levels with reported symptoms so you and your doctor can determine what steps to take so you can achieve optimal health. It’s time to take your health into your own hands with the help of Any Lab Test Now.

March is National Kidney Month: Preserve Your Kidney Health!

March is National Kidney Month: Preserve Your Kidney Health!

Cleanses and fasts are all the rage now, for getting in shape and ridding your body of “toxins.” But we at Any Lab Test Now recommend that you take some time to look to your body’s built-in cleansers — your kidneys. Your blood passes through your kidneys several times a day to be filtered and taken back to your heart, lungs and other organs. In honor of National Kidney Month, here are a few ways to keep your kidneys at peak health.

Manage any other health conditions. Heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes can contribute to kidney problems. Since these conditions affect blood flow, it’s important to manage them so your blood can make it to your kidneys to be filtered. Diabetes can also cause your body to release chemicals in response to blood sugar imbalances, which can damage your kidneys.

Cut back on salt and alcohol. This doesn’t mean you need to completely give them up, but consuming these in moderation has proven to decrease the amount of damage kidneys sustain over time. Try incorporating more produce and spices into your diet, and limit your alcohol intake to one or two drinks per night.

Exercise, but don’t overdo it. Exercise is always a good idea for managing your health, but it’s important to strike a balance. Overtraining can be just as bad as remaining sedentary, because it can cause a breakdown of your muscles, which will release harmful chemicals back into your bloodstream. These chemicals reach your kidneys and can cause damage.

Try to quit smoking. Smoking can damage your blood vessels, which reduces the flow of blood to your kidneys. Nothing performs at its optimal level when blood isn’t flowing well, and your kidneys are no exception. So try to cut back or quit completely to heal your blood vessels.

Cool it on the over-the-counter medicines. Some NSAID pain relievers like ibuprofen and naproxen sodium can damage kidneys when taken over prolonged periods of time. If you don’t take them regularly, you probably don’t have anything to worry about. But if you use NSAIDs for chronic pain management, be sure to talk to your doctor about monitoring your kidney function.

The renal function panel at Any Lab Test Now works by testing your urine for substances like ketones and urea nitrogen, which typically don’t appear in high levels in the body due to the filtration provided by the kidneys. If the kidneys aren’t able to do their job, higher levels of proteins, sugars and even blood can appear in the urine.

Your renal system works hard to make sure your body doesn’t absorb harmful chemicals all day. Your kidneys never stop filtering blood, and they can keep working effectively even at 20 percent functionality. But the length of the kidney transplant list grows by the day; clearly once these important organs are impaired beyond their threshold, a person experiences a dramatic loss in their ability to live a full life. So take some time to evaluate these important organs by stopping in at Any Lab Test Now for a renal function panel!

What’s the Difference Between a Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease?

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Gluten Intolerance Vs. Celiac Disease

Digestive issues. Unexplained fatigue. Headaches. Pain. Mood issues. If this sounds like an average day in your life, you’re not alone. About 15 percent of people in the U.S. have some form of gluten intolerance, and you could be one of them. While there could be other causes, these symptoms can point to a gluten intolerance, which goes undiagnosed in patients 99 percent of the time.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley, and it is a HUGE part of the American diet. Odds are, you’ve been eating gluten all your life, and this could be the cause of these daily, unexplained discomforts.

So, what is gluten intolerance?

Gluten intolerance is a broad category of food intolerance that covers a range of conditions, including celiac disease — the most severe of the gluten intolerances — non-celiac gluten sensitivity and wheat allergies.

Celiac Disease Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Wheat Allergy
What is it? A hereditary autoimmune disorder A sensitivity to gluten An allergy to the gluten protein when wheat is ingested
What happens when gluten is ingested? An autoimmune response that causes severe damage to the small intestine and long-term health problems A stress response is triggered by the body, often resulting in uncomfortable GI symptoms An immune response is triggered causing a temporary reaction by the body

As you can see in the chart above, a gluten intolerance can be anything from a mild irritation to a life-altering disease. Regardless of where you fall in this range, it is important to recognize your symptoms so you can protect your health.

Depending on the severity of your intolerance, symptoms may include:

  • Digestive issues including gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation
  • Unexplained skin rashes
  • Unexplained fatigue, especially after eating a meal containing gluten
  • Mood issues like anxiety, mood swings, depression or ADD
  • Migraine headaches
  • Hormone imbalances
  • And many other possible symptoms

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it may be a sign you should get tested for a gluten intolerance. At Any Lab Test Now, there are many options to choose from.

