Take Control of Your Health During Allergy Season

Kick hay fever to the curb by learning your triggers to stay healthy when pollen counts are high.

As the leaves sprout and flowers bloom, millions of Americans start sneezing. Up to 50 million Americans, including millions of children, suffer from allergies. At least one in five Americans has an allergy, and more than 26.1 million have seasonal allergies. An allergy is your immune system’s response to a trigger, such as pollen. In people with allergies, the body produces antibodies against common environmental substances and foods that create the typical allergy symptoms, such as itchy eyes and skin, sneezing, nasal congestion, wheezing, and rash. The antibodies produce histamine, which causes the allergic response. Allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever, affects 6.1 million children and 20 million adults, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America reports.

While seasonal allergies can make people feel miserable, they are mostly not life-threatening. Allergies to food and insect bites are more likely to cause anaphylactic shock and death in severe cases. The number of people who have severe allergies has risen dramatically in the past 20 years.

Seasonal allergies send employee productivity spiraling, according to a study of 600 people conducted by Ohio State University. The study revealed that workers on average missed an hour of work per week during the peak allergy season; or 4 million workdays annually. Study participants cited lack of sleep and a negative impact on their overall health as the two main reasons for missing work due to seasonal allergies. Ohio State University experts recommend allergy testing and proper treatment to reduce sick days during allergy season.

Know Your Seasonal Triggers

Understanding the triggers that cause your nose to run and your eyes to water is essential for conquering pollen season. Some of the most common seasonal allergy culprits are tree, grass, and weed pollen, according to the AAFA. Avoiding the allergy is the best way to manage the problem, Mayo Clinic reports. Testing can help you learn the correct treatment for your allergy. An easy way to learn the cause of your seasonal stuffy nose is to visit Any Lab Test Now and order the Basic Allergy Panel.

You can access a simple blood test to determine what you are allergic to and prevent a severe allergic reaction or save money on only the allergy shots you need. Any Lab Test Now offers a Basic Allergy Panel that tests for 32 different environmental substances as well as foods.

  • Eight common grasses and weeds, including ragweed
  • House dust mites. Pet dander for cats and dogs
  • Seven common fruits and vegetables
  • Three dairy products including cow’s milk, soft cheese, and eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Grains including wheat and soybeans
  • Meats including tuna, beef, and chicken
  • Sugar and chocolate

When the body experiences an allergy to a substance, it produces antibodies that are specific to the allergen, called immunoglobulin E, or IgE, which Any Lab Test Now’s laboratory partners can measure to determine what’s triggering your symptoms.

Treating Your Allergy
There are a variety of treatment options for seasonal allergies. Your doctor will advise you on the best treatment, depending on your trigger. Some of the common treatments for seasonal allergies are:

  • Oral or nasal antihistamines
  • Decongestants
  • Prescription eye drops
  • Allergy shots
  • Sublingual allergy therapy — small amounts of the allergen are placed under the tongue to develop an antibody response over time.

Natural Ways to Combat Allergies
If your allergy panel reveals you may have some allergies, there are natural steps you can take to prevent a runny nose and itchy eyes.

Close the window. Stopping unfiltered outdoor air from entering your home can prevent pollen from coming into the house.

Take a shower. When you enter your home at the end of a long day, you are bringing in allergens, like pollen, attached to your clothes. Taking a shower and putting on clean clothes can help reduce the severity of your reaction.

Eat healthy and drink water. Consuming a diet high in fruits and vegetables and hydrating can reduce allergy symptoms, according to reports.

Irrigate. Using a nasal rinse, like a Neti Pot, can remove excess mucus and may help improve symptoms.

Any Lab Test Now offers testing that can help you take control of your seasonal allergies. Visit an Any Lab Test Now near you to stop your sniffles today.

The High Cost of Hay Fever

If we took a peek inside your medicine cabinet, what would it look like? If you are like a lot of people, your cabinet would be a jumble of allergy medicines, decongestants, cough suppressants and expectorants with a few stray pain relievers and fever reducers rolling around.

