September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month

swabEvery three minutes, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with blood cancer. And every 10 minutes it takes someone’s life. Any Lab Test Now wants to make these numbers smaller, and that’s why we partner with Delete Blood Cancer to improve the health and wellness of our community and to increase the number of donors in the national bone marrow registry. September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month, and this month, we encourage you to help us in deleting blood cancer — all it takes is five minutes and a simple swab to the cheek.

Any Lab Test Now collects donor specimens at selected locations across the U.S. on behalf of Delete Blood Cancer. Delete Blood Cancer is an organization dedicated to helping people become bone marrow donors, and now, so are we. With just a simple cheek swab at Any Lab Test Now, you can become a part of the bone marrow donor registry, and more importantly, a hero to more than one million Americans with blood cancer who may one day need your donation. By joining the registry, you are making the commitment to answer the call if a doctor finds that you and one of their blood cancer patients is a match — and as such needs you to donate your cells for a life-saving bone marrow transplant. By giving just a small amount of your time, you could be giving someone else a lifetime.

A bone marrow transplant is a procedure that replaces unhealthy bone marrow with healthy bone marrow. Currently, a bone marrow transplant is the only cure for patients with blood cancer, and the treatment has lead to improved survival rates. If you and a patient are a match, you could be that person’s only hope of survival. Let us celebrate life this Blood Cancer Awareness Month by giving those with blood cancer a chance at having one.

Visit our website to find a Delete Blood Cancer location at Any Lab Test Now, and make a difference in someone’s life today.

Why Becoming A Bone Marrow Donor Is So Important

September is National Blood Cancer Awareness Month, and this means it’s time to start thinking about what you can do to help the thousands of people every year who suffer from this disease. Every three minutes in the United States, someone is diagnosed with blood cancer — more than 175,000 new cases each year. More than 55,000 people will die from blood cancer in this year alone. A bone marrow transplant is many of these patients’ best hope for survival, but only about 30 percent of patients are able to find a matching donor within their families. The other 70 percent have to rely on donations from strangers, and sometimes there just aren’t enough to go around. Around 3,000 people die each year while waiting for a match. By donating bone marrow this month or becoming a part of the bone marrow registry, you could save someone’s life.

Blood cancer encompases all malignancies of the blood, bone marrow or lymph nodes that affect normal blood cell production or function. As the diseased blood cells multiply, they cause life-threatening damage to the immune and circulatory systems. There are many different types of blood cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Patients with any of these types of blood cancer require bone marrow transplants for the best chance of beating the disease.

Any Lab Test Now is proud to support Delete Blood Cancer in its mission to provide help to those suffering from blood cancer. We have partnered with Delete Blood Cancer to encourage our local communities to become a part of the bone marrow registry, and we encourage you to do the same. We also collect specimens on behalf of Delete Blood Cancer and hold Swab Parties periodically throughout the year to build awareness of the need for bone marrow donors.Did you know that it only takes a simple swab from the inside cheeks of your mouth to be entered into the registry?  Yes, it is that simple.  And, did you know that about 75% of bone marrow donations are through a process similar to collecting platelets? With just one donation and a few hours of you time, you could give someone suffering from blood cancer an entire lifetime.

Are you concerned about your own health? At Any Lab Test Now, we have several cancer screens that may help you get the answers you need. Talk to your doctor or our experts at Any Lab Test Now to find out which test is right for you.

Unknown Substance Analysis and Unknown Poison and Toxins Analysis

Do you suspect an employee, friend or loved one is abusing drugs or being poisoned somehow? Or maybe you are worried you have been drugged or poisoned yourself? Then you might want to consider getting an Unknown Substance Analysis or an Unknown Poisons and Toxins Analysis at Any Lab Test Now. These tests are designed to give you peace of mind, whatever your needs happen to be. Once you get a definitive answer, you can finally act on your suspicions and help improve your health or the health of someone you know. But which test is right for you? Read on to learn what each analysis scans for and why you may need to get one.

Unknown Substance Analysis
An Unknown Drug Test is a drug-based scan of many classes of drugs, including prescription medications, illegal drugs and over-the-counter medications. It can be used to identify a pill, powder or substance suspected to be a drug or identify drugs already present in the body. This test uses blood, urine or hair, drug paraphernalia or beverage containers to identify any substance that may be present. Test results are typically available within 10 business days after your specimen is collected.