Want to test for celiac disease?

  • Try our Celiac Disease Panel. As celiac disease can often be difficult to diagnose, this test can help to differentiate between celiac disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • Or try our ALCAT Gut Health Profile, which can also help you diagnose celiac disease or discover the possibility of a non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Or if you feel that you may have a wheat allergy, you can find out with these tests:

The sooner you know the cause of your symptoms, the sooner you can start doing something about them. Talk to the experts at Any Lab Test Now to find out which test is right for you and start your journey toward a happier, healthier life.

How Many Drinks Does It Take To Be Legally Drunk?

Drinking a lot of alcohol is bad for your health in the short and long term. So it’s important to know how your body reacts to alcohol and what your limit is so you can stay healthy. Of course, there are several factors that affect your body’s ability to process alcohol and how quickly you become drunk. It’s important to take the following factors into account each time you drink so you’re always having a safe and fun time. Here are the most important factors:


In general, the older you are, the less able you are to handle alcohol. Those who are older have less water in their bodies and build up higher concentrations of alcohol faster. Also, as you age, your organs become less able to handle alcohol, and you feel the effects quicker.

  • It may take fewer drinks to get legally drunk as you get older.


Women tend to have a higher percentage of body fat, which doesn’t absorb alcohol well. That means the alcohol will build to a higher concentration in the blood. Men tend to have larger bodies with lower percentages of body fat, leading to a more diluted alcohol concentration in their system.

  • It may take fewer drinks to get legally drunk if you are female.


Those who are heavier tend to handle alcohol better, because they have more blood in their body and the alcohol becomes more diluted. Also, those who weigh more might have a larger liver which will be able to process the same alcohol amount as someone who is smaller with more efficiency.

  • It may take more drinks to get legally drunk if you are heavier in weight.


We all know that a full stomach delays the onset of the effects of alcohol. But a belly full of carbs and fats is the most effective for slowing down the process of absorbing alcohol. The important thing to remember is that a full stomach does not stop the absorption of alcohol, it only delays it. You will eventually feel the effects.

  • It may take longer to get legally drunk if you have a full stomach.


Are you a lightweight when it comes to alcohol? It might just be your first time having a drink. Of course, due to all the previous factors, you might always have a low tolerance. But the more times you have a drink, the higher your overall tolerance tends to get. Science doesn’t fully understand the body’s memory for alcohol tolerance, but we do know that your body can process alcohol better over time.

  • It may take more drinks to get legally drunk if you are a regular social drinker.

Finally, the type of drink you’re having at a party will play a big role because not all drinks are made equal when it comes to alcoholic concentration. For general purposes you can think of one drink as the equivalent of one 12-ounce beer, one 6-ounce glass of wine, or one shot of liquor. So if you’re enjoying the eggnog with an extra shot of spiced rum, remember to count it as two drinks instead of one. Since all bodies are different, you can try out this Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) calculator here to get a rough estimate of how many drinks it would take you to get legally drunk.

Not every body metabolizes alcohol the same way.  You may  feel you are “okay” to drive, but your blood alcohol content will reflect whether or not you are under or over the legal alcohol limit.  The rule of thumb is that for each alcoholic beverage you consume, the alcohol from that drink is in your system for two hours.  Multiple drinks means you are compounding the amount of alcohol in your blood stream.  Unfortunately, not everyone can handle the effects of alcohol while others can become dependent on it. In the United States, there are around 10 to 15 million alcoholics, and approximately 100,000 alcohol related deaths per year.

Stay safe – don’t drink and drive.  If you suspect someone is abusing alcohol or you’re helping a loved one with a zero-tolerance program, testing for alcohol can be an appropriate step, and Any Lab Test Now is here to help. We offer blood, urine and breath alcohol testing that offers fast and affordable results. Our testing services can be processed to ensure legal admissibility or discreetly for your own personal knowledge. We are here to assist you in any way!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

breast-cancer-ribbonOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we at Any Lab Test Now urge you to celebrate by taking control of your health and bringing awareness to yourself, first and foremost. Around one in eight women and one in 1,000 men in the U.S. will develop breast cancer over the course of their lifetime, and this risk increases significantly if you have a family history of the disease. In fact, if you have the hereditary gene mutations BRCA1 or BRCA2, your risk of developing breast cancer increases to 65 percent. If you have a family history of breast cancer, it may be time to get tested for these inherited genes.