Here at Any Lab Test Now, we want to help you take control of your seasonal allergies by helping you pinpoint your triggers with allergy testing. Without the right information, you are more likely to self-misdiagnose and purchase and use the wrong types of medications, medications that aren’t cheap. When your symptoms strike, will you be prepared?


Let’s start with an Australian study published last year. They studied nearly 300 people who believed they had hay fever based upon their symptoms. The researchers found that only 17 percent of them selected the correct over-the-counter medications to treat their symptoms.

Those costs add up. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, the annual cost of allergies exceeds $18 billion. Allergy sufferers are also more likely to miss work – 1.7 more days lost than non-allergy sufferers. What could save you time, money and suffering? It could be as simple as allergy testing.


Most doctors would agree that the first step in winning your battle against seasonal allergies is to know your triggers, and that’s where your local Any Lab Test Now can help. We offer a wide range of allergy testing that will help you fight back when it seems like your body is in revolt!

The experts at the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) say seasonal allergies are like other types of allergies. They develop when the body’s immune system overreacts to something in the environment, usually during spring, summer or fall when certain plants pollinate. The ACAAI estimates that as many as 50 million people have allergies of some type. Usually, the symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Itchy eyes
  • Runny nose

If you leave them untreated, problems can worsen, so it’s a good idea to treat them — and an even better idea to avoid them altogether.

If you find that you are sneezing and coughing during certain times of the year, you may have seasonal allergies, but the best way to find relief (and save yourself some money in the process) is to pinpoint exactly what’s triggering your symptoms. The simplest way to do that is by taking advantage of the wide range of allergy testing we offer at Any Lab Test Now.


Any Lab Test Now offers numerous types of allergy tests. One of our lab experts can help you decide which one would be best for you.

Our Environmental Allergy Test is a combination panel that measures IgG and IgE antibodies to 90 food allergens and 45 environmental allergens (will test for 45 regional environmental allergen such as grass, weeds, trees and mold.) The Basic (Pediatric) Allergy Panel is the perfect introductory test. It screens for allergies to 32 environmental substances and foods, including eight common grasses and weeds, including ragweed. There are many more to choose from and we can help guide you toward the test that is right for you.

One of the best things about allergy testing at Any Lab Test Now is the blood draw! That may sound crazy, but remember, it wasn’t that long ago that testing like this used to require hundreds of needle pricks to determine an allergy reaction. Now, one simple blood draw can look for the specific antibodies to hundreds of substances — using only one needle.

Before the sneezing and wheezing has you crawling to your local pharmacy buying everything on the shelf to find relief, stop in at Any Lab Test Now and ask about allergy testing. It will save you time, trouble, and probably even some of your hard-earned cash.

Don’t Let Food Reactions Dampen Your Spirits This Holiday Season

Yes, it’s that time of the year again. The holidays roll around and it’s time for the three F’s of the calendar year: fun, family and food. Lots of food. There’s the roasted turkey, the mashed potatoes, the green bean casserole… so many options to choose from! But wait! What’s this that Aunt Nancy brought? It looks good, but what the heck is in it? No bother, it’s the holidays, let’s give it a taste! And while we’re at it, we’ll try a bit of this, a bite of that and, before you know it, you feel miserable.

The holidays are definitely a time for overindulgence, but have you ever stopped to consider that maybe it’s not how much you eat, but WHAT you eat that makes you feel so miserable after a holiday meal? The holidays and other large family food gatherings are prime time for food issues to rear their ugly heads. They can leave you feeling “ugh” for the rest of the day, or even needing emergency care!

Any Lab Test Now® wants to keep you healthy and happy this holiday season, so we want to remind you that if you’ve ever left the holiday table feeling less than festive, now might be the best time to consider Allergy and Sensitivity Lab Testing.

Let’s start with the basics: Is it an allergy, sensitivity, or intolerance? There are big differences, and the right lab test can give you the answers you need and let you know what to avoid. Adverse food reactions can be immune system related or digestive system related.