This may be a good option for you if you suspect a friend, family member or employee is abusing drugs or if you are curious about a substance, pill or powder you can’t identify. This analysis can also be used if you believe you have been drugged and would like to identify the suspected drug. If an unfortunate situation has happened to you or a loved one, an Unknown Substance Analysis may provide you with the answers you are looking for.

Unknown Poisons and Toxins Analysis
An Unknown Drug Test screens for and identifies the presence of more than 1000 common chemicals, poisons and toxic substances. The test includes frequently used pesticides, poisons, organic chemicals, painting and cleaning products, and hygiene-type products. This analysis does not include drugs or heavy metals testing. Testing can be done using blood, urine or hair samples, as well as food or beverage samples. Test results are typically available within 10 business days after your specimen is collected.

This may be a good option for you if you suspect that you or a loved one has been poisoned, intentionally or unknowingly. Getting the answers you need can ease your mind, get you on the path to better health and may even save your life.

Why You Should Know About Sickle Cell Disease

According to the White House, approximately 72,000 Americans are living with Sickle Cell Disease and 2 million Americans carry the genetic trait for the disease. As the most commonly inherited blood disorder in the United States, it’s time to raise awareness. There’s no better time than September to do so, as September is deemed Sickle Cell Disease Awareness month.

When diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease, red blood cells become curved, causing the cells to pass through blood vessels easily and carrying oxygen throughout the body. Curved blood cells can get stuck, block blood vessels and can prevent oxygen from getting through. Sickle Cell Disease can cause many long term and short term issues. To learn more about side effects, read here.

The most common side effect results in anemia. Getting tested and encouraging others to get tested for Sickle Cell Anemia is important, to stay ahead of such diseases. Normal results show no Hemoglobin S, the most common type of abnormal hemoglobin suggesting Sickle Cell Disease, in the blood. High results suggest a trait of Sickle Cell Disease or the actual disease.

To learn more about Sickle Cell Disease, visit

Find Out What Happens Every 4 Minutes In The US

The unfortunate reality that every 4 minutes, 1 person in the United States is diagnosed with a form of blood cancer, is heartbreaking. Those who are diagnosed, rely on the selfless donations of others. Our hope in participating in Blood Cancer Awareness Month is to encourage more people to register as bone marrow donors, which may result in an increase in finding a match for those in need.

Only 30% of people diagnosed can find a matching donor in their family. The remaining 70% of people lean on the kindness of people whom they have never met, who have chosen to make a difference and donate their blood.

There are many types and varieties of blood cancer including, but not limited to Leukemia, Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma. The reality is that these types of blood cancers are extremely harmful and can really take a toll on an entire family. To learn more, visit

This September, Blood Cancer Awareness Month, make the choice to become registered as a bone marrow donor. Registering is as simple as completing paperwork, and having the inside cheek of your mouth rubbed with a soft swab.  You never know the impact it may have on someone’s life.

Any Lab Test Now is proud to offer donation centers nationwide through our partnership with Delete Blood Cancer. To find an Any Lab Test Now donation center, visit

Become a Lifesaver, Get Involved In Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Every year, the Leukemia and Lymphoma society observes Blood Cancer Awareness Month. This month is dedicated to making efforts in finding cures and provides treatment for blood cancer patients. The goal is to raise awareness and support from individuals and the research process. Progress towards finding a cure is exponentially increasing, and donations are necessary in this progress. Medical researchers believe that they are on the brink of discovering a cure. Thus, we must strive to keep the momentum strong and flowing. 

Get involved with Blood Cancer Awareness Month and see the difference that your donations can make! It is as easy as donating blood, time, and funds to bring help to those who desperately need it. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society provides access to becoming involved. Take a look at the ways that you can become involved and start today!

At Any Lab Test Now, we are partnered with Delete Blood Cancer. This is an easy way to become involved as a bone marrow donor. Many people are unaware of the steps to donation and how simple it can be. Ready to donate? Find a location to donate here.

“Someday we will cure cancer, but today you are helping us save lives”

-Louis J. DeGennaro, LLS CEO

Whether you are donating through Delete Blood Cancer, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, or a local organization, you are making a difference in the fight against blood cancer. Help raise awareness towards the fight against blood cancer and see the extraordinary impact that you will have on the individual lives and the future.