What are BRCA1 and BRCA2?
BRCA1 and BRCA2 (also known as Breast Cancer genes 1 and 2) are gene mutations passed down from either parent. They are the best-known genes linked to breast cancer risk and can significantly increase the risk of cancers in both men and women — up to 65 percent in some cases. The gene is rare in the general population, but the risk of having the gene varies by ethnicity. Carriers of the BRCA1 gene mutation have a 55 to 65 percent chance of developing breast cancer by age 70, while carriers of the BRCA2 gene have a 45 percent chance. (Remember, women in the general population have only an eight percent chance of developing breast cancer by age 70).

Do you need to get tested?
If you have a family history of breast cancer, you may unknowingly be a carrier of BRCA1 or BRCA2. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure that you have the gene. Genetic testing is recommended if you have:

  • A known BRCA1 or 2 gene mutation in the family.
  • A personal history of breast cancer at age 50 or younger.
  • A personal history of breast cancer at age 50 or younger and a family member (parent, sibling, child, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece or first cousin) diagnosed with breast cancer at any age.
  • A personal history of triple negative breast cancer (breast cancer that is estrogen receptor-negative, progesterone receptor-negative and HER2 receptor-negative) diagnosed at age 60 or younger.
  • A personal or family history of ovarian cancer.
  • A personal or family history of male breast cancer.
  • Ashkenazi Jewish heritage and a personal or family history of breast or ovarian cancer.
  • A family member (parent, sibling, child, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece or first cousin) diagnosed with breast cancer at age 50 or younger.
  • A family member (parent, sibling, child, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece or first cousin) diagnosed with ovarian cancer at any age.

While most people who get breast cancer do not have BRCA1 or 2 gene mutations, it is important to know your risks. If you have any of the risk factors listed above, talk to your doctor about getting tested. Any Lab Test Now offers testing for both the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations. Test results will be given by and discussed with a genetic counselor when the results are completed.  Talk to our experts at Any Lab Test now about how you can get tested today. When it comes to beating breast cancer, early detection is the best way to fight this disease.

Unknown Substance Analysis and Unknown Poison and Toxins Analysis

Do you suspect an employee, friend or loved one is abusing drugs or being poisoned somehow? Or maybe you are worried you have been drugged or poisoned yourself? Then you might want to consider getting an Unknown Substance Analysis or an Unknown Poisons and Toxins Analysis at Any Lab Test Now. These tests are designed to give you peace of mind, whatever your needs happen to be. Once you get a definitive answer, you can finally act on your suspicions and help improve your health or the health of someone you know. But which test is right for you? Read on to learn what each analysis scans for and why you may need to get one.

Unknown Substance Analysis
An Unknown Drug Test is a drug-based scan of many classes of drugs, including prescription medications, illegal drugs and over-the-counter medications. It can be used to identify a pill, powder or substance suspected to be a drug or identify drugs already present in the body. This test uses blood, urine or hair, drug paraphernalia or beverage containers to identify any substance that may be present. Test results are typically available within 10 business days after your specimen is collected.

This may be a good option for you if you suspect a friend, family member or employee is abusing drugs or if you are curious about a substance, pill or powder you can’t identify. This analysis can also be used if you believe you have been drugged and would like to identify the suspected drug. If an unfortunate situation has happened to you or a loved one, an Unknown Substance Analysis may provide you with the answers you are looking for.

Unknown Poisons and Toxins Analysis
An Unknown Drug Test screens for and identifies the presence of more than 1000 common chemicals, poisons and toxic substances. The test includes frequently used pesticides, poisons, organic chemicals, painting and cleaning products, and hygiene-type products. This analysis does not include drugs or heavy metals testing. Testing can be done using blood, urine or hair samples, as well as food or beverage samples. Test results are typically available within 10 business days after your specimen is collected.

This may be a good option for you if you suspect that you or a loved one has been poisoned, intentionally or unknowingly. Getting the answers you need can ease your mind, get you on the path to better health and may even save your life.

What are the Differences between a Lipid Panel, VAP® Test and PLAC Test?