Food Allergies are the biggie. That’s because the body can react to a food allergy with a wide range of ills. It can be as simple as a stuffy nose or as dangerous as anaphylaxis! Food allergies involve an immune response in which IgE antibodies are formed. The most common test for these types of allergies is IgE tests, which can detect immunoglobulin “E” traces in your blood and can then pinpoint the offending food! Some of the most popular IgE allergy tests available at Any Lab Test Now include the Basic/Pediatric Panel, the Expanded Food Panel, and the Comprehensive Combination Panel.

Sometimes you can be allergic to a food, but your reaction is cumulative instead of immediate. The most common test for these types of allergies is IgG lab tests. These tests look for traces of immunoglobulin “G” in your blood. The most common IgG tests offered by Any Lab Test Now include the Expanded Food Panel III, the Comprehensive Combination Panel I/III, and the Super Combination Panel.

Food Sensitivities are also immune related. The difference is, they do not involve IgE antibodies. Instead, food sensitivity occurs when a trigger food hits your small intestine. That’s where the offending particle passes into your bloodstream and your white blood cells are less than welcoming! It can sometimes feel like the flu, with symptoms like a headache, body aches, and serious digestive complaints.

Food Intolerances can take you from the party directly to the bathroom. They usually occur when your body lacks a certain enzyme needed to break down a food properly. Intolerances don’t involve an immune response, but your body is going to let you know by way of your digestive system. Symptoms usually include gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

With both food sensitivities and intolerances, ALCAT testing is recommended. Some of Any Lab Test Now’s most common ALCAT tests include the Pediatric Wellness Panel, the 200 Foods Panel, and the Comprehensive Platinum Panel.

Any Lab Test Now is also proud to now offer the CICA test — the Celiac, IBS, and Crohn’s Array. The CICA test measures gut health on the genetic, antibody, and cellular levels and could help pinpoint the cause of chronic discomfort.

Keep the holidays happy and healthy by pinpointing allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances now so you’ll know what to avoid later. You can use our easy Testing Road Map to determine which tests would work best for you, or you can check with one of our experts at your nearest Any Lab Test Now location.

Remain at the Top of Your Game – Athletic Testing is Here for You!

With back-to-school announcements approaching quickly, so is the kickoff to the fall athletic season. Sports teams will begin tryouts, mandatory practices and, soon enough, be in full swing for the season. We know that, as a parent, you want your child to remain competitive and healthy while playing the sport they love. Yet there’s always a chance that a young athlete’s immune system and overall performance may fall vulnerable to numerous internal and external factors. Fortunately, Any Lab Test Now offers a timely and convenient method of obtaining the lab tests you need to help take control of your child’s health.

Benefits of Athletic Testing Services

All student athletes are required to have an updated physical on file prior to competing. In addition to a basic physical, you may want more in-depth knowledge on your child’s health so that they can continue to perform at their peak. Any Lab Test Now offers a wide range of lab tests with results typically available in 72 hours or less. No appointment or insurance is necessary for the tests. Not to mention, lab tests are still the most cost-effective approach to uncovering and preventing disease.

After testing, your athlete will receive the information they need, within a prompt time frame, to report back to their primary physician. Whether your soccer star has been struggling to catch his breath on the field and you’re worried about allergies or your cross-country runner is more tired that normal, Any Lab Test Now can help you uncover hidden issues that may be impacting your child’s health and physical performance.

Common lab tests to help monitor an athlete’s overall health, include:

Allergy Tests

Vitamins, Minerals And Nutrition Lab Tests

Anemia Panel

Sickle Cell Anemia Screen

Preventing Injury and Improving Performance

It’s crucial for young, competitive athletes to remain attentive to their body’s needs during such a pivotal time in their growth and development. Sometimes, this can be a challenge as ambitious athletes want to focus their full attention on improving their performance on the field, court or track. Fortunately, the variety of tests offered at an Any Lab Test Now location can ensure athletes accomplish both.

Lab tests supply detailed information on specific processes happening within the body. By locating the origin of a problem, an athlete can learn more about their body and educate themselves on how to stay healthy when playing at a competitive level. Preventing long-term injury and/or internal imbalances are pivotal for an athlete’s achievement.

Lab tests also provide scientific data that can set a baseline of where an athlete stands in comparison to the status quo. This allows them the opportunity to set personal health goals and improve their fitness. The smallest change in an athlete’s diet or training could make all the difference in shredding a few seconds off a mile-time or scoring an extra goal.

Competing at the high school level, on travel teams or in front of college recruiters requires dedication to overall fitness and wellness. Ensure your child’s health is on the right track by addressing any sign of potential injury and helping them stay educated about their bodies. If you want immediate answers regarding your young athlete’s health, visit your convenient Any Lab Test Now location to get them tested today.


If you’re a seasonal allergy sufferer, you don’t need a calendar to tell you when winter is over; your nose probably will. Spring came a little early this year and it took many seasonal allergy sufferers by surprise. If you can’t stop and smell the roses because you’re too busy sneezing and sniffling, then it’s probably because you suffer from seasonal allergies. Luckily Any Lab Test Now is here to help arm you with information to ease your suffering.

Why Spring Means Suffering

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI), allergies are a major cause of illness in the United States, with as many as 50 million people having allergies of some type. Allergy symptoms occur when your immune system overreacts to a trigger found in your environment. Usual symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Itchy eyes and/or nose
  • Runny nose

The usual culprits? Grass, pollen and mold are common triggers! All the things that make spring so special. Of course, no season has the market covered when it comes to allergies. Some people can sail through the bloom and get caught in the fall with woodsmoke, or in the winter with holiday decorations pulled down from a dusty attic.

How to Manage Your Seasonal Allergies

According to the ACAAI, the most important step to managing your seasonal allergies is to know your triggers. The most common tests for these types of allergies are IgE tests. These tests detect immunoglobulin “E” traces in your blood, and can pinpoint the allergen. That’s where Any Lab Test Now can help. Some of the most popular IgE allergy tests now offered by Any Lab Test Now include:

One of our medical assistants can help you decide which test is best for you; or you can try our easy to use Road Map of Symptoms to help guide you to the most appropriate option.

What to Do After You Know Your Trigger

You’ll want to check with your doctor to decide on the best treatment for you, but there are many medications available both over the counter and by prescription that can help. Some patients find that immunotherapy helps. There’s even promising research on probiotics. And, reducing your exposure to your allergy triggers is always a good idea.
At Any Lab Test Now, we want you to fall back in love with spring and all that it has to offer. Understanding your seasonal allergy triggers is the first step to feeling more comfortable at this time of year, so walk in to your local Any Lab Test Now to talk with a medical assistant about the test that’s right for you.

Tests to Consider for the New Year

This time of year, many people are making resolutions to change their lives for the better. Resolutions give people a sense of new beginnings for themselves, and a chance to look forward to the progress they will make toward becoming a healthier, happier individual. Most people who make a New Year’s resolution are thinking of their health – they want to make positive changes in their appearance and overall livelihood.

But what many people don’t realize when they’re staring in the mirror is that good health starts on the inside. To appear healthier on the outside, you must first make healthy, internal changes. If you’re looking to make a change, but don’t know where to start, Any Lab Test Now has several tests that can help you accomplish your resolutions for 2017:

Sensitivity and Intolerance Tests

One great way to make a healthy change is to finally find out what’s been causing your unexplained ailments or discomfort. Often, people with a food sensitivity or intolerance don’t realize what is causing their health issues. That’s because it’s hard to isolate just one food as the cause of your pain. This is where Sensitivity and Intolerance Tests can help! These tests can help you determine any food sensitivities or intolerances you may have, letting you get to the bottom of what is causing your health problems.