So you’ve been told you may need to have some cholesterol tests done.  Or, maybe you are getting ready to get in shape and eat right, and want to set a baseline to measure what’s going on inside. Getting tested is the first step to becoming a healthier, happier you. Any Lab Test Now is here to help you Take Control of your Health® with the Lipid Panel, VAP Test or PLAC Test – three different tests to measure your cardiovascular health. But which test is right for you? Read on to learn more about each of these tests.

Lipid Panel
A Lipid Panel is used to determine if you have abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels. These measurements can help your doctor determine if you are at risk for heart disease or other coronary illnesses. A Lipid Panel includes five tests: Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, HDL/LDL ratio and triglycerides. When evaluated together, these tests can help your doctor determine if you would benefit from a cholesterol maintenance medication. You are required to fast for at least eight hours prior to the tests. A Lipid Panel costs only $49 at Any Lab Test Now.

VAP Test
A VAP Test, or Vertical Auto Profile test, is used to provide an extremely accurate picture of an individual’s potential for heart disease and diabetes. Not only does this test include the basic cholesterol tests seen in the Lipid Panel, but it also gives a detailed report of individual lipoprotein subclasses and apolipoprotein subclasses. It identifies any cholesterol abnormalities that may be a precursor to heart disease or diabetes and can help your doctor provide the proper care to prevent future heart attacks. Best of all, you are not required to fast for this test so can come in anytime during the day. A VAP Test costs $79 at Any Lab Test Now.

A PLAC Test measures the increase of an enzyme present when your arteries are inflamed. This test can help your doctor better assess your risk for heart attack and stroke, as well as determine any necessary medication or lifestyle changes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration uses this test to assess the risk of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke, associated with atherosclerosis. The PLAC Test is usually an “add on” to other tests, and no additional blood work is necessary if done with another blood test or panel. You are not required to fast for this test. A PLAC Test costs $139 at Any Lab Test Now.

Ignoring it won’t make it better!  If you haven’t had your cholesterol checked lately, now is the time to do it – for you and your family.

What Your Feet Reveal About Your Health

Our feet have a full-time job. They hold us up all day long, day in and day out. They constantly support us no matter what we are doing — except when we’re sitting, of course. But what you may not know is that our feet can actually do so much more for us. They can be a signal for you when something is wrong somewhere else in your body. Are you ready to start feeling like your best self? Take a look at your feet. All you have to do is know the signs and pay attention.

Hairless Feet or Toes

Have your friends always marveled at your completely hairless feet and toes? This may seem like a dream come true for some, but you may want to pay a little more attention to those smooth steppers. Completely hair-free feet could be an indicator of poor circulation, which in turn can be a sign of vascular disease. But how can you know for sure? If the pulse in your ankles feels weak or you can’t feel it at all, it may be time to talk to your doctor.

Spoon-Shaped Toenails

If your toenails turn upward at the ends, forming a concave spoon shape, this may be a sign that you have iron-deficiency anemia. This occurs when there is not enough hemoglobin in the blood, which helps transport oxygen throughout the body. Other symptoms may include fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath and headaches. If your toenails appear spoon-shaped, and you exhibit any of these other symptoms, it is recommended that you get tested for anemia.


If your feet feel numb a lot — and not just from sitting for too long — there could be some more serious issues at play. Tingling or the inability to feel your feet at all could mean there is damage to your nervous system. This could be a warning sign of diabetes, so be sure to consult your doctor if you experience this symptom.

Cold Feet

Cold feet? It might not just be the temperature. This could be a sign of many things, including poor blood circulation and anemia. The most serious indication, however, is hypothyroidism. Other symptoms of an improperly functioning thyroid include dry skin, fatigue and weight gain. While the most immediate relief will come from bundling up those toes, hypothyroidism is best handled by a medical professional. If any or all of these symptoms sound familiar, it might be time to get tested.

A Swollen Big Toe

Has your big toe suddenly become red, sore and twice its usual size? This is a pretty sure warning sign that you have gout, a form of arthritis caused by too much uric acid in the body. At lower temperatures, uric acid crystallizes, and your outer extremities, especially your feet, tend to have the lowest temperatures of any spot in your body; hence, the swelling in your big toe.This can be a painful condition, so if you are showing signs of gout, it is best to talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

So what are you waiting for? Check out those toes! What are yourfeet tellingyou? What they have to say just might help you improve your health in the long run.