Sexual Health Lab Tests

If you are sexually active, it is important to make sure you are healthy and disease-free. Most people know they should get tested for STDs, but continually put it off. The thing is, by putting off getting tested, you’ll continue to feel that nagging worry in the back of your mind – “Do I have a disease?” Give yourself peace of mind by finding out for sure in 2017, and taking care of your health from head to toe. Any Lab Test Now’s Sexual Health Lab Tests will help you check off that big “to-do” item lingering in your thoughts.

Diabetes Lab Tests and Cholesterol Lab Tests

Before you can look healthy on the outside, you must address the issues going on inside your body. If you are concerned you might have high cholesterol, diabetes or pre-diabetes, it’s time to get tested and find out for sure. Dangerous complications can arise from having these conditions, including a higher risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Make 2017 the year you take control of your heart health, starting with a Diabetes Lab Test and Cholesterol Lab Test.

Get started on your 2017 New Year’s resolution to be healthier by getting some much needed answers to your nagging health questions. Once you better understand your health today, you can start taking steps towards achieving better health this year. Talk to the experts at Any Lab Test Now to learn what testing options are right for you, and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

The 5 Best Tests to Use Your FSA On

altn-dec-newsletter-sized-fsaHSA and FSA accounts can help you budget for your healthcare, and ensure you always have the money you need to pay for any unexpected health events. But if you still have money in your FSA, it will expire at the end of the year. Instead of letting your money vanish, put it to use by getting some testing or immunizations you’ve been putting off. Wrap up lingering health concerns now so you can start fresh in the new year.

Allergy Test
The holidays coincide with peak cold and flu season, but if your sniffles won’t go away, you might look into allergy testing. Up to 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. If you experience emotional or physical reactions after you eat, or if you frequently have symptoms like a stuffy nose or trouble breathing, you might have an allergy to something you ate. The Allergy Test goes through as many as 45 different foods and 45 environmental triggers to identify the root of your symptoms.

Intolerance Test
If you’ve been noticing symptoms that aren’t associated with an allergic reaction, then you might have a food intolerance. If you experience fatigue, gas or diarrhea, depression or anxiety, weight gain or a general chronic discomfort, you may want to get a food intolerance test. This becomes especially important as you grow older, because you can develop new food sensitivities or intolerances later in life.

Blood Cortisol Test
If your stress levels are through the roof, the holiday season will likely only make it worse — it can seem like your to-do list never ends! To see if your stress is starting to cause problems for your body, get a blood cortisol test. High levels of cortisol are dangerous, because over time they can lead to high blood pressure, inflammation, compromised immune response and weight gain.

Thyroid Test
The holiday meals sure are delicious, but do you know what isn’t so great? The holiday pounds. If your weight gain tends to stick around a bit too long after the holidays, you should get your thyroid tested. Your thyroid controls metabolic activity, which is vital for maintaining a healthy weight. Poor thyroid health is associated with symptoms like fatigue, short attention span, weight gain and numbness or cold intolerance. Thyroid disorders can also cause conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease.

Proof of Immunizations
Are you traveling for the holidays or early next year? The first thing on your list should be to make sure your immunizations are up-to-date, which you can do by getting a proof of immunization test. These tests ensure that you have gotten the immunizations you need and provide valid paperwork to prove that you are immunized, which can be helpful if you’ve lost any documentation.

Don’t wait for the new year to address your lingering health concerns. If you have an FSA that is going to expire soon, get the important lab tests you need before 2017! For more information, visit your local Any Lab Test Now.

The Top 5 Things To Avoid This Holiday Season

What do you do when your food won’t treat you right? From causing digestive problems or headaches to giving you long-term health concerns, sometimes the simple act of eating what we love can make us feel horrible. And while there are about 40 foods that are known to cause reactions for people, the five on this list are the most notorious trouble-makers. If you don’t feel so hot after consuming some of these foods, you might want to avoid them over the holidays. And if you’re not sure what food is making you feel ill, visit your local Any Lab Test Now for an ALCAT test that will pinpoint your food sensitivity!


Dairy foods are notoriously hard to process. According to Medline Plus, a division of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, about 30 million Americans have some degree of lactose intolerance by the time they reach age 20. The most common symptoms of lactose intolerance are gas, bloating, diarrhea and cramping, beginning within 30 minutes of consuming dairy. You can work around lactose intolerance by consuming different types of dairy products, by consuming them in smaller amounts or by consuming products made with soy or nut milks. You can also use supplements of the enzyme lactase to help you digest dairy more easily. The ALCAT panel offered by Any Lab Test Now can help you pinpoint whether your digestive distress is caused by lactose intolerance.

Food additives

Food additives can be any substance, natural or man-made, that brings about a certain change to taste, texture or nutritional content. These can include vitamins and minerals, flavorings, colors, preservatives and chemicals that change the acidity or texture of foods. The adverse effects of food additives can be as varied as the additives themselves. Eight additives are responsible for most adverse reactions: sulfites, parabens, nitrates, BHT and benzoates, which are preservatives; monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame, which are flavor enhancers; and tartrazine, a yellow dye. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, some symptoms of adverse reactions can be hives, difficulty breathing, digestive troubles and nausea.

High saturated fat

Foods that are high in saturated fat can contribute to high cholesterol and heart disease. High cholesterol is a gradual, chronic condition that makes your heart work a lot harder to pump blood throughout your body, but doesn’t present very many noticeable symptoms at first. But foods with high saturated fat contents can also cause some immediate digestive distress if you’re sensitive to it. Inflammation is a likely result of eating too many foods high in saturated fat, because they irritate your stomach as you digest them. You can experience heartburn, coughing and even shortness of breath after eating these foods. Foods like butter, fatty meat products, lard and full-fat dairy products, and foods made with any of those products, are all foods you might be sensitive to. In addition to the ALCAT panel, which will let you know if these foods irritate your digestive system, the lipid panel or Lipoprotein Particle Profile at Any Lab Test Now can show you your risk of high cholesterol and heart disease.


A growing number of people are being diagnosed with wheat sensitivity or celiac disease. Celiac disease is a relatively recent discovery in the field of digestive health, and many who have struggled their whole lives with confusing symptoms are finally getting the answers they’ve sought. According to Beyond Celiac, while about 3 million Americans suffer from celiac disease, it is estimated that six times that amount have some form of gluten sensitivity. Gluten sensitivity involves an immune response a few hours or days after eating gluten and the symptoms can include confusion, joint pain, numbness of the arms, legs or fingers, and headache.

Red Wine

Some people have reactions when they drink alcohol that go beyond the typical symptoms of drunkenness. Experiencing anything from trouble breathing to flushing and headaches, people with a sensitivity to alcohol do not enjoy a night of drinking as much as some others might. The sensitivity could be brought on by the alcohol, or by a specific drink, like red wine. Additionally, the alcohol could simply be triggering a food sensitivity, rather than causing the reaction itself. The only way to know for sure is to get tested!

The holidays are a time for fun, family and of course, lots and lots of food. This holiday season, don’t let your food sensitivities make mealtimes a pain. Visit your local Any Lab Test Now for a lipid panel and ALCAT food panel to find out what foods don’t sit right with your body!

Spring Is Right Around the Corner, and So Are Allergies

Prepare Yourself for Spring Allergies

Birds chip, flowers bloom, trees bud and little bunnies appear. It’s spring! As the days grow longer and warmer, people spend more time outdoors, and windows slide open to let in a breath of fresh air. It’s a time for picnics, long walks in the woods and cleaning up the yard from winter’s mess.

Unfortunately for some people, spring can be an uncomfortable time of year. People with seasonal allergies find themselves rubbing at itchy eyes and battling a continuously running nose. They may experience wheezing, if allergies trigger an asthma attack. They may also suffer from headaches or see dark circles under their eyes. These people feel like they have a cold that won’t ever go away!

While various foods, mold or pets can trigger allergy symptoms, the cause of springtime allergies is typically pollen. With so much new plant growth this time of year, pollen wafts through the air and settles on every surface. When someone with a pollen sensitivity or allergy inhales the pollen, the body perceives it as a threat and releases antibodies to protect itself. Antibodies are the same mechanism the body uses to fight off a cold, which is why allergy sufferers experience symptoms that are similar to colds.

Fortunately, general allergy testing for adults and kids is much simpler now than in years past. Years ago, testing involved hundreds of needle pricks to determine the allergy cause. Today, testing only requires a simple blood sample to determine which pollens, foods or other triggers are causing the allergy symptoms. To further help springtime allergy sufferers, regional environmental allergy tests can help identify which area plants may be triggering an allergic reaction, making allergy control simpler.

While seasonal allergies can encroach on one’s quality of life, they are not typically severe enough to be dangerous. They can, however, impact your ability to sleep, contributing to a loss of productivity and mood disorders, so attending to the symptoms is important. In addition to both over-the-counter and prescribed medicines, there are a variety of lifestyle changes that can help minimize symptoms, such as:

  • Wearing a mask while mowing the lawn or doing yard work.
  • Closing the windows and using air conditioning.
  • Avoiding outdoor activities early in the morning when pollen is at its worst.
  • Washing your hands when you come in contact with pollen or other allergens.
  • Changing your comfort system’s air filter regularly.
  • Taking your shoes off to avoid tracking pollen through the house.

Once you have taken your seasonal allergy test, you’ll be better able to identify the cause of your symptoms. From there, you can put a plan in place to start minimizing your exposure to the allergen and start feeling better so you can enjoy the beauty of the spring season!

What’s the Difference Between a Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease?

March newsletter gluten celiac small

Gluten Intolerance Vs. Celiac Disease

Digestive issues. Unexplained fatigue. Headaches. Pain. Mood issues. If this sounds like an average day in your life, you’re not alone. About 15 percent of people in the U.S. have some form of gluten intolerance, and you could be one of them. While there could be other causes, these symptoms can point to a gluten intolerance, which goes undiagnosed in patients 99 percent of the time.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley, and it is a HUGE part of the American diet. Odds are, you’ve been eating gluten all your life, and this could be the cause of these daily, unexplained discomforts.

So, what is gluten intolerance?

Gluten intolerance is a broad category of food intolerance that covers a range of conditions, including celiac disease — the most severe of the gluten intolerances — non-celiac gluten sensitivity and wheat allergies.

Celiac Disease Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Wheat Allergy
What is it? A hereditary autoimmune disorder A sensitivity to gluten An allergy to the gluten protein when wheat is ingested
What happens when gluten is ingested? An autoimmune response that causes severe damage to the small intestine and long-term health problems A stress response is triggered by the body, often resulting in uncomfortable GI symptoms An immune response is triggered causing a temporary reaction by the body

As you can see in the chart above, a gluten intolerance can be anything from a mild irritation to a life-altering disease. Regardless of where you fall in this range, it is important to recognize your symptoms so you can protect your health.

Depending on the severity of your intolerance, symptoms may include:

  • Digestive issues including gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation
  • Unexplained skin rashes
  • Unexplained fatigue, especially after eating a meal containing gluten
  • Mood issues like anxiety, mood swings, depression or ADD
  • Migraine headaches
  • Hormone imbalances
  • And many other possible symptoms

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it may be a sign you should get tested for a gluten intolerance. At Any Lab Test Now, there are many options to choose from.

Want to test for celiac disease?

  • Try our Celiac Disease Panel. As celiac disease can often be difficult to diagnose, this test can help to differentiate between celiac disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • Or try our ALCAT Gut Health Profile, which can also help you diagnose celiac disease or discover the possibility of a non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Or if you feel that you may have a wheat allergy, you can find out with these tests:

The sooner you know the cause of your symptoms, the sooner you can start doing something about them. Talk to the experts at Any Lab Test Now to find out which test is right for you and start your journey toward a happier, healthier life.